Issue 1 (207), article 7


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2022, 1(207)

Vovk М.І., PhD (Biology), Senior Researcher,
Head of the Department of Bioelectrical Control & Medical Cybernetics
ORCID: 0000-0003-4584-9553

Kutsiak О.А., PhD (Engineering),
Senior Researcher of the Department of Bioelectrical Control & Medical Cybernetics
ORCID: 0000-0003-2277-7411

International Research and Training Center
for Information Technologies
and Systems
of the NAS of Ukraine and of MES of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Hlushkov av. Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. The research on muscle functions control is determined not only by scientific interest but also by practical necessity. 

The purpose of the paper is to conduct a retrospective analysis of the synthesis of information technologies for the control of human muscle functions for their recovery, correction or training.

Results. The evolution of the synthesis of science-intensive information technologies for muscle functions controlling with the purpose for recovering, correcting or training them on the basis of external control circuits is shown. The informative and energy myostimulation signals play the role of these loops. And the signals come from electronic software devices or information software and hardware complexes. The main classes of the first generation of such devices as open (“MIOTON”), adaptive (“MIOSTIMUL”), and modern — “TRENAR” are considered. The devices contain a set of basic software modules for activating the patient reserves to recover the muscle activity depending on the motor functions state and the patient general state. The new patented technology for oral speech recovery after stroke based on training the fine motor skills of the hand is considered. The new information technology of digital medicine “AI-REABILITOLOG” is presented. This technology for information assistance to user (physician) in making diagnostic and treatment decisions on rehabilitation of motor and speech functions uses artificial intelligence tools — specialized software modules for creating the personalized training plan of extremities, fine motor skill of the hand, in particular for oral speech recovery, and the gait on the results of their disorders quantitative assessment. The results of practical application, the advantages of the developed information technologies are presented. The prospects for their development are considered.

Conclusions. The main principles for synthesis of science-intensive information technologies for muscle functions controlling in order to recover, correct or train them on the basis of external control circuits are a combination of physical and cognitive influences, active participation of the subject in training procedures and their self-control.

Keywords: information technologies, digital medicine, control, myostimulation devices, muscle functions, movements, speech, diagnostics, rehabilitation, stroke, personalized quantitative assessment, criteria, artificial intelligence, software module, structural and functional model

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Received 24.03.2022