ISSUE 181, article 2


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 181, pp.

Danik Y.G., Pisarchuk A.A., Tymchyk S.V.

Zhytomyr Military Institute n. a. S.P. Koroljov


Introduction. Modern management processes are characterized by a comprehensive computerization of the process, high dynamic changes in the environment, and the density of the flow of conflict situations (CS) of various kinds. The main factor in achieving the goals of effective management becomes all-encompassing information support provided by the union in a single integrated environment all stakeholders: sensory component; information processing system with the operational staff — forming a system for collecting and processing information (SCPI); consumer information. The results of the application of modern SCPI prove the existence of problems in their design philosophy and mathematical foundations of functioning in solving problems of structural synthesis and processing.
Purpose. Development of the mathematical foundations of situational structure synthesis SCPI and efficient data processing methods in terms of their considerable redundancy, the dynamics of change of the current situation and the flux density of the CS.
Results. Methodology situational structure synthesis automated SCPI should include: formation SCPI information model based on fractal structures; detection and identification of the current CS; situational structural and parametric synthesis SCPI arisen for the CS; estimation of effectiveness of fusion and if necessary correction of previous stages; repeat all stages of the methodology for the next CS.
Formation of SCPI information model based on fractal structures due to their properties: self-similarity, fractional dimension, scale invariance, hierarchy — ensures that the generated model requirements. Implementation of information processing in SCPI based on the method of joint processing of measurement models of self-organization and trees with statistical inference and fuzzy approaches.
Conclusion. Effective implementation of the aims SCPI implemented: introduction ideologies open, distributed, information-management systems that are invariant in structure to the level of control; using technologies protected networks and principles of unification; cyclical processes of collection, storage and processing of information.
Keywords: information system, contingency management, fractal.

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Received 17.05.2015

ISSUE 181, article 1


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 181, pp.

Fainzilberg L.S., Orikhovska K.B.

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine


Introduction. Building an effective IT that provides an assessment of the reserve capacity of the organism to physical and emotional overload has both cognitive and practical importance. The relevance of such IT is increasing in our time since it is necessary to provide reliable results in field conditions. This requires prompt, convenient and reliable tools for obtaining test results, which is to be clear not only the decision maker, but also to the examinee that has no medical education.
The purpose of the article is to propose a new information technology for assessing the adequacy the body’s reaction and recovery processes of the cardiovascular system of a human on a set of single-channel ECG parameters.
Methods. The proposed IT includes a set of interacting modules, in particular input module and ECG processing module, which realized on FAZAGRAF® complex. This complex provides recording of the ECG first standard lead and automatic detection of 32 ECG parameters and variability of the cardiac cycle in three states: at rest, immediately after dosage load and after 3 minutes of rest. A distinctive feature of the technology is that decisions on adequate or inadequate response of the organism to physical or emotional overload are realized by two methods — qualitative assessment and quantitative assessment.
Results. It is shown that a qualitative assessment of the reaction to the overload can be carried out on the basis of recognition of patterns’ classes generated by each triplet of measured parameters, and comparing the detected pattern with the dominant classes of each of the parameters. Quantitative assessment can be carried out based on the comparison of the generalized parameter with thresholds.
The algorithm for determining the dominant classes of parameters is proposed. Statistical analysis showed that the probability of appearance of patterns’ classes and generalized parameter values significantly different in the groups of trained and untrained persons. Examples of decision-making of the adequate and inadequate reaction of the organism on the overload are given.
Conclusions. The proposed IT satisfies the formulated requirements to field tools for testing the reserve capacity of the cardiovascular system during physical and emotional overloads.

Keywords: information technology, cardiovascular system, assessment of reserve capacity of the organism.

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Received 28.05.2015


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Informatics and Information Technologies:

Fainzilberg L.S., Orikhovska K.B.
Information Technology of the Organism Adaptation Reserves Assessment in Field Conditions

Danik Y.G., Pisarchuk A.A., Tymchyk S.V.
Situation Synthesis of Automated System of Collection and Processing Information

Intellectual Control and Systems:

Hryshchenko Y.V., Skrypets A.V., Tronko V.D.
Analysis of the Opportunity of Control over the Trajectory of the Plane on the Correlation Function

Zhiteckii L.S., Nikolaienko S.A., Solovchuk K.Yu.
Adaptation and Learning in Some Classes of Identification and Control Systems

Melnichuk S.V.
Method of Structural Parametric Multivariable System Identification Using Frequency Characteristics

Medical and Biological Cybernetics:

Mayorov O.Y., Fenchenko V.N.
Multifractal Analysis in the Study of Brain Bioelectric Activity

ISSUE 180, article 7


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 179, pp 83-92.

Chernyshenko Sergei V., Dr (Biology), PhD (Phys. and Math.), Prof., Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Social Informatics of Khmelnytsky National University, st. Institutskaya, 11, Khmelnitsky, 29016, Ukraine, e-mail:

Ruzich Roman V., Assistant of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Social Informatics of Khmelnitsky National University, st. Institutskaya, 11, Khmelnitsky, 29016, Ukraine, e-mail:


Introduction. A long-term ecological successions are considered as step-by-step process. The continuous model (model of open Eigen’s hypercycle) is used to describe this process.

The purpose of the paper is to investigate non-linear properties of the system, which define discrete processes that occur in the one.

Results. The multi-dimension case of the model of open Eigen’s hypercycle has been analyzed. It is shown that in many cases the consideration of dynamics of the -dimensional system can be simplified by partial reduction to -dimensional cases.

It is mathematically shown that evolution of system, which is described by the -dimensional model of open Eigen’s hypercycle has, as maximum, stages. Presence and duration of each stage are determined by the size of the ecological niche, as a characteristics of the environment. As an example: if the niche is very small (), there is only one association in the stable state of the ecosystem.

Conclusion. It is shown that the continuous model can describe discrete processes of sucessions. The quasi-discrete dynamics of the system is explained by its bifurcation properties, produced step-by-step changing of the system structure.

Keywords: succession, discrete process, continuous model, Eigen’s hypercycle, bifurcation.

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Received 17.03.2015

ISSUE 180, article 6


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 179, pp 66-82.

Kotsur Maksim P., Assistant of the Department of Mathematical Control Problems and Cybernetics of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Ul. Kotsyubynsky, 2, Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine, e-mail:

Nakonechniy Аleksandr G., Dr (Phys. and Math.), Prof., Academician-Secretary of the Department of Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, Head of the Department of System Analysis and Decision Theory of the Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University, Pr. Glushkov, 4 D, Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine, e-mail:


Introduction. A large variety of optimization problems is related to distributed parameter systems (DPSs), whose behavior is described by partial differential equations. The optimal control theory is widely employed for optimization of lumped parameter systems (LPSs), which are modeled by ordinary differential equations. Development of the theory and methods for obtaining optimal control functions for DPSs is much more difficult as compared with solving such problem for LPSs.

The purpose of the present paper is to obtain optimality conditions and to develop numerical methods for solving the optimization problem of an unsteady one-dimensional process with distributed parameters, as well as their application to optimization of transient thermoelectric cooling.

Methods. A method is proposed for solving of optimal control problem for DPS described by nonlinear partial differential equations of parabolic type with nonstandard boundary conditions. A method consists in coordinate discretization of distributed object and transition to the problem for LPS. Optimal control theory based on the Pontryagin maximum principle can be used for such system optimization.

Results. This method is applied for optimization of transient thermoelectric cooling process. Optimal dependences of current on time have been calculated for stage thermoelectric cooler power supply with the purpose of minimizing the cooling temperature within a preset time interval. Results of computer experiment for one- and two-stage coolers are presented.

Conclusion. The obtained results show that the implementation of optimal functions for cooler power supply can provide the cooling temperature in transient mode by 10 K lower than minimum temperature reached at direct current.

Keywords: distributed parameter system, optimal control, Pontryagin maximum principle, optimization, transient thermoelectric cooling.

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Received 18.02.2015

ISSUE 180, article 5


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 179, pp 45-65.

Pavlov Vadim V., Dr (Engineering), Prof., Head of the Department of Intellectual Control of International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, av. Acad. Glushkova, 40, Kiev, 03187, Ukraine, e-mail:

Volkov Aleksandr E., PG (Postgraduate) of the Department of Intellectual Control of International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, av. Acad. Glushkova, 40, Kiev, 03187, Ukraine, e-mail:

Voloshenyuk Dmitrii A., PG (Postgraduate) of the Department of Intellectual Control of International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, av. Acad. Glushkova, 40, Kiev, 03187, Ukraine, e-mail:


Introduction. The question of the need to create a control system of conflict situations between the aircrafts in the landing phase is discusses.

The purpose of this research is to create a method and system of conflict resolution between the aircrafts on the route of flight, takeoff and landing phases with the condition to provide a high and guaranteed level of flight safety. The approach considered in the article will be based on the principles of using the network-centric technologies and the theory of invariance.

Results. The expected result of this work is the creation of a new universal control system of conflict situations between the aircrafts based on network-centric technologies and principles of the theory of invariance, which will meet all the requirements of modern air traffic management (ATM) to provide a guaranteed level of safety.

Conclusion. It is shown that a new approach to the problem of creating a control system of conflict situations between the aircrafts based on research in the field of differential games and the theory of invariance is effective.

Keywords: net-centric system, flight safety, invariance, conflict situations, differential games, free flight.

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  1. Eurocontrol. Airspace Strategy for the ECAC States. ІСАО: 2001, 91 p. (in Russian).
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  16. Bochkarev V.V., Kravtsov V.F., Kryizhanovskiy G.A. The concept and systems of CNS/ATM in civil aviation. Moscow: Akademkniga, 2003, 415 p. (in Russian).
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Received 23.02.2015

ISSUE 180, article 4


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 179, pp 34-44.

Mashchenko Sergei O., Dr (Phys. & Math.), Professor of the Deparment of System Analysis and Decision Theory of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Acad.Glushkova Ave., 4, Kiev, 03187, Ukraine, e-mail:

Shusharin Yurii V., PhD (Phys. & Math.), Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics of the Vadim Hetman Kiev National Economic University, Victory Ave., 54/1, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine, e-mail:


Introduction. In this work, the problem of alternatives rational choice in the conditions of uncertainties with the fuzzy set of states of the environment is considered. A need for the solving of such problems arises, when a decision making person cannot expressly indicate, what states of nature will affect the consequences of the alternatives choice in a problem which was appeared at the moment of the decision making. In this case, it can only set the belonging function of a fuzzy set of relevant nature states.

The purpose of the article is the application of the known minimax regret principle for construction of a fuzzy criterion of minimax regret in the conditions of uncertainties with the fuzzy set of nature states.

Methods. The methods of the fuzzy set theory, fuzzy mathematical programming, multicriterion optimization are used in this work.

Results. It is suggested to estimate every alternative of the decision making problem by a fuzzy set of the guaranteed regrets, which can be obtained as a set of maximal values function of results utility on the fuzzy set of nature states. The solving of the problem with a fuzzy set of nature states by the fuzzy criterion of minimax regret is determined as a fuzzy set of non-dominated alternatives according to a specially built fuzzy relation of preference. The method of choice of the best-by-regret alternative with the degree of membership to the fuzzy set of decisions not less than the set number is offered. For this purpose, it is suggested to solve the system of two problems of mathematical programming of the special kind.

Conclusion. The offered method of problem solving in the conditions of uncertainties with the fuzzy set of nature states can be easily generalized in the case of a fuzzy set of alternatives and fuzzy estimations of results utility. For this purpose, it is enough to use the known technique of defuzzification.

Keywords: decision making, uncertainties, fuzzy set, the L. Savage criterion, maximizing decision.

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  1. Truhaev R.I. Models of decision making in the conditions of uncertainties. Moscow: Science, 1981, 258 p. (in Russian).
  2. Mashchenko S.O. Generalization Germeyer’s criterion in the decision making problem in conditions of uncertainty with the fuzzy set of nature states. Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, 2012, no. 5, pp. 102–110 (in Russian).
  3. Orlovsky S.A. Problems of decision making at fuzzy initial information. Moscow: Science, 1981, 208 p. (in Russian).

Received 17.02.2015

ISSUE 180, article 3


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 179, pp 25-33.

Savchenko Evgenia A., PhD (Engineering), Senior Researcher of Department of Information Technologies of inductive modeling, International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, av. Acad. Glushkova, 40, Kiev, 03187, Ukraine, e-mail:


Introduction. The advantage of inductive algorithms is in their ability to automatically find dependencies hidden in a sample of experimental data. Combinatorial algorithms of GMDH (group method of data handling) are the main inductive modeling algorithms. These algorithms applied to real problems showed that it’s not always possible to unambiguously determine a model by one criterion. Method of a model after-determination based on the Combinatorial GMDH algorithm is developed for such case. A technology based on the combinatorial GMDH algorithm and the after-determination method was developed for the modeling and forecasting.

The purpose of this article is to develop the methodology and technology for modeling and forecasting on the experimental data sample based on the combinatorial algorithm GMDH method and the after-determination method. They will help to find the optimal model in real applications.

Results. A technology for solving the problem of modeling and forecasting on the basis of the inductive approach was developed and described. This approach is based on the combinatorial algorithm GMDH method and completions. This technology, based on a sample of experimental data, automatically finds the object model or process using two external selection criteria: accuracy and bias. The developed computer technology was tested in solving applied problems of modeling and prediction: in problems of diabetes in a home-based monitoring and problems of modeling the interaction of ions with the surface of the jet gas materials.

Conclusion. A computer technology that provides an effective solution for the problems of modeling and prediction of the experimental data was developed and described. Numerical examples demonstrate its efficiency. This technology provides increased noise immunity models due to the consistent application of external criteria GMDH: the criterion of regularity and bias. This technology was used in real applications for modeling and forecasting and its effectiveness has been confirmed.

Keywords: inductive approach, combinatorial algorithm of group method of data handling, modeling, forecasting, technology.

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Received 25.03.2015

ISSUE 180, article 2


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 179, pp 15-24.

Dotsenko Sergey I., PhD (Phys. & Math.), Senior Researcher, Associate Professor, Department of Operations Research, Faculty of Cybernetics of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Pr. Glushkov, 4 D, Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine, e-mail:


Introduction. The problem of optimal choice in the case when the objects are divided into groups and carried out the simultaneous viewing of candidates in each group was considered by Bruss T. If watching the group of candidates is similar to the classical problem and the group is presented by the best candidate among all previously viewed items (such an element is called a maximum) to make a decision — choose this candidate and finish viewing or reject it and continue — the returning to the previously rejected candidates prohibited.

In this case, the optimal rule for selecting the best candidate is based on the so-called «choice theorem» (or «Bruss theorem»).

For the particular case of two groups the search strategy is trivial — namely to ignore the smaller group and to view the bigger one. However, if this case is considered as two person game, the problem appeared to be intriguing.

The purpose of the article is to find Nash equilibrium for two persons game, associated to group search secretary problem at the following set of rules.

1)  Each player makes his choice at his own set of elements.

2)  At the beginning the set of searched elements are divided at random into two subsets according to uniform distribution.

3)  Each of two players searches the best element (i.e. solve the secretary problem for two groups). After that, the prize is paid to one or two players according to the following rules. If one of the players made his lucky choice and the other one not, then the first one got 1. If the both players made their lucky choice at the same group then they share the price and got 1/2 each. If one of the players got his lucky choice at the first group, and another one at the second group, then the first one got 1, and the second one got nothing.

Results. For the considered game the Bayes-Nash equilibrium is obtained for three different cases. Equilibrium points are shown at two-dimensional diagram. Depending on the problem statement, Nash equilibrium area may take different shapes — either single point (cases 1 and 2) or family of points inside the closed curve (case 3). In first two cases, the slight effect of anarchy is observed.

Conclusion. The general principle, that the game situation solutions are based on even trivial optimization problems, makes these solutions to be complicated. The equilibrium situations of the game were found based on the concept of a complex rational behavior for each of the cases.

Keywords: problem of optimal choice, threshold strategy, group search, Bayes-Nash equilibrium, the price of anarchy.

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  1. Thomas Bruss. Sum the odds to one and stop. The annals of probability, 2000, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 1384–1391.
  2. V. Mazalov. Mathematical theory of games and its applications. Saint Peterburg: Lan, 2010, 446 p. (in Russian).

Received 30.03.2015

ISSUE 180, article 1


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 179, pp 4-14.

Surovtsev Igor V., PhD (Engineering), Senior Researcher of System Modeling Department of International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, av. Acad. Glushkova, 40, Kiev, 03187, Ukraine, e-mail:


Introduction. The complexity of direct measurement of the inversion time for the original signal in determining the concentration of toxic elements by inversion chronopotentiometry in the sample solution was not possible to determine its less than 0.1 mkg/ml.

Purpose. Necessary to create information technology of measurement the concentration of toxic elements in liquid tests of objects surrounding by methods of inversion chronopotentiometry, which let possibility essentially to increase sensitiveness and reliability in determent of the concentration.

Results. Using work out of information technology determining the concentration of toxic elements in liquid tests of inversion chronopotentiometry in apparatus the analyzer allow to increase until 14 elements, to increase sensitiveness until 0,0001 mkg/ml and to improve repetition of measurements the concentration.

Conclusion. Information technology has a universal character and can be applied for the analysis of signals of different nature, in which the values are monotonically increasing or decreasing.

Keywords: transformation of the data structure, methods of inversion chronopotentiometry, modeling, information technology.

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Received 03.03.2015