Informatics and Information Technologies:
Bulgakova O.S., Makovetskyi M. Ye., Zosimov V.V.
Approach to the intelligent agents application in e-commerce systems
Bondar S.O., Shepetukha Y.M.
Choosing an Unmanned Aircraft for Implementation the Method of Combined Control of Its Movement with the Purpose to Create Digital Models of Infrastructure Objects
Intelligent Control and Systems:
Aralova N.I., Radziejowski P.A., Radziejowska M.P., Aralova A.A.
Application of the mathematical model of the functional breathing for optimal control of the training process of highly qualified athletes
Medical and Biological Cybernetics:
Panagiotis Katrakazas, Theodora Kallipolitou, Leonidas Kallipolitis, Ilias Spais
Analysis and definition of necessary mechanisms to ensure the security and privacy of digital health data under a cybernetic digital investigation framework
Fainzilberg L.S., Kharchenko A.R.
Remote monitoring of hearing from the position of personalized medicine