Issue 2 (196), article 3


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2019, 2 (196), pp. 43-58

Yefymenko M.V.1, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor,
Chief Designer

Kudermetov R.K.2, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor,
Head of Computer Systems and Networks Department

166, Soborniy av., Zaporizhzhia, 69035, Ukraine

2Zaporizhzhia National Technical University,
64, Zhukovsky str., Zaporizhzhia, 69063, Ukraine


Introduction. To ensure the high dynamic characteristics of Earth remote sensing satellites in their orientation systems, the gyro moment clusters (GMCs) based on excessive number (more than three) two-gimbals control moment gyrodines (GDs) can be used as actuators. The attitude control by GD actuators task is the most difficult among the tasks of spacecraft (SC) reorientation control. The central issue in solving this task is the synthesis the control laws for precession angles of individual GDs when there are excessive. Success in solving the control problem is substantially determined by the choice of the GMC structure, it means the number of GDs used and their mutual positions of the precession axes. From this choice depends on the possibility of forming by GMC the necessary control momentum, the existence and number of special GMC states, the complexity of the control laws for the precession angles of the individual GDs included in the GMC. This is because in order to maintain the desired SC orientation for a long time and to perform its turns with the required angular rate, the GMC must have a sufficient margin of angular momentum. The allowable values of the total angular momentum created by the GDs form a certain area that is bounded by a closed surface of complex shape in a coordinate system rigidly attached to main SC body. Inside this area there are particular surfaces on which the control of the GDs is complicated or unfeasible. These surfaces are called singular. In this regard, for SC attitude control in addition to control the precession rate of individual GDs it is also necessary to control the mutual orientation of the angular momenta of the GDs in GMC. In this one of the most important problems of the control laws synthesis with the use of GMC is the identifying singular surfaces (topological analysis) in the area allowable angular momentum of the GMC.

The purpose of the article is to develop a technique for detecting singular states in GMC based on three collinear pairs.

Results. The analysis was carried out and the singular states of the GMC with three collinear pairs were revealed.

Conclusion. An original technique of a topological analysis of GMC based on collinear GD’s pairs is proposed. This technique may be useful to developers of SC attitude control systems.

Keywords: spacecraft, gyrodine, singular vector, singular surface.

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Received 15.02.2019