Issue 3 (209), article 1


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2022, 3(209)

VOLKOV O.Ye.1, PhD (Engineering), Senior Researcher

BOGACHUR Yu.P.1 , PhD (Engineering),
Senior Researcher of the Intelligent Control Department

LINDER Ya.M.2 , PhD (Phys&Math),
Docent of the Intelligent Software Systems Department

TARANUKHA V.Yu.2, PhD (Phys&Math),
Assistant of Mathematical Informatics Department

VOLOSHENYUK D.O.1 , PhD (Engineering),
Researcher of the Intelligent Control Department

1International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies 
and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 40, Acad. Glushkova av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine

2Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
Faculty of Computer Sciences and Cybernetics,
4d, Acad. Glushkova av., Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine


Introduction. Currently, research into the synthesis of wave images of reflected sound and radio signals has been actively carried out, due to the fact a successful attempt to determine the type of an object for which there is such an image requires either a very large sample base or an intelligent recognition tool. An attempt is made to analyze and recognize the type of an object of a complex shape (using ships as example) with the aim of its further use in applied tasks such as creation of homing heads for anti-ship missiles.

The purpose of the paper is to simplify and speed up the process of classifying objects having complex shapes based on their reflected radar images. For this purpose, we consider synthesized images generated on the basis of facet models. Then, on the basis of synthesized images, recognition is performed using neural networks.

Results. It is shown that the method developed for recognition of synthesized images has high reliability, and allows for building of a technology in the future. The elaborated model of image generation provides for a possibility of conducting experiments exclusively in a digital form, making thereby expensive live experiments unnecessary.

Conclusions. Despite very good results from a mathematical point of view, and in spite of the available convenient tools, such as faceted models for creating radar images, the task still requires further research, since the final product (technology) must be applied in the area where the cost of an error is very high. As for now, the development of the neural network approach looks the most promising.

Keywords: facet model; remote sensing; underlying surface; radar image

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Received 27.05.2022

Volkov O.Ye. , Bogachuk Yu.P., Linder Ya.M., Taranukha V.Yu., Voloshenyuk D.O. Means for a Classification Technology of Synthetic Radar Images of Objects Having Complex Shapes. Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2022, no 3(209), pp.5-21.