Issue 1 (215), article 5


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2024,1(215)

Shepetukha Y.M., PhD (Technics), Senior Researcher,
Leading Researcher of Intelligent Control Department

Semenog R.V., PhD Student,
Deputy Head of the Research Laboratory of Unmanned Complexes and Systems

International Research and Training Center for Information
Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Akad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. The growing role of information technologies makes them an important part of modern facilities management systems and contributes to increasing their efficiency, security and their ability to adapt to changes. A new type of information systems is emerging that uses advanced technologies to automate and optimize management processes, including artificial intelligence and others — Intelligent Management Systems(IMS), is emerging now.

The next step in this direction is complex systems that allow dynamic objects to be controlled independently of external intervention — autonomous control systems (ACS). SACs use a variety of sensors, data processing and decision-making algorithms and are widely used in the automotive industry (for example, self-driving cars), in unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), and many other industries where independent and efficient control of objects is required.

The purpose of the article is to investigate modern concepts of building autonomous control systems for dynamic objects and to describe methods of intellectualization of such systems.

The results. A modern approach to the construction of systems of autonomous control of dynamic objects, based on sequential structuring, was studied. Methods of creating systems aimed at optimizing automatic management of dynamic objects are highlighted.

Conclusions. A promising direction of research is the development of a new generation of intelligent information technologies that use information processing mechanisms that are based on the method of sequential structuring in the construction of automatic control systems.

Concepts for building automatic control systems should ensure the application of meaningful data processing methods and use components of synergistic interaction of human-machine control systems. The application of the methodology of sequential structuring of weakly formalized components of intellectual problems in visual management systems allows achieving some unification in solving a certain class of intellectual management problems.

The further direction of research consists in the development of a new generation of information technologies and the corresponding toolkit of automatic control, which will apply methods of meaningful data processing, in particular, the method of sequential structuring for the intellectualization of automatic control systems.

Keywords: intelligent information technology, artificial intelligence, intelligent control, dynamic object, imaginative thinking, autonomy.

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Received 04.01.2024