Issue 4 (202), article 5


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2020, 4(202)

Lyabakh K.G.1, DSc (Biology),
Leading Researcher of the Department of Complex Research of Information Technologies

Dukhnovska K.K.2,
Assistant of the Applied Information Systems Department,
Faculty of Information Technologies

1International Research and Training Centre for Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS and MES of Ukraine, 40, Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine

2Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
60, Volodymyrska st., Kiyv, 01033, Ukraine


Introduction. On the basis of the mathematical model the information technology for research of oxygen modes of a cell (myocyte) for calculation of distribution of intracellular rates of oxygen consumption VO2, pO2 pressures, their average values and area of hypoxia as set of ratios of VO2 to values of oxygen request is developed.

The purpose of the study is to create a user-friendly technology for the analysis of the oxygen regime in the capillary blood -cell — mitochondria system. Our unique approach permits to consider the influence of the heterogeneity of mitochondrial oxidative power within the human myocyte on its oxygenation. Blood flow, its oxygen-transport properties, load, capillary geometry, as well as uneven distribution of mitochondria as oxygen consumers are the basic parameters for calculations

Methods. At the stage of mathematical modeling the apparatus of mechanics of continuous media, differential equations in partial derivatives is applied. Numerical methods, object-oriented C # programming language, ASP Core technology were used at the stage of development of information technology of oxygen regime of human muscle cell. The results of calculations of different modes characterize them as a whole and at different points of the cell, they are presented in the form of tables, graphs and descriptions of fields in matrix form, they are easy to compare with each other on one screen.

Results. The technology is designed to use a standard set of indicators of O2 transport and utilization to study the oxygen supply of working human skeletal muscle. It gives a possibility to study mitochondria under hypoxia that regulate oxygen cell supply by different ways. The proposed technology allows to study the effect of mitochondrial reorganization that occurs under some conditions, on the adaptation processes of the cell working under another one. The technology revealed the importance of the connection between the intercapillary distance and the heterogeneity of mitochondria as a factor influences on tissue oxygen regime.

Keywords: information technology, models of transport and utilization of oxygen in muscle , oxygen regime, muscle cell, hypoxia, mitochondrial heterogeneity, mitochondrial oxidizing power, intercapillary distance, diffusion.

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Received 01.09.2020