Issue 2 (216), article 2


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2024,2(216)

Smirnov A.O., PhD Student,,

International Research and Training Center
for Information Technologies and Systems
of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine
and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
40, Acad. Glushkov av., 03187, Kyiv, Ukraine


Introduction. Accurate camera pose estimation is crucial for many applications ranging from robotics to virtual and augmented reality. The process of determining agents pose from a set of observations is called odometry. This work focuses on visual odometry, which utilizes only images from camera as the input data.

The purpose of the paper is to demonstrate an approach for small-scale camera pose estimation using 3D Gaussians as the environment representation. 

Methods. Given the rise of neural volumetric representations for the environment reconstruction, this work relies on Gaussian Splatting algorithm for high-fidelity volumetric representation.

Results. For a trained Gaussian Splatting model and the target image, unseen during training, we estimate its camera pose using differentiable rendering and gradient-based optimization methods. Gradients with respect to camera pose are computed directly from image-space per-pixel loss function via backpropagation. 

The choice of Gaussian Splatting as representation is particularly appealing because it allows for end-to-end estimation and removes several stages that are common for more classical algorithms. And differentiable rasterization as the image formation algorithm provides real-time performance which facilitates its use in real-world applications.

Conclusions. This end-to-end approach greatly simplifies camera pose estimation, avoiding compounding errors that are common for multi-stage algorithms and provides a high-quality camera pose estimation. 

Keywords: radiance fields, scientific computing, odometry, slam, pose estimation, gaussian splatting, differentiable rendering 

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Received 29.03.2024