Issue 183, article 6

Gorban Andrey E., PhD (Medicine), Director of Ukrainian Centre of Scientific Medical Information and Patent-Licence Provision of Ministry of Health of Ukraine, av. Moskovska, 19, Kiev, 04655,

Kochina Marina L., Dr of Biology, Prof., Professor of Clinical Informatics and Information Technologies Department of Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Korchagincev st., 58, Kharkov, 61176,

FORECASTING MODEL OF INNOVATIVE EFFICIENCY OF RESEARCH WORK IN THE HEALTH CARE. Kibernetika i vyčislitel’naâ tehnika, 2016, issue 183, pp. 79-91

Introduction. When planning research work (research) predicting the effectiveness of its innovative performance, which is crucial in determining the prospects of its funding is of great importance.

The purpose of the article is to give scientific substantiation and development of forecasting model of innovative efficiency of research.

Methods. Scoring system developed by the scientific research results and products, the scale of expert assessments were used. To construct forecasting model of fuzzy logic was used.

Results. The usage of fuzzy logic revealed informative indicators for predicting of the innovative effectiveness of research, which include peer reviews: the novelty of the research, the expected medical effect of the introduction of the results, level of methodical and material base of research, qualification of basic performers. The usage of the model of expert estimates forecast the effectiveness of research at the planning stage.

Conclusion. The usage of this method of scoring the results of research and forecasting model of its effectiveness can be the basis for a decision on the financing of the work at the planning stage and allow us to determine the rating of scientific staff at its completion.

Keywords: forecasting model, fuzzy logic, innovation efficiency, the research work.

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1 Horban’ A.Ye., Zakrut’ko L.I., Myslyts’kyy O.V. Analitychna otsinka innovatsiynoyi ta vynakhidnyts’koyi diyal’nosti u sferi okhorony zdorov”ya Ukrayiny u 2013 rotsi. Klin. ta eksperym. Patol, 2014, T. XIII, No 1 (47), pp. 3–7. (in Ukrainian)

2 Horban’ A.Ye. Stan innovatsiynoyi diyal’nosti u sferi okhorony zdorov”ya. Rehional’na innovatsiyna stratehiya ta stalyy ekonomichnyy rozvytok: nauk. konf., 5 lyp. 2012 r., Kyiv: materialy, 2012. pp.34–35. (in Ukrainian)

3 Zakon Ukrayiny “Pro priorytetni napryamy rozvytku nauky i tekhniky” vid 11.07.2001 roku No 2623-111 (iz zminamy). Available at: http // / laws/show/2623-14 (in Ukrainian)

4 Horban’ A.Ye., Zakrut’ko L.I., Vasylenko L.V. Optymizatsiya innovatsiynoyi diyal’nosti u sferi okhorony zdorov”ya Ukrayiny. Intelektual’na vlasnist’ v Ukrayini, 2012, No 10, pp. 11–15. (in Ukrainian)

5 Lazoryshynets’ V.V., Volosovets’ O.P., Kochet O.M. Pytannya pidvyshchennya efektyvnosti innovatsiynoyi ta vynakhidnyts’koyi diyal’nosti y rozvytku transferu medychnykh tekhnolohiy u sferi okhorony zdorov”ya Ukrayiny. Ukrayins’kyy medychnyy chasopys, 2014, No 4 (102), pp. 142–145. (in Ukrainian)

6 Horban’ A.Ye. Uprovadzhennya dosyahnen’ medychnoyi nauky v praktyku okhorony zdorov”ya z vykorystannyam suchasnykh informatsiynykh tekhnolohiy. Lik. sprava. Vracheb. Delo, 2012, No 3–4, pp. 109–112. (in Ukrainian)

7 Borysov V.V., Kruhlov V.V., Fedulov A.S. Nechetkye modely y sety. Moscow: Horyachaya lynyya, Telekom, 2007, 284 p. (in Russian)

8 Bryantsev Y.N. Data Mining. Teoryya y praktyka. Moscow: BDTs–Press, 2006, 208 p. (in Russian)

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10 Mamdani E.H., Assilian S. An experiment in linguistic synthesis with fuzzy logic controller. J. Man-Machine Studies,1975, Vol. 7, No 1, pp. 1–13.

11 Shtovba S.D. Proektyrovanye nechetkykh system sredstvamy MATLAB. Moscow: Horyachaya lynyya, Telekom, 2007, 288 p. (in Russian)

Received 14.12.2015

Issue 183, article 5

Komar Nikolai N., Researcher of Intelligent Control Department of International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, av. Acad. Glushkova, 40, c. Kiev, 03680,

Korshunov Nikolai V., Constructor Engineer of Antonov State Company, Tupolev st., 1, Kiev, 03062,

Pavlov Vadim V., Dr. of Engineering, Prof., Head of Intelligent Control Department of International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, av. Acad. Glushkova, 40, Kiev, 03680,


Introduction. The article discusses the question of the necessity to create an aircraft control system having the properties of survivability and fault tolerance.

The purpose of the article is to show the usage of computer modeling as a tool for the achievement of an acceptable level of safety and quality control of the aircraft in various emergency situations related to the impact of external disturbances, faults and their combinations.

Results. The authors proposed the usage of a computer model of the aircraft altitude and velocity control system, developed in the MatLab Simulink with the use of advantages of the combined systems, and the theory of invariance. The model of aircraft movement in the longitudinal plane is created. This model is based on the physical parameters of the aircraft and its aerodynamics and takes into account the effect of the turbulent atmosphere. It is shown that using such model is possible to conduct research for solving problems related to the dynamics of flight.

Conclusion. It is shown that the usage of computer modeling as a tool of mathematical modeling to create adaptive automatic control system is proposed.

Keywords: automatic control system, flight safety, invariance, failure, disturbance, computer model.

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  1. Pavlov V.V., Voloshenyuk D.А., Volkov А.Е. Тhe concept of management networkcentric landing planes on the free path of with technology of conflict situations. Kibernetika i vyčislitelʹnaâ tehnika, 2014, №. 178, рр. 36–51 (in Russian).
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Received 10.11.2015

Issue 183, article 4

Gubarev Viacheslav F., Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Dr Technics, Head of Control of Dynamic Systems Department of Space Research Institute the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and of State Space Agency of Ukraine, av.Acad.Glushkova, 40, build. 4/1, c. Kiev, 03680,

Diadenko O.N., Postgraduate (PG) of National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnical Institute”, av. Pobedy, 37, Kiev, 03056,

OBSERVABILITY ANALYSIS OF SPACECRAFTS’ ATTITUDE MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS. Kibernetika i vyčislitel’naâ tehnika, 2016, issue 183, pp.51-68.

Introduction. One of the important tasks for small spacecrafts is the optimization of onboard measurement equipment, which on the one hand is not excessive and on the other — allows to estimate all attitude parameters with required accuracy.

The purpose of the artecle is to conduct observability analysis of the most commonly used measurement systems, such as magnetometer, star and angular velocity sensors, local vertical builder in order to identify the minimum required set of onboard measurement equipment, which ensures observability of the spacecraft.

Approach and Methods. Measurement systems observability assessment utilizes existing methods of dynamic systems observability theory and is based on observation and spacecraft’s angular motion equations. Model of the spacecraft’s motion is described using quaternion components as positional parameters. Since the models are essentially nonlinear, obtaining the overall global observability conditions for such system is a complex problem. Therefore, linearization procedure is applied and local observability conditions are assessed based on the rank and condition numbers of observability matrices of the linear approximation.

Results. Astro-measurement system ensures the most effective observability and may be used as the simplest measurement system. Magnetometer with three orthogonal magnetically sensitive probes does not ensure practical observability of the system, unless local vertical builder is added.

Keywords: State estimation, observability, quarternion, spacecraft, magnetometer, star sensor, local vertical builder.

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1 Lebedev D.I., Tkachenko A.I. Control of the spherical motion of the spacecraft in the Earth’s magnetic field. Part 1: Information Support. Problemy upravleniya i informatiki, 1995, Vol. 6, pp. 5–18. (in Russian)

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Received 21.12.2015

Issue 183, article 3

Khokhlov Yevgenii M., President of Scientific and Methodological Center of Process Analysis, Borshchagovskaya st. 109/141, ap.102, Kiev, 03056

Hryshchenko Yurii V., PhD (Technics), Associate Professor of Avionics Department of Institute of Aeronavigation, National Aviation University of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, av. Kosmonavta Komarova, 1, Kiev, 03680,

Volodko Olga N. Student of Institute of Aeronavigation, National Aviation University of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, av. Kosmonavta Komarova, 1, Kiev, 03680,


Introduction. Often during the operation aircraft of a new generation which has electronic on-board equipment (literally “flying computers”) there occur failures, where electronic failures are up to 70–80% and we can observe intensive trends of their increasing. One way or another all resonance aircraft incidents (Sknilov, Smolensk, Cam Ranh, etc.) have technological causes (causa finales) which are– integrated avionics failures — control systems or security systems.

A significant number of aircraft accidents and serious incidents occur due to technical causes — failures of avionics and onboard equipment. This work for the first time examined avionics failures as random cyclic processes and ways of detecting them.

The purpose of the article is to develop and establish a method for determining the quality of piloting by the contours of the correlation fields of flight parameters which is based on the analysis aviation accidents and simulation experiments.

Results. The proposed method of determining the quality of piloting by the contours (contour figures) of correlation fields of flight parameters is that by determining the presence or absence of areas of contour figures of correlation fields of flight parameters, the first signs of absence or occurrence of failures of avionics in complicated flight conditions are determined.

Conclusions. The method for determining the quality of piloting by the contours (contour figures) of correlation fields of flight parameters, failures avionics and onboard equipment shows sufficient efficacy for creating analyzers of first signs of failures.

At the complex failures which are associated with the transition from the suitable for flight path sections to not suitable for flight areas and vice versa, we may observe the effects of complete transformation and conversion of plane contour figures in the linear configuration.

At the failures which are not associated with the transition to not suitable for flight path sections, we may observe the effects of compression and reduction of the area of contour figures (contours) of correlation fields.

Transition to the analysis of contours of correlation fields at recognizing contour figure is limited for signs of complex failures with 4-6 reference frames in the identification of the presence or absence of contour area. It is essential for the analysis of fast failures, cycles of which are comparable with the time of sensorimotor reaction of aircraft operators.

Keywords: quality of pilotage, contour, correlation field, human factor.

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  1. Gribov V.M., Grischenko Y.V., Skripets A.V. Reliability of avionics systems. Part 1. Definition, values, failure models, evaluation methods. Study guide. Kiev: Book publisher NAU, 2006, 324 p.
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Received 10.02.2016

Issue 183, article 2

Filatova Anna E., PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor of Computing Technology and Programming Department of National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Frunze st., 21, Kharkov, 61002,



Introduction. The main method of breast cancer diagnosis is X-ray mammography. Visualization quality of studied organs of during radiological examinations depends on many factors that are related both to characteristics of recording equipment (an energy of ionizing radiation, exposure time, spatial resolution, etc.) and to characteristics of a visualization object (thickness and density of the tissue, dimensions of anatomical structures, etc.). So the task of visualization quality improvement of mammograms due to digital image processing is an important scientific and practical task. To solve this problem, the author developed the visualization quality improvement method of mammograms that is called IMRI-MAM. The main idea of the IMRI-MAM method is reviewed in the article.

The purpose of the article is selection of the type and parameters of a sigmoid function for performing of nonlinear contrast enhancement of the IMRI-MAM method and a quality evaluation of processed images.

Results. In this article properties of different types of sigmoidal functions are examined. The sigmoidal function of exponential form is proposed to use in the IMRI-MAM method. The properties of exponential sigmoid function are investigated. Optimization of parameters of nonlinear function of contrast enhancement in the IMRI-MAM method is performed. Dependence of the parameters of the sigmoid function of nonlinear contrast enhancement from the statistical characteristics of processed image is shown. The analytical expressions for calculating the parameters of the sigmoid function are found. Brightness, contrast and completeness of brightness gradations are selected as parameters for assessing of image quality. Local criteria for assessing of the image quality are reviewed. An integral criterion of image quality based on the properties of reviewed local criteria is proposed.

Conclusions. Experimental verification of the IMRI-MAM method of the visualization quality improvement of mammograms with using exponential sigmoid function was performed. 350 mammograms obtained with the digital X-ray mammography complex SYMA (manufactured by “Radmir”, Kharkov, Ukraine) were processed using the IMRI-MAM method. Subjective assessment of the experts showed a significant quality improvement of the processed images, which is also confirmed by objective assessments of the images quality. Further studies are aimed at generalization of the IMRI-MAM method to handle different kinds of radiographic images.

Keywords: a sigmoid function, nonlinear contrast enhancement, mammogram, the IMRI-MAM method, a criterion of image quality.

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  1. Ternovoj S.K., Abduraimov A.B. Radiation mammalogy. Moscow: GJeOTAR-Media, 2007, 128 p. (in Russian).
  2. Fisher U., Baum F. Mammography: 100 clinical cases. Moscow: MEDpress inform, 2009, 368 p. (in Russian).
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  13. D. Boyko, A. Filatova, Povoroznjuk A. International Conf. “Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications, and Computer Science”. The Imaging Method of Pathologic Structures on Mammograms Using Layerwise Overlay. Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2014, pp. 745–747.
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Received 03.11.2015


Issue 183, article 1

Fainzilberg Leonid S., Dr of Engineering, Chief Researcher of Data Processing Department of International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, av. Acad. Glushkova, 40, Kiev, 03680.

Orikhovska Kseniya B.,Postgraduate (PG) of International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, av. Acad. Glushkova, 40, Kiev, 03680,

Vakhovskyi Ivan V., Student of National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnical Institute”, av. Pobedy, 37, Kiev, 03056,

ASSESSMENT OF CHAOTIC FRAGMENTS’ SHAPE OF THE SINGLE-CHANNEL ELECTROCARDIOGRAM. Kibernetika i vyčislitel’naâ tehnika, 2016, issue 183, pp.4-24.

Introduction. Building an effective information technology (IT), which provides chaotic assessment of the electrocardiogram (ECG) fragments’ shape, has both cognitive and practical importance. Therefore, the problem of developing methods and computer tools that provide assessment not only by the rhythm of the heart, but also on other parameters of ECG that have diagnostic value is relevant.

The purpose of the article is to propose instrumental system for the study of single-channel ECG elements shape chaoticity, based on the various entropy assessments and make a comparative analysis of these estimates in the model and the real data.

Methods. The proposed instrumental system based on the national portable electrocardiograph FAZEGRAF® with the original finger electrodes sensor, which can record the ECG from the first standard lead. In addition to determining the chaoticity of parameters, that characterize the shape of the main elements of the ECG, also estimating the diagnostic features chaoticity. Introduced a number of improvements in the considered methods which determine the signal chaoticity degree. In particular, an original evaluation algorithm for permutation entropy evaluating that can automatically identify 5 classes of patterns is proposed.

Results. Processing of model and real data showed that the computing algorithms implemented in IT allow to adequately assessing the degree of signals chaoticity. Based on the parameters chaotic assessment, that carry information about the ECG elements shape, diagnostically important subtle signal differences in healthy and sick patients, as well as significant differences in parameters of the ECG elements shape chaoticity in people with varying degrees of organism fitness were found.

Conclusions. Instrumental system provides the convenience of experimental studies with searching for new biomarkers of cardiac abnormalities and evaluation of organism adaptation capabilities.

Keywords: heart rate, the entropy of the process, synergy, shape of ECG fragments.

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Received 08.12.2015




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Informatics and Information Technologies:

Fainzilberg L.S., Orikhovska K.B., Vakhovskyi I.V.
Assessment of Chaotic Fragments’ Shape of the Single-Channel Electrocardiogram

Filatova A.E.
Selection of Parameters of the Visualization Quality Improvement Method
of Mammograms

Khokhlov Y.M., Hryshchenko Y.V., Volodko O.N.
Method of Determining the Quality of Piloting by the Contours of Correlation Fields of Flight Parameter in Special Conditions

Intellectual Control and Systems:

Gubarev V.F., Diadenko O.N.
Observability Analysis of Spacecrafts’ Attitude Measurement Systems

Komar N.N., Korshunov N.V., Pavlov V.V.
Model of Spatial Movement of the Aircraft for the Comprehensive Solution of Task of Improving the Quality and Safety of Flight

Medical and Biological Cybernetics:

Gorban A.E., Kochina M.L.
Forecasting Model of Innovative Efficiency of Research Work
in the Health Care

Issue 182, article 8


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 182, pp.

Nastenko I.А., Boyko A.L., Nosovets О.K., Teplyakov K.I., Pavlov V.А.

National Technical University of Ukraine “Kiev Polytechnical Institute” (Kiev)


Introduction. Requirements for modeling algorithms and their implementations varies depending upon the desired properties of the models, which has to be received in restrictions on the available computational resources. Examples of desired properties — accuracy, efficiency ratings, the lowest sensitivity to a change in the data of the model error, variance estimation of parameters, p values etc. Depending on the specific use of models, those or other criteria are taken as a basis for designing specific algorithm simulation. However, choice of the solution of resulting model is usually left to the user. This article considers the possibility of stepwise regression algorithm’s automatic optimization of parameters that is based on principles of self-organization on an example of the synthesis of the logistic model.
The purpose of this article is the improvment the quality of logistic regression classification models due to automatic optimization multivariate binary logistic regression algorithm parameters.
Results. The essence of the modification of stepwise logistic regression standard algorithm: defines penter , pleave grid for each combination of the thresholds calculates stepwise logistic algorithm and the corresponding value of the external criteria. Proposed external criteria reflects the classification accuracy on the training and test datasets, on the one hand, and the requirement to balance the quality of recognition in each class on the other. The stated procedure is repeated for the next value of the grid parameters of the algorithm. Final evaluation of the model is given in the exam sample data. For logistic model calculation and quality’s comparison of classification between standard logistic regression (glm function in R software) and proposed version of modified stepwise algorithm were taken data obtained in the laboratory of functional diagnostics at Department of Physical Education NTUU “KPI”. The purpose of the example is to get a classifying function, of group of subjects with certain states of the cardiovascular system from the rest of the test sample. Standard algorithm demonstrated on examination sample classification quality — 81%, the area under the ROC — curve — 0.8685. Graphs of sensitivity and specificity, and ROC curve for modified algorithm showed the results: quality of the classification algorithm — 90.5 %, area under the ROC — curve — 0.9717.
Conclusions. Article proposes stepwise logistic regression based on the principles of self-organization synthesis algorithm. In order to optimize the parameters of the algorithm proposed by external criterion, which reflects the classification accuracy on the training and test samples and requirement to balance the quality of recognition in each class the effect was received. For the aboved example the classification of functional states of the cardiovascular system in comparison of the standard stepwise algorithm with the proposed algorithm has shown classification quality improvement on 10 % on examination sample.
Keywords: logistic regression, stepwise regression, self-organization’s principles.

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Received 15.06.2015

Issue 182, article 7


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 182, pp.

Krivova O.A., Kozak L.M.

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and
Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education
and Science of Ukraine (Kiev)


Introduction. Several studies are being conducted in the world to measure developmental disparities between countries, regions and territorial units. Composite indicators (or indexes) are used whenever a lot of variables are needed for evaluating developmental disparities between territories. Demographic variables are considered as important indicators of socio-economic development of regions. We show how cluster analysis can be combined with elements of multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) to construct composite index regional demographic development of Ukraine.
The purpose of this article is the development of regional socioeconomic systems analysis methodology and construction of composite indicators of regional demographic development.
Results. We have used 5 territorial social-demographic indicators: 1) total fertility rate; 2) death rate of children under age of five; 3) life expectation at birth; 4) survivorship probabilities for men from 20 to 65 years; 5) survivorship probabilities for women from 20 to 65 years. The following strategy can be pursued in order to construct composite index . First, a cluster analysis (algorithms Ward and K-means) for defining clusters of regions based on the value of the individual indicators is used. The result of the cluster analysis is typological clusters of the selected regions. Second, such as each cluster can be characterized with a centroid, these centroids must be ordered from best to worst. Weights of composite index are calculated as coefficients of the best linear regression model of preference function.
Conclusion. The composite index of regional demographic development allows to assess the degree of variance in regional demographic development and ranking of regions.
Keywords: clustering, a composite indicator, the index of regional demographic development, ordered classification.

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Received 01.06.2015

Issue 182, article 6


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2015, Issue 182, pp.

Antomonov M.Y.

State Institution “O.N. Marzeev Institute for Hygiene and Medical Ecology
of NAMS of Ukraine” (Kiev)


Introduction. Modern approaches for data analysis combine classical methods and focused on their practical application. Sometimes the information is presented in the form of qualitative characteristics that are characterize the contamination of the research object. Such binary variables are easily transformed into a probability (in percent), so the task description of results performed using probability theory.
The purpose of the article is to develop such a common method forcalculation joint action of the factors that would allow to operate with qualitative (binary) information and would use techniques and formulas of probability theory
Results. A careful analysis was carried out for the existing approaches in the medical and environmental studies for calculating the effect of the joint action of the factors. It was evaluated disadvantages of these approaches that implemented in the theory of probability and mathematical statistics. The article proposes an original method of calculating the combined effect of the factors that allows you to work with the information expressed in binary form. The final expression was designed by using approach of formal logic and probability theory.
Conclusions. It is shown that the known methods of probability theory cannot be adequately used to evaluate the combined effect of the factors. The original method of calculating the probability of the joint action of factors that take into account their possible connection is described.
Keywords: qualitative data, binary variables, joint effect of the factors, the probability of independent and interdependent events.

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Received 02.06.2015