Issue 1 (215), article 1


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2024,1(215)

Volkov O.Ye., PhD (Engineering), Senior Researcher

Simakhin V.M., PhD Student,
Senior Researcher of the Research Laboratory of Unmanned Complexes and Systems,

International Research and Training Center for Information
Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. The development of unmanned aviation requires constant active implementation of new technologies and systems. Autonomous control and navigation are among the most relevant areas of development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Various approaches and tools are used to increase the level of intellectualization of UAV control, including are full-energy control systems.

The purpose of the paper is to develop a full-energy control algorithm for UAVs to enhance control intellectualization through dynamic regulation of the altitude and flight speed of the aircraft. 

Methods. Theory of intelligent control, automatic control, theory of UAV flight dynamics.

Results. To develop the algorithm for controlling the full energy of UAVs, the theoretical basis of full-energy control systems was considered, and the development of the concept of such modern systems was analyzed. On the basis of the general laws of aircraft control, a full-energy control algorithm for UAVs was synthesized, which operates in three modes: full energy control, altitude control, and flight speed control. 

Conclusions. The developed full-energy control algorithm covers the main necessary UAV control modes for performing flight tasks in a volatile environment. The use of such an algorithm in modern navigation and flight systems will increase the efficiency and intellectualize the UAV control process.

Keywords: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Control Algorithm, Full Energy Control, Navigation and Piloting Complex, TECS.

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Received 13.12.2023