Issue 185, article 7


KVT, 2016, Issue 185, pp.77-89

UDC 519.876.5:615.33


Antomonov M.Y., Romanenko L.I.

Marzeev’s Public Health Institute of the National Medical Academy of Science of Ukraine of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine ,

Introduction. The creation of combined drugs, which are used in the composition of nanoparticles (NPs) is actively developing. The most relevant developments include the NPs composition and antibiotics. Mathematical models of the process under investigation lead to a theoretical understanding of this phenomenon, allow us to describe the process in the form of mathematical functions, make it possible to predict the outcome, to analyze the properties of the model and to obtain new data, without undue experimentation.

The purpose of the article is to determine the characteristics of antimicrobial activity of Ag NP in combination with an antibiotic “Cefazolin” with the help of mathematical models of their actions (“concentration – time – effect”).

Results. Antimicrobial properties of the composite material were considered, which is called the “Silver Shield-1000”, and which consists of antibiotic “Cefazolin” and NPs Ag. Isolated action “Silver Shield-1000” was considered at the first stage of the experiment. For this purpose dilution nanosilver 15,0; 7,5; 3,75; 1,875 (g/cm3), and the holding time was 5, 60, 120, 180 minutes. Based on experimental plots and the general theoretical ideas about the dynamics of the process of the withering away of microbes, mathematical model, y(t) has been selected as the exponential function y = y0 (C) exp[-α(C) T]. The values of the model parameters were calculated based on the original data using numerical methods (Levenberg-Marquardt) and software STATISTICA 10,0. The final model organisms, dying under the influence of the “Silver Shield-1000” had the following form: y = y0 exp(-btC)= 59,74exp(-0,0013 TС). Using this model, the expected value of the concentration С* at which should occur almost complete disappearance of microorganisms immediately after the start of the exposure (С* = 73,15 g/cm3) was calculated. An additional experiment was performed, which confirmed this value that verifies the adequacy of the model as a whole. In the second phase of researching it was experimentally investigated the combined effect of “Silver Shield” — 1000 (3.75 g/cm3) and the antibiotic “Cefazolin” on the death of microorganisms. A mathematical model “concentration — time — effect” for the composite: y = 60,098exp(-0,118 TC) and an antibiotic: y = 60,098exp(-0,012 TC). This made it possible to calculate the efficiency of the composite action compared with isolated action of an antibiotic (k = 9.72). Furthermore, it was shown that the composite exhibits have a much greater effect than the sum of the isolated antibiotic action “Cefazolin” and “Silver shield —1000”. It is possible to determine the nature of such action as potentiation.

Conclusion. Mathematical modeling of the results of an experimental study of the antimicrobial activity of the antibiotic “Cefazolin” in combination with nanoparticles of silver allowed the calculation of the quantitative characteristics of the effectiveness of the active ingredients and performed a meaningful forecast of their action.

Keywords: silver nanoparticles, antibiotic “Cefazolin”, death of microorganisms, mathematical model.

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Received 16.06.16