Issue 2 (200), article 2


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2020, 2(200)

YERMAKOVA I.I., DSc (Biology), Professor
Leading Researcher

NIKOLAENKO A.Y., PhD (Engineering),

BOGATONKOVA A.I., PhD (Engineering),
Senior Researcher

Junior Researcher

Senior Engineer

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Department of Complex Research of Information Technologies,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. Being in cold water refers to extreme effects. Due to its high thermal conductivity and heat capacity, water is an extreme factor for rapid cooling of the body. For the safe swimming and working of a man in cold water special protective equipment — wetsuits is used. The method of mathematical modeling makes it possible to study the processes of heat exchange between human and water environment, taking into account environmental conditions, level of physical activity and wetsuit characteristics.

The purpose of the paper is to develop information technology for evaluation and prediction of human thermophysiological state for safe staying in the water.  As a result computer module for influence of protective clothing on human thermal state has been developed.

Results. The information technology for prediction of human state in extreme conditions in water is proposed. The computer module for prediction and evaluation of human thermophysiological state in a wetsuit has been developed. This module is based on a complex of mathematical models of human thermoregulation in extreme environments. The adequacy of mathematical models is proved by comparing the modeling results with observations on people. This suggests that the information technology and computer module can be applied to perform theoretical and practical tasks related to human health in cold water.

With the help of the developed computer module modeling experiments of influence of the design of a wetsuit on the thermoregulation of person in water were held. Two wetsuits were researched: short sleeves and short trousers and long sleeves and long trousers. Were obtained the forecast and the analysis of thermophysiological state of swimming man, duration was one hour, speed was 1 m/s, temperature of water from 10 °C to 26 °C.

Conclusions. The information technology for predicting thermophysiological state of a man allows to investigate the influence of a protective suit of different design on the thermoregulation of a human body. It’s shown that the choice of wetsuit can be made only in combination with temperature of water and planned physical activity, otherwise mistakes can lead to a violation of thermal comfort in the case of human’ being in water.

Keywords: model of human thermoregulation, information technology, computer module, extreme conditions, water environment, wetsuit. 

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Received 13.02.2020