Issue 1 (187), article 3


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2017, Issue 1 (187), pp.30-49

Pavlov V.V., Doctor of Technics, Professor, Head of Intellectual Control Department
Shepetukha YU.M., PhD (technics), Senior Researcher, Senior Researcher of Intellectual Control Department
Melnikov S.V., PhD (technics), Senior Researcher, Acting Head of Intellectual Control Department
Volkov A.E., Researcher of Intellectual Control Department

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
av. Acad. Glushkova, 40, Kiev, 03680, Ukraine


Introduction. Intelligent control systems are advanced computerized systems aimed at the modeling and analysis of intelligent tasks as well as the support of human activity in their solving. Therefore, consideration of both conceptual and applied issues of such systems’ development is an important and urgent scientific problem.

The purpose of the paper is to examine existing approaches, current state, important results and prospects for future development of such new scientific direction as intelligent control.

Methods. Artificial intelligence methods, man-machine theory, conflict resolution theory, theory of deterministic chaos, methods of decision support, methods of distributed control of non-linear applied processes.

Results. One may stress two main directions in the field of intelligent control where promising results have been achieved. The first one, related to the creation of intelligent infrastructure, includes development of methods and structures of distributed control as well as examination of non-linear applied processes in objects with variable properties. The second direction, attributed to the creation of intelligent agents, includes elaboration of methods, models and algorithms for real-time decisions related to the efficient control of dynamic objects.

Conclusion. Modern systems of intelligent control should integrate into a single unity three main components such as: traditional control methods, artificial intelligence theory and decision making approach. The main problem is the transformation of conceptual issues of intelligent systems’ creation into concrete technologies and algorithms of control in specific application domains.

Keywords: intelligent control, human-machine system, conflicts theory, non-linearity, uncertainty, net-centricity.

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