Issue 184, article 7


KVT, 2016, Issue 184, pp.84-94

UDC 004.9:61


Zlepko S.M.1, Tymchyk S.V.1, Lepiohina H.S.2

1Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

2Skadovsk Central District Hospital, Skadovsk, Ukraine , ,


Introduction. The current stage of development of health information systems and technology is characterized by the fact that the most frequently used component of their structures is a workstation (AEWP) specialist. AEWPs are integrating with instrumentations and the computing system, ensuring the fulfillment of the set of basic functions. It is essential to reduce the risk by creating a specialized workstation of a neurologist and the development of consultation method.

The purpose is to improve the quality of medical care for children with motor disabilities through the development of a consultation method for the evaluation of the conclusions adopted by the neurologist.

Results. Proposed consultation method for the evaluation of the diagnostic conclusions child neurologist at the ambiguous and threatening situations. The method is based on selecting and evaluating the competence of experts, and then receive their average assessment and group assessment decision.

Conclusions. Thus, the introduction to the AEWP of the doctor-neurologist two circuits decision structure, where the first — is the level of the doctor, and the second — level panel of doctors for real threat of newborn life situations, a systematic approach to the problem of diagnostics and treatment of motor disorders in children in the perinatal period of life has been achieved.

Keywords: automation equipped working place (AEWP), children’s neurologist, a subsystem of decision-making, expert consultation, evaluation matrix, weights

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Received 15.02.2016

ISSUE 181, article 2


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 181, pp.

Danik Y.G., Pisarchuk A.A., Tymchyk S.V.

Zhytomyr Military Institute n. a. S.P. Koroljov


Introduction. Modern management processes are characterized by a comprehensive computerization of the process, high dynamic changes in the environment, and the density of the flow of conflict situations (CS) of various kinds. The main factor in achieving the goals of effective management becomes all-encompassing information support provided by the union in a single integrated environment all stakeholders: sensory component; information processing system with the operational staff — forming a system for collecting and processing information (SCPI); consumer information. The results of the application of modern SCPI prove the existence of problems in their design philosophy and mathematical foundations of functioning in solving problems of structural synthesis and processing.
Purpose. Development of the mathematical foundations of situational structure synthesis SCPI and efficient data processing methods in terms of their considerable redundancy, the dynamics of change of the current situation and the flux density of the CS.
Results. Methodology situational structure synthesis automated SCPI should include: formation SCPI information model based on fractal structures; detection and identification of the current CS; situational structural and parametric synthesis SCPI arisen for the CS; estimation of effectiveness of fusion and if necessary correction of previous stages; repeat all stages of the methodology for the next CS.
Formation of SCPI information model based on fractal structures due to their properties: self-similarity, fractional dimension, scale invariance, hierarchy — ensures that the generated model requirements. Implementation of information processing in SCPI based on the method of joint processing of measurement models of self-organization and trees with statistical inference and fuzzy approaches.
Conclusion. Effective implementation of the aims SCPI implemented: introduction ideologies open, distributed, information-management systems that are invariant in structure to the level of control; using technologies protected networks and principles of unification; cyclical processes of collection, storage and processing of information.
Keywords: information system, contingency management, fractal.

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Received 17.05.2015