Issue 1 (215), article 3


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2024,1(215)

Komar M.M., PhD (Engineering), Senior Researcher 
Deputy Director for Scientific and Organizational Work,,

Chepizhenko V.I., DSc (Engineering), Senior Researcher,
Leading Researcher of the Intelligent Control Department,,

Bogachuk Yu.P., PhD (Engineering), Senior Researcher,
Leading Researcher of the Intelligent Control Department,

Soloviev M.V., PhD Student,
Leading Engineer of the Research Laboratory of Unmanned Complexes and Systems,

International Research and Training Center for Information
Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Akad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. This paper discusses the development of a multi-domain simulation complex for training unmanned systems operators. Active use of unmanned systems, their improvement, and complication of designs require the creation and development of simulators and modeling equipment, the use of which ensures effective training of competent operators.

The purpose of the paper is development of the multipurpose simulation complex for training of unmanned systems operators and for performing experimental and research works.

The methods. The following methods were used during the work: methods of automatic control, theory of navigation, theory of group decision making, theory of construction of distributed control systems for aircraft in a network-centric environment, methods of semi-natural modeling, methods of software engineering, methods for evaluating the piloting characteristics and stability and controllability characteristics of simulators, methods for evaluating the visualization systems of simulators.

The results. As a result of the work, a prototype of the complex was created, which can be used for the development and research of aircraft control systems, training of unmanned systems  operators, and conducting experimental research.

Conclusions. The developed prototype of the multi-domain simulation complex is a tool for solving the problem of quality training of operators. The complex allows operators to be trained in a safe environment, which reduces the risk of equipment damage and injuries to people. In addition, the complex allows for the study of aircraft control systems and the development of new control algorithms.

Keywords: Unmanned system, Training complex, Virtual environment, Operator, Simulation, Simulation complex, Control systems.

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Received 29.12.2023