Issue 186, article 6


KVT, 2016, Issue 186, pp.56-78

UDC 681.3.06.14


Fainzilberg L.S.

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

Introduction. Recently, a new class of information technologies (IT) — intelligent IT is widespread which, unlike traditional, operate generalized concepts — images, and provide more complete information about the external environment. One of the tasks requiring the involvement of intelligent IT — analysis and interpretation of complex form signals with a locally-focused information.

The purpose of the article is — to formulate the basic properties of intelligent IT complex form signal processing, demonstrate the ability to implement these features on the example of the innovative method fasegraphy and outline prospects for further development of this technology.

Methods. Fasegraphy is a high IT which is processing different complex form signals of physical nature, which, basing on a chain of intelligent computational procedures, enables the transition from the observed signal with a locally-focused features (raw material for technology) to information which is focused on a particular user (technology product). The main task of the scientific method fasegraphy aims to detect general laws of indicated signals to identify and use in practice the most effective computational procedures that can ensure this transition.

Results. Basic properties of intelligent IT — adaptation, learning, generalization, invariance, forecasting, understanding, flexibility, interoperability, accessibility have been formulated. Analysis of computational procedures chain in fasegraphy method, that provide a transition from the actually observed signals to technology product, shows that the method has all of the above properties, and therefore fasegraphy can be referred to intelligent ITs. New results have been presented from fasegraphy usage in pediatric cardiology and outlined prospects for the development of this method in two ways — by increasing the reliability of decision making in single-channel ECG and realization of intelligent processing tasks of other signals with locally-focused features.

Conclusions. Fasegraphy intelligent capabilities are far from exhausted and can be used to solve actual scientific and applied problems not only in cardiology but also in other applications.

Keywords: fasegraphy, information technology, complex shape signals, electrocardiogram.

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Received 27.09.16

Issue 186, article 5


KVT, 2016, Issue 186, pp.46-56

UDC 681.518


Melnikov S.V., Volkov A.E., Komar N.N., Voloshenyuk D.A.

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems, Kyiv, Ukraine , , ,

Introduction. The problem of increasing network performance is very relevant. In practice, the actual speed of data transmission / receiving is significantly lower than the bit rate supported by used network technology. The actual wireless network bandwidth depends on the used technology, the number of subscribers in the network, length and quality of communication channels, electromagnetic interference, weather, network equipment, protocols and many other factors.

The purpose. The project is based on applied research in the field of high-speed cycles control systems for net-centric dynamic application processes with spatially-distributed interrelated functional components. Thus it provides functional and temporal combination of internal resources of net-centric distributed control systems with objects and technological processes on the basis of shared use of dynamics models working in an accelerated time scale into a single space-time net-centric complex.

Results. To solve the problem of determining the quality of the data transfer process in order to further control and manage this process, a method which is based on software that works with any standardized computing environment was developed. This method detects and evaluates the operating parameters of the wired Internet network before, during and after transmission of the information data packets provides analytical (numerical values of time delay of packet transmission, the percentage of lost data, signal quality, transmission speed and receive speed) and graphic parameters to control information transmission routes. This paper provides the results of computer simulation which are represent the network connection quality.

Conclusion. Development a method for determining the quality of information data transmission via a wireless connection, also as a creating programs for protection against unauthorized network access — are a perspective research objectives. Results of simulations confirm the appropriateness of using the given method of data transfer control in the terrestrial wired data transmission systems and the need to develop such technology for wireless connection.

Keywords: network-centric; control technology; communication; computer modeling; virtual model.

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  1. A.A. Mizin Transmission of information via circuit-switched communications networks. M.: Communications, 1977, 328 p.
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Received 28.11.2016

Issue 186, article 4


KVT, 2016, Issue 186, pp.30-46

UDC 519.71


Gubarev V.F.

Space Research Institute NAS Ukraine and SSA Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

Introduction. Very significant for application model reduction problem of large-scale time-invariant system to more simple small order is considered and developed in the paper. Real and approximate models fitting is determined by norms which establish the difference between impulse response of these two models.

The purpose of the article is to propose a new approach of setting the model reduction problem and to develop methods based on variational principle of its solving.

Methods. It is proposed to set model reduction problem as optimization. For this initial state space model was transformed to equivalent description in form of input-output relation using analytical expression for impulse response. Such form allows to apply conception of fit between real system and its low-order approximation widely used in identification. Parameters of approximate model and its dimention are determined from optimization problem with different measure of fit writing as norm. Algorithms of numerical solving the optimization problems and needed for this data are considered in the paper. Besides the modified subspace method that permits to construct the observability matrix directly from output data using SVD factorization is proposed and described. Singular values of SVD-decomposition indicate as the best way to truncate full model.

Results. Some results dealing with mutual disposition of eigenvalues of real model and reduced one are demonstrated.

Conclusion. Developed methods may be used both for systems with scalar input and output and for multi-input and multi-output system as well. Results obtained by modelling show efficiency of all worked out methods.

Keywords: model reduction, approximation, optimization, model fit, state-space model.

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1 Mischenko E.F., Rozov N.H. Differential equations with small parameter and relaxation oscillations. M.: Nauka. 1975, 248 p. (in Russian).

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4 Gubarev V.F. Method of iterative identification of multivariable systems over inexact data. Part 1. Theoretical aspects. Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, 2006, No5,pp. 16–31 (in Russian).

5 Gubarev V.F. and Melnichuk S.V. Identification of multivariable systems using steady-state parameters. Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, 2012, No 5, pp. 26–42 (in Russian).

6 Rainer S., Price K. Differential evolution – a simple and efficient adaptive scheme for global optimization over continuous spaces. Journal of Global Optimization, 1997, No 11, pp. 341–359.

7 Golub G.H. and Van Loan Ch.F. Matrix Computations. Baltimore and London: John Hopkins University Press, 1999, 550 p.

8 Melnichuk S.V. Method of structural parametric multivariable systems identification using frequency characteristics. Kibernetika i vycislitel’naa tehnika, 2015, No 181, p. 66–79 (in Russian).


Received 15.09.16

Issue 186, article 3


KVT, 2016, Issue 186, pp.15-30

UDC 517.977


Chikrii A.A.

Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

Introduction. Mathematical theory of control under conflict and uncertainty provides a wide range of fundamental methods to study controlled evolutionary processes of various nature. These are, first of all, the classic methods of L.S. Pontryagin and N.N. Krasovskii. This paper is closely related to the mentioned investigations. It is devoted to research of non-stationary game dynamic problems on the basis of the L.S. Pontryagin first direct method and the method of resolving functions.

The purpose of the paper is to derive sufficient conditions for the game termination for some guaranteed time in favor of the first player and to provide the control realizing this result.

Results. Here, in the development of the method of resolving functions general scheme, the upper and the lower resolving functions of two types are introduced in the form of selections of special set-valued mappings. This made it possible to deduce conditions for the game termination in the class of quasi- and stroboscopic strategies.

Conclusions. The in-depth analysis of properties of the set-valued mappings and their selections, around which measurable controls are chosen by virtue of the Filippov-Castaing theorem, is provided. A comparison of the guaranteed times of the above-mentioned methods is given.

Keywords: Conflict controlled processes, set — valued map, Pontryagin’s condition, Aumann’s integral, resolving function.

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  1. Pontryagin L.S. Selected scientific papers. M.: Nauka, 1988, 576p. (in Russian)
  2. Krasovskii N.N. Game Problems on the Encounter of Motions, M.: Nauka, 1970. 420 p. (in Russian)
  3. Chikrii A.A. Conflict controlled processes. Boston; London; Dordrecht: Springer Science and Busines Media, 2013, 424 p.
  4. Chikrii A.A. An analytic method in dynamic games. Trudy Mat. Inst. RAN im. V.A. Steklova, 2010. Vol.271. pp. 76–92. (in Russian)
  5. Aubin J.-P., Frankowska H. Set — valued analysis. Boston; Basel; Berlin: Birkhauser, 1990, 461 p.
  6. Hajek O. Pursuit games. New York: Academic Press, 1975, Vol. 12, 266 p.
  7. Lappo — Danilevsky I.A. Application of the matrix functions to the theory of systems of ordinary differential equations. M.: SPHTTL, 1957, 235 p. (in Russian)
  8. Pschenichnyi B.N Convex analysis and extremal problems. M.: Nauka, 1980, 320 p. (in Russian)

Received 13.09.2016

Issue 186, article 2


KVT, 2016, Issue 186, pp.5-15

UDС 519.72


Anisimov A.V.

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Ukraine

Introduction. Two-level system of encoding integers by linear forms aPn + bQn, where Pn and Qn are linear recurrent sequences. These sequences are defined by factoring quadratic irrationalities into continued fractions. Firstly, a number x is represented as a form x = aAn + bBn, where An / Bn is a convergent to some fixed quadratic irrationality. At the second stage the triple (a, b, n) is encoded by a maximal linear form of another linear recurrent sequence (a, b, n) -> cPn + dPn+1. The sequences An, Bn, Pn are considered as hidden symmetric keys given by coefficients of corresponding quadratic irrationalities. Properties of such encodings are established.

The purpose of the article is to develop and study a nondeterministic system of cryptographic integer encoding by means of linear recurrent sequences.

Methods. We used methods of continued fractions, properties of linear forms, and bijective encoding of natural numbers.

Results. We proved as a theorem that such a system of encoding is absolutely resistant to passive crypto-attacks. With some further additions it is also resistant to stronger types of attacks.

Conclusion. The proposed system of integer encoding is easy to construct, and it has some proven properties that allows using it as a primitive basic procedure for light weighted cryptography.

Keywords: Linear forms, continued fractions, nondeterministic cryptography.

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1 Bellare, M., Rogaway,P.: Optimal Asymetric Encryption In: De Santis, A. (ed) Advances of Cryptology: Proceedings of EURO-CRYPT ’94, LNCS, 1995. vol. 950, pp. 92-111.

2 Anisimov A. V. Data Coding by Linear Forms of Numerical Sequences. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 2003, No 1, pp. 3-15.

3 Anisimov A. V. Integer representation in the mixed base (2,3). Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 2009, No 4, pp. 3-18

4 Anisimov A. V. Two-base numeration systems. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 2013, No 4, pp. 1-14.

5 Anisimov A. V. Prefix Encoding by Means of the (2,3)-Representation of Numbers. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2013, vol. 59, No 4, pp. 2359-2374.

6 Anisimov A. V. Zavadskyi I. A. Robust Prefix Encoding Using Lower (2,3) Number Representation. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 2014, No 2, pp.1-15.

Received 03.10.2016


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Informatics and Information Technologies:

Anisimov A.V.
System of cryptographic transformations of numbers by means of linear recurrent forms

Intellectual Control and Systems:

Chikrii A.A.
Set-valued mappings and its selections in game dynamic problems

Gubarev V.F.
Problem of model order reduction for linear large-scale time-invariant system

Melnikov S.V., Volkov A.E., Komar N.N., Voloshenyuk D.A.
Network-centric control technology of data transfer by network communications

Medical and Biological Cybernetics:

Fainzilberg L.S.
Intellectual capabilities and perspectives fasegraphy development — information technology of complex form signal processing

Vovk M.I.
New opportunities for movement and speech rehabilitation

Issue 185, article 7


KVT, 2016, Issue 185, pp.77-89

UDC 519.876.5:615.33


Antomonov M.Y., Romanenko L.I.

Marzeev’s Public Health Institute of the National Medical Academy of Science of Ukraine of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine ,

Introduction. The creation of combined drugs, which are used in the composition of nanoparticles (NPs) is actively developing. The most relevant developments include the NPs composition and antibiotics. Mathematical models of the process under investigation lead to a theoretical understanding of this phenomenon, allow us to describe the process in the form of mathematical functions, make it possible to predict the outcome, to analyze the properties of the model and to obtain new data, without undue experimentation.

The purpose of the article is to determine the characteristics of antimicrobial activity of Ag NP in combination with an antibiotic “Cefazolin” with the help of mathematical models of their actions (“concentration – time – effect”).

Results. Antimicrobial properties of the composite material were considered, which is called the “Silver Shield-1000”, and which consists of antibiotic “Cefazolin” and NPs Ag. Isolated action “Silver Shield-1000” was considered at the first stage of the experiment. For this purpose dilution nanosilver 15,0; 7,5; 3,75; 1,875 (g/cm3), and the holding time was 5, 60, 120, 180 minutes. Based on experimental plots and the general theoretical ideas about the dynamics of the process of the withering away of microbes, mathematical model, y(t) has been selected as the exponential function y = y0 (C) exp[-α(C) T]. The values of the model parameters were calculated based on the original data using numerical methods (Levenberg-Marquardt) and software STATISTICA 10,0. The final model organisms, dying under the influence of the “Silver Shield-1000” had the following form: y = y0 exp(-btC)= 59,74exp(-0,0013 TС). Using this model, the expected value of the concentration С* at which should occur almost complete disappearance of microorganisms immediately after the start of the exposure (С* = 73,15 g/cm3) was calculated. An additional experiment was performed, which confirmed this value that verifies the adequacy of the model as a whole. In the second phase of researching it was experimentally investigated the combined effect of “Silver Shield” — 1000 (3.75 g/cm3) and the antibiotic “Cefazolin” on the death of microorganisms. A mathematical model “concentration — time — effect” for the composite: y = 60,098exp(-0,118 TC) and an antibiotic: y = 60,098exp(-0,012 TC). This made it possible to calculate the efficiency of the composite action compared with isolated action of an antibiotic (k = 9.72). Furthermore, it was shown that the composite exhibits have a much greater effect than the sum of the isolated antibiotic action “Cefazolin” and “Silver shield —1000”. It is possible to determine the nature of such action as potentiation.

Conclusion. Mathematical modeling of the results of an experimental study of the antimicrobial activity of the antibiotic “Cefazolin” in combination with nanoparticles of silver allowed the calculation of the quantitative characteristics of the effectiveness of the active ingredients and performed a meaningful forecast of their action.

Keywords: silver nanoparticles, antibiotic “Cefazolin”, death of microorganisms, mathematical model.

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Received 16.06.16

Issue 185, article 6


KVT, 2016, Issue 185, pp.60-76

UDC 617.751-057-07


Evtushenko A.S.1, Kozak L.M.2, Kochina M.L.3

1Kharkiv Municipal Clinical Hospital №14 named by Prof. L.L. Girshman, Kharkiv, Ukraine

2International Reasearch and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of National Academy of Science and Ministry of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

3Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine , ,

Introduction. PC operators’ work is connected to necessity of information large amounts perception from PC display. Such activities require of high attention concentration and particular responsibility for production goals. Arduous visual work of PC operators on close distance results in high psychoemotional stress and exerts an impact on functional state. Severe visual asthenopias in PC operators may be observed on the background of normal values of visual system’s functional indexes that require of such states causes determination for prophylaxis measures development.

The purpose of the article is to evaluate the impact of the visual work at close distance on the structure of relationships between visual system’s indexes and functional state’s indexes.

Methods. 41 PC operators took part in the study. The average age of study subjects was (29,6 ± 4,0) y.o. The functional indexes of visual system were measured in all PC operators before and after visual work. The indexes of functional state were also measured by self-assessment using developed questionnaire. The obtained results processing was performed using descriptive statistics methods, cluster and factor analysis.

Results. On the background of performed research using clustering and factor analysis it was found that younger PC operators with higher visual functions the visual work on close distance results in state similar to spasm of accommodation. The recovery after night rest was worse than in PC operators with low visual functions. Older PC operators have higher quality of recovery after night rest. It may be determined by development of visual fatigue as the result of visual work . The recovery after night rest in case of visual fatigue is better than in case of accommodation spasm.

Conclusion. Visual work on close distance results in configuration change of connection between indexes of visual system that support visual perception. The peculiarities of these changes depend on visual system’s indexes. The results of PC operators functional state’s self-assessment using the questionnaire developed by us had shown that in PC operators with low functional possibilities the common and visual complaints rate was certainly lower than in operators with high functional possibilities.

Keywords: factor models, visual system, functional state, PC operator work.

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Received 20.05.16

Issue 185, article 5


KVT, 2016, Issue 185, pp.48-59

UDC 517.977


Liubarshchuk I.A.

Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, 58012 Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Introduction. A variety of interesting examples stimulated the development of the Mathematical Control Theory, in particular, the Dynamic Games Theory. First fundamental results in Differential Games Theory were obtained by R. Isaacs. Some others directions of research are Pontryagin’s procedures and Krasovskii’s extremal aiming principle. The further development of Pontryagin’s ideas by his disciples and followers resulted in the Method of Resolving Functions, one of the most powerful methods of dynamic game theory. The essence of the Method of Resolving Functions is in the construction of some numeric resolving function on the known parameters of the process. The resolving function outlines the course of the process. At the moment at which its integral turns into unit the trajectory of the process hits the terminal set. This method was used by Baranovskaya for local convergence problems with fixed time, which are described by a system of differential-difference equations of delay-type.

The purpose of the article is to investigate group problem, which is described by a system of differential-difference equations with variable delay. The necessary and sufficient conditions for solvability of such problems are established.

Results. We considered a pursuit problem in 2-person differential game, one player is a pursuer and another one is an evader. The problem was given by the system of the differential-difference equations of delay-type and for such a conflict-controlled process we presented conditions on its parameters and initial state, which were sufficient for capturing the evader. For differential-difference games with time lag we generalized Pontryagin’s First Direct Method. That gave us a possibility to compare results obtained by the Method of Resolving Functions for such conflict-controlled processes to Pontryagin’s First Direct Method. The necessary and sufficient conditions for group problem solvability were established.

Conclusions. A general scheme of the Method of Resolving Functions for the local convergence problem with fixed time is presented . The conflict-controlled process is described by a system of differential-difference equations of delay-type with variable delay. For differential-difference games with variable delay we generalized Pontryagin’s First Direct Method. We also considered the group pursuit problem in differential game. For such conflict-controlled process we obtained and investigated general scheme of the Method of Resolving Functions.

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Received 19.05.2016

Issue 185, article 4


KVT, 2016, Issue 185, pp.35-47

UDC 629.7.05


Simakov V.A., Gubarev V.F., Salnikov N.N., Melnichuk S.V.

Space Research Institute of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine and State Space Agency of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine , , ,

Introduction. Automatic orbital berthing systems require permanent availability of relative position and attitude of a target spacecraft. In the most general case the only source of information is video filming. Extracting mutual disposition parameters from a video frame is based upon special techniques which can be divided into two large groups: feature-based and model-based. Major difference between them is defined by data structure used for the target description (individual points for feature-based approach vs. rigorous visual model for model-based one). This article is devoted to the research of mathematical problem that appears in considering pose estimation for two orbital spacecraft in the presence of wireframe model of the target when only video filming is available.

The purpose of the article is to construct a model-based method that provides fast and accurate estimation of relative position and attitude of the target spacecraft. We discuss possible drawbacks of direct procedures based on straightforward (pixel-wise) image fitting and propose a subtle algorithm which satisfies formulated conditions.

Results. The algorithm composed of three independent parts (initialization, pose refinement and pose tracking) has been developed and tested on simple initial datum. Initialization stage, responding for rough estimation in the absence of preliminary information, has given relatively poor but quite enough accuracy for the aims of initial approximation. Pose refinement stage which is implemented as iterative procedure based on closeness of neighboring frames demonstrated almost total matching with actual values. Pose tracking (state estimation based on equations of motion) was redundant for our simple example as it could not improve the result provided by pose refinement.

Conclusions. Constructed algorithm has been tested on simplified situation and demonstrated very high precision. More realistic conditions including noises and occlusions can bring to corrupted result that should be recovered. This requires introducing additional steps into the algorithm which are reflected in the text. The notable feature of the algorithm is its high modularity which allows each stage to be implemented and configured independently according to available resources and mission requirements.

Keywords: orbital rendezvous, pose estimation, orbital video filming, computer vision.

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Received 10.06.16