Issue 4 (210), article 4


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2022, 4(210)

FAINZILBERG L.S., DSc (Engineering), Professor,
1Chief Researcher of the Intelligent Automatic Systems Department,
2Professor of the Department of Biomedical Cybernetics

1International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kiyv, 03187, Ukraine

2National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
37, Peremogy av., Kiyv, 03056, Ukraine


Introduction. An important role in assessing the body’s adaptive reserves under conditions of physical and emotional stress is played by information obtained with the help of special tests. Such tests should be convenient enough to quickly obtain the result, including at home and in the field.

The purpose of the paper is to develop the principles of building mobile IT for the operational assessment of the adaptive capabilities of the human body in the field and at home and the implementation of IT on a smartphone.

Methods. To assess tolerance to physical and emotional stress, a cognitive graphical image is constructed that integrally characterizes the regulatory patterns of changes in the physiological parameters of the heart rate, calculated in three states: at rest, at the height of the load and during restitution.

Results. It is shown that reliable information about the pulse wave (finger photoplethysmogram) during testing can be obtained using the built-in camera of a smartphone without additional technical means based on the developed original computational procedures that provide for the selection of reliable and unreliable cycles. To manage the physical load on the internal processor of the smartphone, a virtual teacher animation procedure is implemented, which demonstrates the correct technique and sets the required pace of the load. The emotional load management module is based on the Stroop effect and boils down to doing mental work under time pressure. The experiments confirmed that the cognitive graphic image makes it possible almost instantly to identify physiological indicators that demonstrate an inadequate response of the body to the load and rest after it.

Conclusions. The developed technology for assessing the adaptive capabilities of the human body under conditions of increased physical and emotional stress provides reliable testing in the field and at home, and the test results can be interpreted by a person without special medical education.

Keywords: information technology on a smartphone, regulatory patterns, body tolerance to physical and emotional stress.

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Received 16.09.2022