Issue 3 (197), article 6


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2019, 3(197), pp.

Kiforenko S.I.1, DSc (Biology), Senior Researcher,
Leading Researcher of the Department of Mathematical and Technical
Methods Application in Biology and Medicine

Hontar T.M.1, PhD (Biology), Senior Researcher,
Senior Researcher of the Department of Mathematical and Technical
Methods Application in Biology and Medicine

Orlenko V.L.2, PhD (Medicine), Senior Researcher,
Head of the Department of Scientific-Advisory Department of Ambulatory and Preventive Care
for Patients with Endocrine Pathology

Ivaskiva K.Y.2, PhD (Medicine),
Senior Researcher of the Department of Scientific-Advisory Department of Ambulatory and Preventive Care
for Patients with Endocrine Pathology

Obelets T. A.1,
Junior Researcher of the Department of Mathematical and Technical
Methods Application in Biology and Medicine

1International Research and Training Centre for Information Technologies
and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine

2State Institution “V.P. Komisarenko Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism of NAMS of Ukraine”,
69, Vyshgorodska st., Kyiv, 04114, Ukraine


Introduction. Modern Diabetes mellitus is dangerous, chronic endocrine disease that originates from the disorder of metabolism, connected primarily with violation of carbohydrate exchange. Providing the necessity of independent self-control of health status of diabetes patients is the urgent problem of present time. The use of information technologies and mobile medicine facilitates enhancing of efficiency of self-control of health status by the patient.

The purpose of the work is to develop a combined information technology to enhance the efficiency of glycemic self-control in case of diabetes at different stages of treatment.

Results. We offer the algorithm of determination of the state of glycaemia regulation system based on the analysis of test results of glucose tolerance and the extended classification scale of glycaemia control (norm, violated tolerance (non-obvious diabetes, latent form), risk zone) that enhances the split ability of standardized methodology and enables timely measures of prophylactic actions to prevent real violations in glycaemia control system. An algorithm is implemented into software for desktops, tablets and mobiles under Android OS.

The developed information technology of decision-making support to choose an adequate mode of activity and meals for patients with diabetes helps to calculate the misbalance between energy gained by chosen menu (by the set of foods and dishes) and energy spent at the different types of the pre-arranged activity (physical, intellectual etc.).

Conclusions. Introduction of the designed algorithm in mobile devices is aimed to facilitate the availability of early diagnostics of violations in carbohydrate regulation system that may assist to reduce risks of emergence of obvious forms of diabetes mellitus. The use in the designed technology the principle of the external combined adjustment, that unites positive features of adjustment by disturbance with adjustment with feedback provides the possibility to enhance efficiency of self-control of the health status for the patient. The technology is implemented for desktops, tablets and mobiles on Android OS and enables access to information for the user with different degree of violation in carbohydrate exchange adjustment — at the state of preambulatory help and during the treatment.

Keywords: information technology, diabetes mellitus, self-control of patient’s health, management principles, M-medicine mobile media: information technology, self-monitoring of patient’s health, management principles, mobile applications.

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Received 19.06.2019