Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2018, Issue 1 (195), pp.
Chernyshova T.A., physician,
Aviation Medical Center of the National Aviation University,
Komarova av., 1, Kyiv, 03058, Ukraine
Introduction. Modern advances in science and technology have substantially expanded the possibilities for detecting malignant neoplasms. A great number of methods for the detection and allocation of circulating tumor cells clearly indicates the interest of researchers to this problem.
The purpose of the work is to form a complex of criteria for tumor malignancy evaluation and to improve the method of detecting circulating tumor cells in human blood.
Results. The proposed method for determining circulating tumor cells, which is an improvement of ISET technology, combines two stages. At the first stage the improvement is in adding two additional polycarbonate filters with 5 and 3 micron diameter pores, and providing a mode of 100% sealing of the chamber with hemolysis, and constant pressure throughout the filtration process. At the second stage, we carried out the determination of malignancy degree of the isolated cells using the developed set of criteria. The use of the developed method in the automated system for the analysis of digital microscopic images of circulating tumor cells provides the detection and calculation of characteristic features for assigning an object to a certain class of malignancy and the creation of scanned images database with recorded existing cells or their entities, as well as the final verification of the results of tumor malignancy evaluation for template masks of circulating tumour cells and benign tumor cells.
Conclusions. The application of the proposed method for the detection of circulating tumor cells allows detecting smaller cells than in case of using traditional methods, ensures their integrity and intactness.
Keywords: circulating tumor cells, criteria for evaluation of tumormalignancy, method of determining circulating tumor cells in human blood.
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Received 26.12.2018