Issue 2 (200), article 5


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2020, 2(200)

Belov V.M., DSc (Medicine), Professor,
Head of the Department

Hontar T.M., PhD (Biology),
Senior Researcher

Kobzar T.A., PhD (Medicine),
Senior Researcher

Kozlovska V.O.,

International Research and Training Centre for Information Technologies
and Systems of the NAS and MES of Ukraine, Department of Application Mathematical and Technical Methods in Biology and Medicine
40, Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. Contemporary research aimed at preserving and maintaining human health is based on the use of intellectual information technology, developed on methodology of a systematic approach to the category of health as a trinity of its physical, mental and social aspects. The importance of a comprehensive approach to human health becomes especially evident in the case of breach of the harmonious interaction of the human body and personality with the environment in the example of post-traumatic stress disorder. At the present stage of economic and political development of the state, the factor of negative psychogenic impact on the health of the population has significantly increased. The creation of information technology for the assessment of health and rehabilitation of a person having post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) would make it possible to turn the rehabilitation process into a manageable and controlled one.

The purpose of the paper is to determine the information structure of post-traumatic stress disorder and the formation of main provisions of information technology of health self-assessment for the rehabilitation of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Results. The paper deals with the assessment of integral health level for people having PTSD and psychological and social rehabilitation of such patients. General features of psychogenic disorders and theoretical features of formation of post-traumatic stress disorder are discussed, taking into account the possibilities of the information approach. Information field of post-traumatic syndrome in general is offered, where on the basis of available literature the main exogenous stressors, protective variants of reactions of the organism and personality, variants of addictive behavior of persons suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder are determined. Information technology of self-assessment of physical, mental and social state of health by means of developed hardware-software “Express diagnostics of health” complex enabling to estimate integral health and its components using the applied questionnaire, is offered. The mental status of health determines the properties and strength of personality, which are important to consider and rely on in the process of rehabilitation of patients with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Conclusions. Availability of objective and subjective data on the state of health of a person with PTSD, including certain quantitative criteria for its health, as well as taking into account the information field of, which combines main exogenous stressors and their corresponding protective variants of organism reactions and variants of addictive behavior, gives the chance to analyze in detail its condition and compose individual programs of rehabilitation actions. At the same time, knowledge of a person’s character makes it possible with high probability to predict and, thus, adjust his expected actions and deeds. The use of developed hardware and software modules for health assessment in the case of PTSD will favor the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures.

Keywords: information technology, health self-assessment, mental health, personality character, methods of testing and diagnostics, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychosocial and social rehabilitation.

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Received 20.03.2020