Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2018, Issue 1 (195), pp.
Kaplin I.V.1, ophthalmologist of the Kyiv Center for Eye Therapy and Microsurgery, PhD student of the Ophthalmology Department
Kochina M.L.2, DSc. (Biology), Professor,
Head of the Medical and Biological Basics of Sports and Physical Rehabilitation Department,
Demin Yu.A.1, DSc. (Medicine), Professor,
Head of Ophthalmology Department,
Firsov A.G.3, PhD (Technics), Chief Designer
1 Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education,
58, Amosova str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61000
2 Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University
10, 68-Desantniv str., Mykolaiv, Ukraine, 54000
1, Aviation str., ap.7, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166
Introduction. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), glaucoma accounts for 4–5% of the total ocular pathology, making it one of the most common eye diseases in the world. The first sign of the disease is a constant or periodic increase in intraocular pressure, which leads to the development of visual field defects, optic nerve atrophy, and dystrophic changes in eye tissues. Detection of glaucoma and ocular hypertension is done by measuring the intraocular pressure, which is the standard procedure for diagnosis of the condition of eyes in all patients over 40 years of age. Patients with a diagnosis of “glaucoma” should constantly measure the intraocular pressure, which is necessary to control the effectiveness of treatment, its correction and evaluation of the effectiveness of drugs.
The purpose of the article is to develop the system for assessing the intraocular pressure level using the interference pictures parameters observed on the eye cornea in the polarized light.
Results. The proposed system of two-level classification of the intraocular pressure level, which contains a pair of complementary fuzzy models, formalized in the form of logical rules and sets of numerical parameters of functions (membership and conclusion), and additional decisive rules that consist of a regression equation and a classification criterion.
Such a hybrid system adequately reflects the general communication of adjusted interference picture parameters with a measured value of intraocular pressure by classical Goldman tonometry, which allowed offering it to practical use as a basis for intraocular pressure express assessment.
Conclusion. Using the developed software module evaluation of intraocular pressure, based on the proposed concept of express assessment of intraocular pressure, integrates fuzzy models and decisive rules allowing to improve the results of glaucoma treatment at early detection of high level of intraocular pressure.
Keywords: intraocular pressure, central eye cornea thickness, interference pictures, express assessment.
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Received 03.12.2018