Issue 186, article 6
KVT, 2016, Issue 186, pp.56-78
UDC 681.3.06.14
International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
Introduction. Recently, a new class of information technologies (IT) — intelligent IT is widespread which, unlike traditional, operate generalized concepts — images, and provide more complete information about the external environment. One of the tasks requiring the involvement of intelligent IT — analysis and interpretation of complex form signals with a locally-focused information.
The purpose of the article is — to formulate the basic properties of intelligent IT complex form signal processing, demonstrate the ability to implement these features on the example of the innovative method fasegraphy and outline prospects for further development of this technology.
Methods. Fasegraphy is a high IT which is processing different complex form signals of physical nature, which, basing on a chain of intelligent computational procedures, enables the transition from the observed signal with a locally-focused features (raw material for technology) to information which is focused on a particular user (technology product). The main task of the scientific method fasegraphy aims to detect general laws of indicated signals to identify and use in practice the most effective computational procedures that can ensure this transition.
Results. Basic properties of intelligent IT — adaptation, learning, generalization, invariance, forecasting, understanding, flexibility, interoperability, accessibility have been formulated. Analysis of computational procedures chain in fasegraphy method, that provide a transition from the actually observed signals to technology product, shows that the method has all of the above properties, and therefore fasegraphy can be referred to intelligent ITs. New results have been presented from fasegraphy usage in pediatric cardiology and outlined prospects for the development of this method in two ways — by increasing the reliability of decision making in single-channel ECG and realization of intelligent processing tasks of other signals with locally-focused features.
Conclusions. Fasegraphy intelligent capabilities are far from exhausted and can be used to solve actual scientific and applied problems not only in cardiology but also in other applications.
Keywords: fasegraphy, information technology, complex shape signals, electrocardiogram.
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Received 27.09.16