Issue 3 (201), article 1


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2020, 3(201)

CHABANIUK V.S.,1,2 PhD (Phys.&Math.),
Senior Researcher of the Cartography Department,
Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Director of “Intelligence Systems-GEO” LLC,

POLYVACH K.A.1, PhD (Geography),
Leading Researcher of the Cartography Department, Institute of Geography

1 Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
44, Volodymyrsk str., 01030, Kyiv, Ukraine
2“Intelligence systems-GEO” LLC,
6/44, Mikilsko-Slobidska Str., 02002, Kyiv, Ukraine.


Introduction. The issue of the “geographic information system” (GIS) definition is important both for the theory and practice of creating modern GIS of large territories. An analysis of modern studies has shown that most of the currently publicly available GIS definitions don’t meet the needs of modern territorial GIS.

The purpose of the article is to prove the claim that for the management of territories in modern conditions should be used not GIS in the “narrow” sense, but GIS of the new generation, in particular GIS in the “broader” (extended) sense, for example Atlas Geoinformation Systems (AGIS), which correspond to a predetermined structure – Conceptual framework of Atlas Systems of Relational Cartography.

Results. The term Atlas Geoinformation System is defined as GIS of large territories of a new generation. The concept of Atlas Geoinformation System (AGIS) is described. An example of AGIS of a certain class is given. We believe that it is important and useful for practitioners to use the results of this article in the creation of GIS of large territories. Theorists will get a better understanding of the field of geoinformatics research of the next generation, which would satisfy the requirements of modern times.

Conclusions. Inductive and/or deductive inferences on the fairness of main critical properties in modern GIS of large territories are given. In the absence of one of the properties, we can say that there is a corresponding critical disadvantage of the GIS project of a large territory. The criticality is that in the absence of an appropriate property, the GIS project is likely to fail.

Keywords: Atlas geoinformation system, territory management, Conceptual framework, Solutions frameworks, critical property.

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Received 10.03.2020