Issue 4 (210), article 1


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2022, 4(210)

SUROVTSEV I.V., DSc (Engineering), Senior Researcher,
Head of the Digital Ecological Monitoring Systems Department

KOMAR M.M., PhD (Engineering),
Deputy Director for Scientific and Organizational Work,

BOGACHUK Yu.P., PhD (Engineering),
Senior Researcher, Intelligent Control Department

Researcher of Intelligent Control Department

BABAK O.V., PhD (Engineering),
Senior Researcher of the Digital Ecological Monitoring Systems Department,

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine.


Introduction. The problem of marine ship types recognition remains relevant because it primarily focuses on the safety of sea and inland navigation. The basis of the identification of the type of marine ship is the use of training samples – a set of reference normalized parameters of mathematical models of radar portraits of reflected signals, recorded in the database, for which the type of ship is reliably known.

The purpose of the paper is to develop a method for recognizing the type of surface marine ship by comparing the parameters of the radar portrait of the reflected signal of the radar object with the reference parameters of the signals of mathematical models of known types of marine ships.

Methods. The recognition method is based on comparison of the normalized parameters of the radar signal of the object with the normalized parameters of the mathematical models of the database references through a full search, after which a decision is made in favor of the type of marine ship for which the overall measure of inconsistency or the identification criterion is minimal. The identification criterion is the sum of dimensionless features, which are a measure of similarity in the chosen metric of the parameters regarding reference object.

Results. Testing of the developed recognition method on examination samples made it possible to identify the type and real orientation angle of the ship at the level of 83%, as well as to identify the types and recognize the orientation angles of marine ships at the level of 96%.

Conclusions. The new method of recognition of the type of marine ship is characterized by the use of insignificant computing power, high speed of analysis, compactness of the reference database, high reliability and accuracy of recognition. Determination of auxiliary alternative values of the identification of the type and orientation angle of the ship helps in the dynamic mode of observation to statistically specify the characteristics of the recognition of the ship. The developed method of recognizing the type of ship can be used in the military sphere, its use in radar systems will improve the safety of sea and inland navigation.

Keywords: recognition method, identification, type of marine ship, radar portrait of reflected signal.

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Received 25.08.2022