Issue 4 (210), article 2


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2022, 4(210)

E.G. REVUNOVA1, DSc (Engineering),
Leading Researcher, Department of Neural Information Processing Technologies

Senior Software Engineer,

O.O. DESIATERYK3, PhD (Phys&Math),
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics,

1International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine

2Roku Inc., Kyiv, Ukraine,

3Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 4e, Ave Glushkov, Kyiv, 03127, Ukraine


Introduction. Ill-posed problems solution is actual for many areas of science and technology. For example, discrete ill-posed problems (DIP) appears after discretization of the integral equations in the spectrometry, gravimetry, magnitometry, electrical prospecting and others.

In the case of linear DIP the matrix, which model some measuring system, makes a linear transformation of input vector to the output vector. Usually DIP output vector contains noise and singular values series of the matrix smoothly decrease to zero. In this case, the solution (input vector estimation) using the inversion of the transformation matrix is unstable and inaccurate. To overcome instability and increase accuracy we use regularization methods.

We develop an approach which uses regularizing properties of random projection to obtain a stable solution of DIP. However, the development of effective sustainable methods for solving DIP continues to be a problem of current interest.

The purpose of the paper is to increase the accuracy of DIP solution by the random projection method.

Results. In this paper we developed the method of stable solution of DIP by the modified method of random projection. For this modification the regularization by random projection is complemented by the regularization in the ridge regression style.

For the our method we obtained expressions which connect in the direct way the solution error components with the matrix specter and the regularization parameter. For the developed method the experimental research of the accuracy is conducted on the test problems.

Conclusions. The modified method of random projecting is characterized by stability and increased accuracy of the solution. This achieved by simultaneous ridge regression style regularization and random projecting. The representation of the solution error in the form where error components are related to the matrix specter and regularization parameter is important for further study of the error.

Keywords: random projection method, simultaneous ridge regression, regularization, stable solution, discrete ill-posed problems.

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Received 04.10.2022