Issue 3 (189), article 1


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2017, Issue 3 (189), pp.

Orikhovska K.B., Postgraduate student,
Junior Researcher of the Department of Intelligent Automatic Systems
Fainzilberg L.S., Dr (Engineering), Associate Professor (Docent), Chief Researcher of Data Processing Department

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
Acad. Glushkova av., 40, Kiev, 03680, Ukraine


Introduction. In the modern world, more attention is paid to the study of the behavior of complexly organized medical and biological systems. The fundamental concept of synergetics is the generalized entropy, which quantitatively characterizes the degree of the system chaoticness. Of special interest are studies of changes in the dynamic series chaotic parameters generated by various biological systems.
The purpose of the article is further development and experimental research of methods for analyzing the variability of physiological signals under external influences on the body.
Methods. Two alternative approaches of estimating the variability of dynamic series are investigated: based on the calculation of the sample variance relative changes and entropy estimates (in a sliding window with the specified parameters) in relation to the first window. The theoretical and experimental dependences between the Shannon entropy and the standard deviation for a normal distribution of a random variable that generates a dynamic series are studied. Comparison of these estimates with real and model data is carried out.
Results. To increase the sensitivity of entropy estimates to the variability of the dynamic series, it is proposed to move from a series of discrete entropy values at the -th point, calculated by the sliding window method, to its phase portrait on the plane , where is the estimate of the first derivative . For an integral assessment of the chaotic nature of physiological signals, it is suggested to estimate the area of the convex hull of the entropy phase portrait and the coordinates of the phase portrait gravity center , . Experimental studies have confirmed the diagnostic value of these parameters in the assessment of variability of the electrocardiograms and rhythmograms indices with external influences on the body (intravenous therapy, surgery and physical activity).
Conclusions. Deviations of the integral parameters of the entropy phase portrait under the effect of external influences on the organism were detected, which open new possibilities in the evaluation of the cardiac activity regulation in preventive and clinical medicine. These integral parameters require further study to confirm their statistical significance in representative samples of observations.

Keywords: variability of physiological signals, entropy estimates, diagnostic criteria.

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Received 5.06.2017