Issue 182, article 5


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 182, pp.

Aralova N.I.

V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine (Kiev)


Introduction. In addition to experimental studies in recent years the methods of mathematical modeling of individual functional systems and the whole organism in certain situations are widely used, the results of which complement the system of experimental data and allow to make a more complete assessment of the functional state of the organism.
Purpose. To explore on a mathematical model of the respiratory system the functional mechanisms of adaptation of the respiratory system to the conditions of mountain meteorological factors for persons performing heavy exercise in a hypobaric hypoxia.
Results. The model, that describes transport and mass exchange of respiratory gases in the respiratory tract, the alveolar space, blood and tissues with use of ordinary nonlinear differential equations, for the mathematical analysis of the adaptive capacity of the organism hypoxia of various etiologies is used. The regulation is based on a compromise resolution of conflicts arising between the tissues and organs in the struggle for oxygen in a deficit. On the basis of this model, the models of short time and medium adaptation persons performing heavy physical activity in a midlands are created. Results of simulation experiment are presented.
Conclusion. The article presents a mathematical model of short-term and medium term adaptation FRS for rescuers and the results of the numerical analysis of this model. On this basis, the practical recommendations for the selection of the persons, that are exposed to the combined effects of hypobaric hypoxia and the hypermetabolic hypoxia, are given.
Keywords: short-term adaptation, medium term adaptation, respiration system, hypobaric hypoxia, hypermetabolic hypoxia, reliability, mathematical model of respiratory system.

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  1. Onopchuk Yu.N. Homeostasis function of the respiratory system as a result of in-system and system-environment interaction // Bioekomedicine. Unified Information Space — Kiev — 2001. — P.59–81(in Russian)
  2. Onopchuk Y.N., Beloshitsky P.V. Aralova N.I. On the question of reliability of functional systems // Cybernetics and computing tehnics. 1999. — Vol. 122. — P. 72–89 (in Russian)
  3. Polinkevich K.B., Onopchuk Y.N. Conflicts in the regulation of the main function of the respiratory system of the body, and mathematical models of their solution // Cybernetics. — 1986. — № 3. — P. 100–104.
  4. Bіloshitsky P.V. Klyuchko O.M., Onopchuk Y.N. Research results of the problems of adaptation by Ukrainian scientists on Elbrus // Vіsn. NAU. — 2008. — № 1. — P. 102–108.
  5. Onopchuk Y.M., Bіloshitsky P.V. Klyuchko O.M. Creation of mathematical models for the research by Ukrainian scientists on Elbrus. // Vіsn. NAU. — 2008. — № 3. — P. 146–155.

Received 07.09.2015

Issue 182, article 4


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 182, pp.

Kopets M.M.

National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» (Kiev)


Introduction. The last half-century is characterized by the rapid development of technology. Significant progress has been made in the rocket, aircraft, shipbuilding and space technology, etc. All sectors have oscillatory processes. In some cases, they can usefully be taken into account to improve the quality of the process, while others, on the contrary, it is necessary to suppress because of their negative impact on the final process. This means that the oscillatory processes must not only be learned, but also be able to manage them effectively. Similar problems effectively manage mechanical processes just studying optimal control theory. The purpose of this article is to study the linear-quadratic problem of optimal control by oscillations of the beam with variable cross-section in the case of the free ends of the beam.
Statement of the Problem. The state equation is linear partial differential equation of the fourth order of hyperbolic type with given initial conditions and homogeneous boundary conditions. Quality of the process is estimated by quadratic functional. The admissible control is such a function which belongs to the class of square Lebesgue integrable functions. Optimal control is admissible control which is implemented at least the cost functional.
The purpose of the paper is to determine the necessary conditions for optimal control of process vibrations of a beam of variable cross-section in the case of the free ends of the beam and to give solution of integral-differential Riccati equations for the optimal control.
The main results. Necessary optimality conditions for the considered optimization problem are obtained. Analysis of these conditions made it possible to bring the system of integro-differential Riccati equations with partial derivatives. The solution of this system is used in the construction of an explicit formula for the calculation of optimal control.
Conclusions. The article investigates the linear-quadratic optimal control process vibrations of a beam of variable cross-section in the case of the free ends of the beam. Necessary optimality conditions for the considered optimization problem are obtained. Analysis of these conditions made it possible to bring the system of integro-differential Riccati equations with partial derivatives. The solution of this system is used in the construction of an explicit formula for the calculation of optimal control. Further development of the obtained results is to study the case where the control time tends to infinity. In the theory of optimal control, this problem is called the problem of analytical construction of the regulator.
Keywords: linear quadratic optimal control problem, method of Lagrange multipliers, necessary optimality conditions, oscillations of the beam, partial derivatives, system of integro-differential equations.

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  1. Bublik B.N., Kirichenko N.F. Fundamentals of control theory. — K .: Higher School — 1975. — 328 p.
  2. Naidu D.S. Optimal control systems // Electrical engineering textbook series. — CRC PRESS — Boka Raton London — New York — Washington, D. C. — 2003. — 433 p.
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  4. Kopets M.M. Optimal control of vibrations of a rectangular membrane // Cybernetics and computer engineering. — 2014. — Vol. 177. — P. 28–42.

Received 10.07.2015

Issue 182, article 3


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 182, pp.

Pavlov A.V.

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine


Introduction. Development and optimization of methods and algorithms for solving statistical modeling problems are the basic directions in science undoubtedly. Although even the most efficient methods and technologies lose their value if they stay just program modules which can be used only by programmers. To be used in practice they should be integrated in some software that has intuitive user-friendly interface. Such software helps to discover a real value of the methods behind it.
The purpose of the paper is increasing the usage effectiveness of а recurrentand-parallel iterative algorithm by developing a full-fledged modern software based on it for solving forecasting, extrapolation and approximation problems.
Results. The main task of integration of GUI and computational module is a union of two mechanisms of parallization: Threading Building Blocks (TBB) parallization and Qt-parallization. The main idea of proposed approach is that every operation (including the model building operation that create own TBB-threads) initiated by a user should perform in additional Qt-thread. A design pattern that solve this task was developed. The pattern was used to finally implement the ASIS. The system applied to forecast investments security of Ukraine. A system of forecasting models that describe the state of Ukrainian investments security was build. Mean absolute percentage error of the models hit the [-7; +7] interval on independent dataset, that indicate a good forecasting ability of the models.
Conclusion. The work suggests an approach to organization of recurrent-andparallel computations in ASIS that allow integrating the most effective methods for solving statistical modeling problems in user-friendly intuitive full-fledge system that allows any user to solve forecasting, regression and approximation problems with high efficiency. The system was applied to forecast Ukrainian investments security. The economic interpretation of the obtained forecasts says that in 2013 year Ukraine will gain more investments from abroad than from inner investors Ukrainian manufacturing will increase rates; on the background rise of overall country investments, the investments in basic capital will decline.
Keywords: Multithreaded parallelization, design patterns, group method of data handling, recurrent-and-parallel computations, Qt, TBB.

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  1. Efimenko S., Stepashko V. S, Basics of recurrent-and-parallel computations in combinatorial algorithm COMBI of GMDH // Controll sysmems and machines — 2014. — № 6. — P. 27–33. (in Russian)
  2. Efimenko S.M. Combinatorial algorithm of GMDH with sequential complication of structures based on recurrent-and-parallel computations // Inductive modeling of complex systems — Vol. 6. — 2014. — P. 81–89. (in Ukrainian)
  3. Pavlov A.V. Parallel relaxational iterative algorithm of GMDH // Inductive modeling of complex systems — Vol. 6. — 2014. — P. 33–40.
  4. Pavlov A.V. Design of automated structure-parametric identification system // Inductive modeling of complex systems — Vol.7— 2015. — P. 33–40.
  5. Internet resource

Received 28.10.2015

Issue 182, article 2


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 182, pp.

Balovsyak S.V.1, Fodchuk I.M.1, Solovay Yu.M.2, Lutsyk Ia.V.1

1Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Chernovtsy)

2Bukovinian State Medical University (Chernovtsy)


Introduction. The increase of local contrast and removal of heterogeneous background are the widespread problems of the digital image processing [1–4]. In existing local methods, such as the method of images adaptive contrast enhancement, a value of the local contrast is computed in vicinity of each pixel within a predetermined sliding window. The disadvantages of the existing local methods include poor performance, complicated selection of filter parameters and errors in the calculation of the intensity of the resulting image.
The purpose of the paper is to develop a multilevel method of local contrast increasing and removal of heterogeneous background of images with the high performance and accuracy using the minimal number of filter parameters.
Methods. The signal envelopes are calculated by linear and cubic approximation.
Results. The multilevel method of removing heterogeneous background and local contrast enhancement of images within the window of the Mw Ч Nw pixels size has been elaborated and developed in the MATLAB system [5]. By means of the developed method the heterogeneous background has been successfully removed and local contrast has been increased for the test simulated and medical X-ray images.
Conclusions. Time of the image processing by the multilevel method is shortened comparing with per pixel processing in tR ~ (Mw Ч Nw)2 time, for example at the window size of Mw Ч Nw = 11 Ч 11 pixels the value of tR ≈ 10 times. The optimal distance between the windows centres on height and width is equal to SH0 = [Mw/2] + 1 and SW0 = [Nw/2] + 1, respectively.

Keywords: digital image processing, local contrast increasing, heterogeneous background removal.

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  1. Gonzalez R., Woods R., Eddins S. Digital image processing. — M.: Technosphere, 2005. — 1072 p. (in Russian)
  2. Russ J.C. The image processing handbook. 6th ed. — CRC Press, 2011. — 817 p.
  3. Design features of medical information decision support system based on data mining / G.V. Knyshov, A.V. Rudenko, E.A. Nastenko & others // Cybernetics and Computer Engineering. — 2014. — Vol. 177. — P. 79–87. (in Russian)
  4. Bondina N.N., Muratov R.Yu. Adaptive filtering and image contrast changing algorithms // Vestnik NTU “KPI”, 2014. — №35. — P.35–42. (in Russian)
  5. Ketkov Y.L., Ketkov A.J., Schulz M. Matlab 7: programming, numerical methods. — SPb. : BHV-Petersburg, 2005. — 752 p. (in Russian)

Received 20.10.2015

Issue 182, article 1


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 182, pp.

Surovtsev I.V.

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine


Introduction. It is important to use methods of digital filtration of signals, that do not distort the form of signal and use its internal characteristics, such as points of extrema for systems of measuring the concentration of toxic elements in chronopotentiometry.
The purpose of research is to create a method digital filtering by using extrema points for performing high-frequency treatment of different types of electrochemical signals while maintaining the shape of the useful signal which increases monotonically.
Methods. The method of digital filtering is based on using of the method of determining the spectrum of the analog signal by points of extrema.
Results. Created method of high-frequency filtration of electrochemical signals has reduced errors in determining the concentration, since it does not distort the form of the useful signal and does not lead to a blurring of the boundaries of the components of measurement of elements. The method is actively used in existing devices measuring the concentration toxic elements in the systems of dynamic axle-by-axle weighting of automobiles and continuous dosing, as well as in many other technical systems of measurement.
Conclusion. The proposed method of digital filtering has substantially universal character and can be used for preliminary digital processing of very different physical or chemical signals.
Keywords: digital filtering, extrema points of signal, chronopotentiometry.

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  1. Surovtsev I.V., Galimov S.K., Martynov I.A., Babak O.V., Galimova V.M. Device for measurement of concentration of toxic elements. Patent 107412 Ukraine, Int.C1. (2006) G01N 27/48, 2014 (in Ukrainian).
  2. Surovtsev I.V., Tatarinov A.E., Galimov S.K. The modeling of the Differential Chronopotentiograms by the Sum of Normal Distributions//Control System and Computers — 2009. — №. 5. — pp.40–45 (in Russian).
  3. Oppenheim A.V., Schafer R.W. Discrete-Time Signal Processing — NJ: Prentige-Hall, 1999. — 860 p.
  4. Fainzilberg L.S. Information technologies of signal processing complex form. Theory and practice — Kiev: Naukova dumka, 2008 — 333 p. (in Russian).
  5. Zadiraka V.K., Melnikova S.S. Digital signal processing — Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1993. — 294 p. (in Russian).
  6. Shelevitsky І.V., Shutko M.O., Shutko V.M., Kolganova O.O. Splines in digital data processing and signals — Kryvyy Rih: Vydavnychyy dim, 2008. — 232 p. (in Ukrainian).
  7. Skurykhin V.I., Ponomareva I.D., Siverskij P.M., Tsepkov G.V. Method of determining the spectrum of the analogue signal. Patent 845600 SSSR, 1981 (in Russian).
  8. Tsepkov G.V. Methods of data compression for quick spectrum and correlation transformations//Visnyk Shidnoukrains’kogo nacional’nogo universytetu im. V.Dalja — 2013. — № 15 (204). — pp. 222–229 (in Russian).
  9. Surovtsev I.V., Martynov I.A., Galimova V.M., Babak O.V. Device for measurement of concentration of heavy metals. Patent 96375 Ukraine, Int.C1. (2006) G01N 27/48, 2011 (in Ukrainian).
  10. Surovtsev I.V., Kopilevych V.A., Galimova V.M., Martynov I.A., Babak O.V. Analogdigital electro-chemical device for measurement of parameters of solutions. Patent 104062 Ukraine, Int.C1. (2006) G01N 27/48, 2013 (in Ukrainian).
  11. Surovtsev I.V., Babak O.V., Tatarinov O.E., Kryzhanovskyi Y.A. System for axle-by-axle weighing on platform scales. Patent 106013 Ukraine, Int.C1. (2006) G01G 19/02, 2014 (in Ukrainian).

Received 06.07.2015



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Informatics and Information Technologies:

Surovtsev I.V.
The Method of Digital Filtering of Electrochemical Signals in the Chronopotentiometry

Balovsyak S.V., Fodchuk I.M., Solovay Yu.M., Lutsyk Ia.V.
Multilevel Method of Local Contrast Increase and Images Heterogeneous Background Removal

Pavlov A.V.
Approach to Organization of Recurrent-And-Parallel Computations in Automized Structure-Parametric Identification System

Intellectual Control and Systems:

Kopets M.M.
Optimal Control by Vibrations of the Beam With Variable Cross-Section

Aralova N.I.
Mathematical Model of the Short- And Medium-Term Adaptation of Respiratory System of the Persons Working in Extreme Conditions of High Mountains

Medical and Biological Cybernetics:

Antomonov M.Y.
Methods of Determination of Environmental Factors Joint Impact in Epidemiological Studies for Binary Data

Krivova O.A., Kozak L.M.
Сomplex Estimation of Regional Demographic Development

Nastenko I.А., Boyko A.L., Nosovets О.K., Teplyakov K.I., Pavlov V.А.
Synthesis of Logisitic Regression, Based on Self-Organisation Principles of Models

ISSUE 181, article 6


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 181, pp.

Mayorov O.Y.

Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Fenchenko V.N.

B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv


Introduction. A summary electroencephalogram (EEG) is composed of superimposed slow waves. The EEG reflects sophisticated cortical-subcortical interactions and conceals activity of multiple neuronal systems; each of them is characterized by determined neurodynamics.
The purpose of work is to create a method of objective quantitative assessment of parameters of multifractal summary bioelectric activity (EEG); to study EEG multifractality in healthy volunteers, subjects in altered states of conscious and pathologic EEGs.
Results. For the qualitative estimation of the multifractality of the EEG signal, the use of multifractal spectrum width, which can serve as an indicator of altered and pathologic brain states, is proposed. The state of different brain areas can also be assessed according to the offset value of a singularity spectrum of the transposition between different states. Analysis of Hölder exponents can provide an exact diagnostic tool and allow substantial interpretation of different processes in the brain.

Keywords: EEG, summary brain bioelectric activity, multifractality, wavelet transform maximum modulus method, method of multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis, Hölder exponent.

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Received 27.03.2015

ISSUE 181, article 5


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 181, pp.

Melnichuk S.V.

Space Research Institute National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and State Space Agency of Ukraine


Introduction. One of the important directions in the identification of linear systems are frequency domain methods. In recent decades a finite-frequency approach, focused on the use under bounded uncertainty has been developed. Within finite-frequency approach a method, that allows to construct models with reduced dimensionality has been proposed. The method includes a step of structural identification with regularization by model dimension. This method was used to identify single-input single-output (SISO) systems, so it could not be applied to systems with multiple input and multiple output (MIMO).
Purpose. In order to generalize the method it is proposed to identify SISO models of subsystems, that describes individual inputs and outputs, and then combine them. The main purpose of research is to develop an algorithm, that combine separate SISO models into one general MIMO model.
Results. Separate SISO models determined by their invariant properties. As simple combination of SISO models leads to a MIMO model of large dimension, and some invariant properties in different models may be similar, it makes sense to carry out unification by equating this invariants.
Possibility of association for different combinations of SISO models, that have the same eigenvalues were investigated. It is shown that by combining models additional dependencies between coefficients may be imposed. It is shown that if the dependency graph contains no cycles, then the union is possible. On the basis of this fact the synthesizing algorithm was proposed.
Conclusions. The proposed identification algorithm builds the general MIMO model from separate SISO models so that the dimension of resulting model may be significantly less, than sum of dimensions of original SISO models. The proposed algorithm saves all invariant characteristics of the original models, so approximation accuracy by the each input-output relation is stored.

Keywords: System identification, frequency domain, structural identification, reduced dimensionality.

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1 Orlov Y.F. Frequency Parameter-Based Identification at Parallel Testing. Automation and Remote Control, 2007, vol.68, no. 1. pp. 18–37.

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Received 05.06.2015

ISSUE 181, article 4


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 181, pp.

Zhiteckii L.S., Nikolaienko S.A., Solovchuk K.Yu.

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine


Introduction. The paper deals with studying the asymptotical properties of the standard discrete-time gradient online learning algorithm in the two-layer neural network model of the uncertain nonlinear system to be identified. Also, the design of the discrete-time adaptive closed-loop system containing the linear multivariable memoryless plant with possibly singular but unknown matrix gain in the presence of unmeasurable bounded disturbances having the unknown bounds are addressed in this paper. It is assumed that the learning process in the neural network model is implemented in the stochastic environment whereas the adaptation of the plant model in the control system is based on the non-stochastic description of the external environment.
The purpose of the paper is to establish the global convergence conditions of the gradient online learning algorithm in the neural network model by utilizing the probabilistic asymptotic analysis and to derive the convergent adaptive control algorithm guaranteeing the boundedness of the signals in the closed-loop system which contains the multivariable memoryless plant with an arbitrary matrix gain in the presence of unmeasurable disturbances whose bounds are unknown.
Results. The Lyapunov function approach as the suitable tool for analyzing the asymptotic behavior both of the gradient learning algorithm in the neural network identification systems and of the adaptive gradient algorithm in the certain closed-loop control systems is utilized. Within this approach, the two groups of global sufficient conditions guaranteeing the convergence of the online gradient learning algorithm in neural network model with probability 1 are obtained. The first group of these conditions defines the requirements under which this algorithm will be convergent almost sure with a constant learning rate. Such an asymptotic property holds in the ideal case where the nonlinearity to be identified can exactly be described by a neural network model. The second group of convergence conditions shows that this property can also be achieved in non-ideal case. It turns out that adding a penalty term to the current error function is indeed not necessary to guarantee this property. It is established that in a worst case where the matrix gain of multivariable plant is unknown and may be singular, and the bounds on the arbitrary unmeasurable disturbances remain unknown, the convergence of the gradient adaptation algorithm and the boundedness of all signals in the adaptive closed-loop system can be ensured.
Conclusions. In order to guarantee the global convergence of the online learning algorithm in the neural network identification system with probability 1, the certain conditions should be satisfied. Also the boundedness of all signals in the closed-loop adaptive control system containing the multivariable memoryless plant whose matrix gain is unknown and possibly singular can be achieved even if the bounds on the unmeasurable disturbances are unknown.

Keywords: neural network, gradient learning algorithm, convergence, multivariable memoryless plant, adaptive control algorithm, boundedness of the signals.

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Received 06.07.2015

ISSUE 181, article 3


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 181, pp.

Hryshchenko Y.V., Skrypets A.V., Tronko V.D.

National Aviation University of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Kiev)


Introduction. Nowadays,  proportion of accidents caused by the human factor (HF) is 80-90%. Despite the fact that these events are unlikely to happen, due to them at one time hundreds of lives may be taken away. Previous research works at assessment of change of integral-differential motor dynamic stereotype (IDDS) of pilot showed that the negative impact on the crew of factor overlays (FO) is simultaneously operating factors that often are imitated by failures in complex aircraft simulator significantly affect the quality of piloting technique (QPT). Stress caused by FO also leads to faulty actions. Simulation of FO action by implementation of complex failures on the simulator opens great opportunities for antistress training of pilots and the rest of the crew. Research has shown that in training certification centers approximately 70% of the pilots have no resistance to FO and the same pilots show the phenomenon of amplification of IDDS (PAIDDS), which is negative that there is an increase in the amplitude of the control motions that the operator does not notice without special training and equipment. It should be noted that the approach phase is the most accidental [1-3].
Motion Path of aircraft allows to determine the level of operator’s training, its psycho-physiological condition and quality of all elements of the aircraft. More common problem statement is how to define the technical and psychological state of the operator-machine-environment (SOME) at approaching the landing.
The purpose of this work is to determine opportunities and formation of mathematical models of the aircraft control by correlation functions while entering the glide path to improve the quality of landing.
Conclusions. In this study there is established that is possible to control the trajectory of the aircraft on glide path by the correlation function by our proposed formulas, especially: description of the correlation function without influence of factor overlaps and on the glide path with periodic factor overlap.
There are considered various options entering the glide path of an aircraft. We derive the numerical values of influence of timeliness of entrance to the glidepath on the quality of the landing at the outstrip and delay and it is shown that the correlation function of delay on outstrip is decreasing faster. It is concluded that the delay in entering the glide path by the pilot is more dangerous than outstrip.
The obtained results require the implementation in production technology of flight to improve the quality of trajectory control of the aircraft movement.

Keywords: correlation function, the human factor, glissade, flying.

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Received 06.07.2015