Issue 1 (187), article 5


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2017, Issue 1 (187), pp.67-80

Kovalenko A.S., Dr Medicine, Prof., Head of Department of Medical Information Systems
Kozak L.M., Dr Biology, Leading Researcher of Department of Medical Information Systems
Romanyuk O.A., Junior Researcher of Department of Medical Information Systems

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
av. Acad. Glushkova, 40, Kiev, 03680, Ukraine


Introduction. The need of health care institutions in the repeated use of digital medical images by different specialists during patient care and long-term storage for the analysis of diagnostic information determines the relevance of this work. The need for means and methods of storage of digital medical data with their subsequent processing and analysis, as well as on mobile devices for the collection, digital data processing and exchange increase.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of creating medical information systems, the development of information technology support the storage and processing of digital medical information and the further development of information technology for digital medicine.

Results. Employees of the department of medical information systems for more than 20 years of activities of the International Research and Training Centre for Information Technologies and Systems NAS and MES of Ukraine solved the problem of constructing the medical information systems and information diagnostics technologies with the use of electronic medical records, methods and means of the mathematical analysis of medical data. The developed technology support for storing and processing digital medical information combines into a single functional network the medical information system, instrumental diagnostic systems and a system of conservation and archiving digital medical images. PACS and cloud technologies was used for long-term storage of digital medical images.

Conclusion. Organization of long-term storage of digital medical images obtained from the diagnostic systems in health care facilities, and the ability to use this information by doctors at their workplace in the current diagnostic and treatment process was provided by using the developed information technology support for storing and processing digital medical information.

Keywords: medical information system, information technology, digital medical imaging, long-term storage.

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Recieved 27.12.2016