Issue 185, article 3


KVT, 2016, Issue 185, pp.21-34

UDC 681.5


Zhiteckii L.S., Pilchevsky A.Yu., Solovchuk K.Yu.

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine , ,

Introduction. The optimal digital autopilot needed to control of the roll for an aircraft in the presence of an arbitrary unmeasured disturbances is addressed in this paper. This autopilot has to achieve a desired lateral motion control via minimizing the upper bound on the absolute value of the difference between the given and true roll angles. It is ensured by means of the two digital controllers. The inner controller is designed as the discrete-time PI controller in order to stabilize a given roll rate. This variable is formed by the external discrete-time P controller. To optimize this control system, the controller parameters are derived utilizing the so-called l1-optimization approach advanced in modern control theory. The motion parameters are assumed to be known.

The purpose of the paper is to synthesize a digital autopilot which is able to maintain a given roll orientation of an aircraft with a desired accuracy and to cope with an arbitrary external disturbance (a gust) whose bounds may be unknown.

Results. The necessary and sufficient conditions guaranteeing the stability of the two-circuit feedback discrete-time control system are established. First, the l1-optimal PI and P controller parameters are calculated simultaneously (in contrast with [14]). Second, the aileron servo dynamics are taken into account to establish the stability condition for optimizing the controller parameters. Third, random search algorithm is used to calculate the three optimal values of the autopilot parameters. To support the theoretical results obtained, in this work, several simulation experiments were conducted. We have established that the simultaneous l1-optimization of both controllers was more efficient than the sequential l1-optimization of inner and external controllers.

Conclusion. It was established that the two-circuit l1-optimal PI and P control laws can cope with the wind gust and ensure the desired roll orientation. This makes it possible to achieve the control objective which was stated. A distinguishing feature of the control algorithms is that they are sufficiently simple. This is important from the practical point of view.

Keywords: aircraft, lateral dynamics, digital control system, discrete time, stability, l1-optimization, random search algorithm.

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Received 01.06.16

Issue 185, article 2


KVT, 2016, Issue 185, pp.5-20

UDC 004.021:004.94


Surovtsev I.V.

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

Introduction. In the inversion chronopotentiometry a differential reverse signal of inversion is considered as linear sum of components measuring that are located on the base curve of the lower envelope. The signal is similar to the spectrum of components after its subtracting and can be analyzed by the chromatographic methods or spectroscopic analysis.

The purpose of the article is to develop a method of modelling multi-component signals, provided that the spectra is spaced apart and the overlap of the spectral components is small.

Methods. Preliminary determination of the parameters of the approximation of the individual spectral components and the base curve is performed. An iterative model of the multi-component signal is sought in the form of generalized polynomial of linearly independent functions by least squares method. At a negative value approximation coefficient corresponding spectral component is considered to be erroneous or not.

Results. In the given example the use of the modelling method has allowed to reduce relative error in determining the concentration of copper from 18,9% to 1,5%, compared to the conventional analysis.

Conclusion. The proposed method of modelling and algorithms of its implementation allow eliminating the subjective factor that is associated with the experience and skills of chemist-analyst when selecting boundaries of turndown component that allows increasing the accuracy, repeatability and reliability of determining the concentration of chemical elements.

Keywords: modelling, algorithm, spectrum, chronopotentiometry.

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Received 14.06.2016


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Informatics and Information Technologies:

Surovtsev I.V.
Modelling of Multi-Component Signals in a Chronopotentiometry

Intellectual Control and Systems:

Zhiteckii L.S., Pilchevsky A.Yu., Solovchuk K.Yu.
l1-Optimization Approach to Design of Digital Autopilots for Lateral Motion Control of an Aircraft

Simakov V.A., Gubarev V.F., Salnikov N.N., Melnichuk S.V.
Using Video Images for Determining Relative Disposition of Two Spacecraft

Liubarshchuk I.A.
Group Pursuit in Differential-Difference Games with Variable Delay

Medical and Biological Cybernetics:

Evtushenko A.S., Kozak L.M., Kochina M.L.
The Assesment of Connection Structure between the Functional Indexes of PC Operators during the Visual Work with Factor Models’ Use

Antomonov M.Y., Romanenko L.I.
Modeling Antimicrobial Activity Antibiotic “Cefazolin” and Silver Nanoparticles

PAVLOV VADIM VLADIMIROVICH (11.01.1933 – 06.06.2016)

Issue 184, article 7


KVT, 2016, Issue 184, pp.84-94

UDC 004.9:61


Zlepko S.M.1, Tymchyk S.V.1, Lepiohina H.S.2

1Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

2Skadovsk Central District Hospital, Skadovsk, Ukraine , ,


Introduction. The current stage of development of health information systems and technology is characterized by the fact that the most frequently used component of their structures is a workstation (AEWP) specialist. AEWPs are integrating with instrumentations and the computing system, ensuring the fulfillment of the set of basic functions. It is essential to reduce the risk by creating a specialized workstation of a neurologist and the development of consultation method.

The purpose is to improve the quality of medical care for children with motor disabilities through the development of a consultation method for the evaluation of the conclusions adopted by the neurologist.

Results. Proposed consultation method for the evaluation of the diagnostic conclusions child neurologist at the ambiguous and threatening situations. The method is based on selecting and evaluating the competence of experts, and then receive their average assessment and group assessment decision.

Conclusions. Thus, the introduction to the AEWP of the doctor-neurologist two circuits decision structure, where the first — is the level of the doctor, and the second — level panel of doctors for real threat of newborn life situations, a systematic approach to the problem of diagnostics and treatment of motor disorders in children in the perinatal period of life has been achieved.

Keywords: automation equipped working place (AEWP), children’s neurologist, a subsystem of decision-making, expert consultation, evaluation matrix, weights

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Received 15.02.2016

Issue 184, article 6


KVT, 2016, Issue 184, pp.72-84

UDC 519.6+612


Grygoryan R.D., Aksenova T.V., Degoda A.G.

Institute of Software Systems of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine , ,

Introduction. A term cardiac hypertrophy (HH) refers to the phenomenon of increasing of the size of the heart, or its separate part. HH’s initiators can be both mechanisms adapting the entire organism to different modes of blood supply and the development of genetic abnormalities. The lack of a clear distinction in understanding mechanisms of these processes creates problems of diagnosis and treatment of pathological HH. In our opinion, a computer modeling of main hemodynamic effects of different forms of HH is able to shed light on mechanisms of HH and help in clarifying of this distinction.

The purpose of this article is to describe a mathematical model (MM) able to simulate basic hemodynamic effects of the adaptive and pathological forms of HH.

Results. MM describes the pumping function of the heart and vascular hemodynamics in a large and small circulations. MM also takes into account the mechanism of baroreflector regulation of the heart and blood vessels. The heart model quantitatively connects the mean values of flow, pressure and blood volume in each ventricle with its end-diastolic elasticity (C) and input blood pressure. The computer simulation showed that changes of central hemodynamics under left ventricle’s pathological hypertrophy can be satisfactorily reproduced via proper decrease of left ventricular parameter C. The adaptive HH is modeled by combining two procedures: i) growth of C of both ventricles of the heart; ii) adequate lowering of the tone of the cardiac sympathetic nerve.

Conclusions. Despite the MM satisfactorily simulates main effects of HH, its several links are still unclear thus the future advanced MM should include humoral, central neural regulator contours, as well as mechanisms providing energy balance both in cardiac myocites and at organism-scale.

Keywords: mathematical model, human cardiovascular system, computer simulation, adaptive hypertrophy, pathology.

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1 Debold E.P., Schmitt J.P., Patlak J.B. et al. Hypertrophic and dilated cardiomyopathy mutations differentially affect the molecular force generation of mouse alpha-cardiac myosin in the laser trap assay. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 2007, 293, pp.284–291.

2 Lakdawala N.K., Givertz M.M. Dilated cardiomyopathy with conduction disease and arrhythmia. Circulation, 2010, 122, pp.527–534.

3 Berry J.F., Naseemen R.H., Rothermel B.A. et al.Models of cardiac hypertrophy and transition to heart failure. Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models, 2007, No4, pp. 197–206.

4 Dellefave L., McNally E.M. The genetics of dilated cardiomyopathy. Curr. Opin. Cardiol., 2010, 25, pp.198–204.

5 Moybenko A.A., Dosenko V.E., Parkhomenko A.N. Endogeneous mechanisms of cardiac protection as a basis for therapy of cardiac diseases. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 2008, 520 p.

6 Rhian T.M. New insights into mechanisms of hypertension // Current Opinion in Nephrology & Hypertension, 2012, 21, Iss. 2, pp. 119–121.

7 Grygoryan R.D. The Energy basis of reversible adaptation. N.Y.: Nova Science, 2012, 254 p.

8 Grygoryan R.D. The energy concept of arterial pressure. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2011, No7, pp. 148–155.

9 Grygoryan R.D. An individual physiological norm: the concept and problems. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2013, No8, pp. 156–162.

10 Grygoryan R.D. The “floating” arterial pressure paradigm. Dusseldorf, Germany. Palmarium Academic Publishing, 2016, 417 p.

Received 12.02.2016

Issue 184, article 5


KVT, 2016, Issue 184, pp.56-72

UDC 004.75+004.932.2:616


Romanyuk O.A., Kovalenko A.S., Kozak L.M.

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine , ,


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Introduction. The need of health care institutions in the repeated use of digital medical images by different specialists during patient care and long-term storage for the analysis of diagnostic information determines the relevance of this work.

The purpose of the article is to form technique for adapting the system of transmission and archiving of digital medical images according to the conditions of the health care institution.

Results. Analysis of medical image storage systems to select the specific software implementation according to the requirements of a particular medical institution was held. After testing and validation in working conditions PACS Conquest DICOM has been selected, its functionality has been verified. The technique of adapting the system for transmission and archiving of digital medical images has been developed, which includes an analysis of instrumental studies systems, installation of database components and configuration of PACS Conquest DICOM-server, connecting the instrumental studies systems and organization of access to digital medical images for medical personnel. Testing of the proposed technique was carried out at the National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named by N. Amosov.

Conclusion. The possibility of implementation the free and multi-platform storage system with connection of multiple diagnostic systems for efficient analysis of DMC on each workstation and long-term storage DMC is provided as a result of using the proposed technique.

Keywords: digital medical imaging, standard DICOM, long-term storage.


  1. Kamenshchikov A.A. Interoperability in the field of e-health. Information Technologies and Computing Systems, 2009, № 5, pp. 67–71(in Russian).
  2. Robert Hoyt, Nora Bailey, Ann Yoshihashi. Health Informatics: Practical Guide for Healthcare and Information Technology Professionals (5th ed.). New York.:, 2012, 492p.
  3. EN ISO 12052:2011. Health informatics. Digital imaging and communication in medicine (DICOM) including workflow and data management. Available at:
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  6. Dreyer K.J., Hirschorn D.S., Thrall J.H. PACS: A Guide to the Digital Revolution. London.: Springer, 2010, 596p., pp.249–269.

Received 15.12.2015

Issue 184, article 4


KVT, 2016, Issue 184, pp.44-56

UDC 681.5


Romanenko V.D., Milyavsky Y.L.

Educational and Scientific Complex “Institute for Applied Systems Analysis” of National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kiev, Ukraine ,

Introduction. Cognitive maps are widely used for modeling large multidimensional systems. These are weighted oriented graphs that represent concepts and relations between them. When external or internal disturbances affect the system impulse process is initiated. It is described by first-order equation in increments of vertices coordinates. A number of articles solved a problem of control in cognitive map’s impulse process by means of control theory methods. But all of them used external control inputs, i.e. resources of the vertices, for this purpose.

The purpose of the article is to develop new method of control where cognitive map’s edges weights are used as controls for impulse process stabilisation.

Results. New method of control of cognitive maps was developed. It is based on varying of the map’s edges weights. It was supposed that some of the vertices may affect other ones in different way, i.e. stronger or weaker. After presenting impulse process model in full coordinates weights increments were added to the difference equation. They were considered as control inputs which were generated according to the control law developed based on quadratic criterion. Stability of the closed-loop system was demonstrated. To verify the results, method was simulated using cognitive map of student’s socio-educational process. Finally we obtained that for stable cognitive map vertices’ coordinates are quickly stabilised at new levels via edges’ weights varying.

Conclusion. Applying the proposed method of control based on weights varying to impulse process of cognitive map allows setting vertices coordinates on desired levels.

Keywords: cognitive map, control law, weights increments, stabilisation at new levels.

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1 Axelrod R. The Structure of Decision: Cognitive Maps of Political Elites. Princeton University Press, 1976, 404 p.

2 Roberts F. Discrete Mathematical Models with Applications to Social, Biological, and Environmental Problems. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1976, 559 p.

3 Gorelova G.V., Zakharova E.N., Radchenko S.A. Research of semi-structured problems in socio-economic systems. Cognitive approach. Rostov-na-Donu: Publisher RSU, 2006, 332 p. (in Russian).

4 Romanenko V.D., Milyavskiy Y.L. Stabilizing of impulse processes in cognitive maps based on state-space models. System Research & Information Technologies, 2014, No1, pp. 26–42 (in Russian).

5 Romanenko V.D., Milyavskiy Y.L., Reutov A.A. Adaptive Control Method for Unstable Impulse Processes in Cognitive Maps Based on Reference Models. Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, 2015, No 2 pp. 35–45 (in Russian).

6 Romanenko V.D., Milyavskiy Y.L. Coordinates ratio control for cognitive model of a complex system under unstable impulse process. System Research & Information Technologies, 2015, No1, pp. 121–129 (in Russian).

7 Romanenko V.D., Milyavskiy Y.L. Impulse processes stabilisation in cognitive maps of complex systems based on modal state controllers. Kibernetika i vycislitel’naa tehnika, 2015, No179, pp. 43–55 (in Russian).

8 Romanenko V.D., Milyavskiy Y.L. Adaptive coordinating control of interacting cognitive maps vertices’ ratios in impulse mode. System Research & Information Technologies, 2015, No3. pp. 109–120 (in Russian).

Received 24.03.2016

Issue 184, article 3


KVT, 2016, Issue 184, pp.25-44

UDC 002.53:004.8


 Vovk M.I., Galyan Ye.B.

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of UkraineKiev, Ukraine ,


Introduction. Intelligent control is a function of organized systems, situationally adapted to provide for the operation to be constant. Main mechanisms for constant operation of biological systems are adaptation and homeostasis. We must keep in mind these mechanisms while designing biotechnical systems for control, maintenance or restoration of motor functions, damaged by pathology, as well as remember that speech movements are a type of voluntary movements.

The purpose is to develop information-structural and structural-functional models for organization of intelligent fine motor hand movements control to restore speech.

Methods. information — structural modeling, structural-functional modeling, first-order predicate logic, Unified Modeling Language.

Results. In this article we present information-structural and structural-functional models of intelligent hand movements control organization to restore speech for patients after the stroke (hemiparesis, motor aphasia, motor-sensory aphasia). The main components of the biotechnical system that organizes intelligent control are electronic devices for motor control TRENAR and PC with software-based information component. Its structural-functional model is described. The organism’s reserves activation to restore homeostasis of fine motor hand movements and speech realization is the final goal of control. Adequacy is considered as the best criterion for individual choice of control actions parameters and topology of their application. It is shown how different methods, training programs, and a set of training movements allow us to organize personally oriented situational control / training of hand movements for speech rehabilitation. The method for determining the combination of personal training options for hand and finger movements on the basis of production approach is developed. The software implementation of the method in the form of reduced expert system is described.

Conclusion. The main features of intelligent control organization are the assistance of situational goal to the final goal of control and knowledge-based control.

Keywords: intelligent control, adaptive control, homeostasis, organization, hand movements, speech restoration, modeling, computer complex, electronic devices, information component, production approach, reduced expert system.

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  16. Vovk M.I., Peleshok S.R., Galian Ye.B. The method of assessment of motor and sensory speech disorders. Collected papers of scientific-information center “Knowledge” based on XІ International correspondence scientific-practical conference: «The development of science in the XXI century» part 3. Kharkiv: collected papers. D, 2016, pp. 70-76. (in Russian).

Received 15.03.2016

Issue 184, article 2


KVT, 2016, Issue 184, pp.8-25

UDC 681.3.06.14


Fainzilberg L.S.1, Soroka T.V.2

1International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

2National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnical Institute”, Kiev, Ukraine ,

Introduction. The diseases of cardiovascular system lead in the structure of morbidity. The absence of timely treatment leads to severe complications, invalidity and death of the patient. Only preserving medicine can radically change this situation. Fasegraphy is one of perspective directions in cardiology, that allows even by simplified way of ECG registration to detect early signs of disease development.

Purpose. The development of method of fasegraphy for building of complex telemedicine system for mass prophylactic examinations based on client-server architecture and realization of mobile applications for patients and physicians in Android environment is proposed.

Methods. The portable sensor is used for registration of ECG signal, that provides the transfer of digital data through Bluetooth to the patient’s application. The application provides preprocessing of signal, the control of dosed exercise, stress and transfer data to server. The client’s applications are developed in a java programming language version 7 together with Android sdk. The software of server is written in Java version 8 in conjunction with frameworks Spring 4.3 for REST API and Hibernate 5.1 as ORM. The database is based on MySql 5.5.

Results. The server software provides automatic selection of ECG with atypical cycles for which the physician must pay attention primarily. The algorithm of selection is based on the analysis of ordered Hausdorff distances between trajectories of cycles on the phase plane. When the information about detection of atypical cycles is received, the physician may view ECG, perform additional analysis those ECGs and send appropriate recommendations to patient.

Conclusions. Client-server organization of interaction of physician and patient increases the effectiveness of screening surveys and optimizing time spent by a doctor on the medical services to their patients.

Keywords: client-server system, fasegraphy, distant monitoring, atypical cycles of ECG.

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Received 28.04.16


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Informatics and Information Technologies:

Fainzilberg L.S., Soroka T.V.
Mobile Applications for Virtual Interaction of Physician and Patient During Remote Monitoring of Heart Activity

Intellectual Control and Systems:

Vovk M.I., Galyan Ye.B
Organization of Intelligent Hand Movements Control to Restore Speech

Romanenko V.D., Milyavsky Y.L.
Control Method in Cognitive Maps Based on Weights Increments

Medical and Biological Cybernetics:

Romanyuk O.A., Kovalenko A.S., Kozak L.M.
Information Support for Interoperability of Instrumental Diagnostic Systems and Long-Term Storage System of Digital Medical Images in Health Care Institutions

Grygoryan R.D., Aksenova T.V., Degoda A.G.
Modeling of Mechanisms and Hemodynamic Effects of Heart Hypertrophy

Zlepko S.M., Tymchyk S.V., Lepiohina H.S.
Consilium Method for Estimating Diagnostic Conclusion of Neurologist