Issue 1 (215), article 4


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2024,1(215)

Volosheniuk D.O., PhD (Technics), Senior Researcher,
Head of the Research Laboratory of Unmanned Complexes and System,

Tymchyshyn R.M., PhD Student,
Researcher of the Research Laboratory of Unmanned Complexes and System,

International Research and Training Center for Information
Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Akad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. The rapid growth in the number of UAV developments in recent years is associated with serious technological advances in various fields. In particular, successes in the field of geographic information systems (GIS) raise the problem of dynamic modeling of reality and maintenance of cartographic information in an up-to-date state. To eliminate it, it is necessary to solve the problem of prompt introduction of changes. If the information contained in the GIS is inaccurate or outdated, its analysis will not correspond to the real situation, which can lead to wrong decisions.

That is why data about objects in GIS need systematic updating. Without updating the GIS data, they cannot perform the tasks for which they are intended. Therefore, the joint use of UAVs and GIS becomes an important component of a unified information and communication environment.

The purpose of the article is to investigate the information technology of ensuring the process of monitoring the transport infrastructure using the optical systems of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

The results. The issue of the need to create a new perspective system for controlling unmanned aerial vehicles and the development of methods for its intellectualization was considered. The ideas of applying the theory of invariance and autonomy for the synthesis of promising control systems are proposed, as well as a number of methods for ensuring a high level of their intellectualization. An approach to solving the problem is proposed, based on the theory of high-precision remote control of dynamic objects, as well as on the complex interaction of the methods of the theory of autonomy, adaptive control, and intellectualization of the processes of control of dynamic objects.

Conclusions. The obtained research results indicate the possibility of successful application of the developed transport infrastructure monitoring technology, in particular for the management of engineering networks. The solutions used in the developed technology are universal and capable of solving complex tasks for electric, water, heat and gas networks, as well as for roads and railways.

Prospects for further research are to improve the quality of thematic processing methods to improve the classification result. The developed methods can be used instead of expert decryption of monitoring data with similar and even higher accuracy.

Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle, control system, invariance, intellectualization, autonomy.

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Received 03.01.2024