Issue 1 (191), article 2


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2018, Issue 1 (191), pp.

Kyyko V.M., PhD (Engineering),
Senior Researcher of Pattern Recognition Department
International Research and Training Center
for Information Technologies and Systems
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
Acad. Glushkov av., 40, Kiev, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. The most important algorithms for bipartite graphs maximum matching are observed. These algorithms either find maximum matching in non-weighted bipartite graph (e.g. Hopcroft and Karp’s algorithm — ) or choose among all matchings with maximum size one having maximal cost (e.g. Edmonds and Karp’s algorithm-). Provided that, in praxis new target settings and algorithms for finding maximum matching in bipartite graphs are also desirable.
The purpose of the article is to consider a new task setting and algorithms for maximum matching in weighted bipartite graphs as well as using these algorithms in fingerprint recognition.
Methods. Modified versions of finding maximum matching M in graph by searching and augmentation of M-augmenting paths are used.
Results. Weighted bipartite graph with a cost function , that associates each edge with one of two possible values (e.g. 0 or 1) is considered. Maximum matching in the graph in new setting consists in finding among all matchings containing maximum number of edges with weight 1, one having maximal cardinality. Two algorithms with complexity being modified versions of the Hopcroft-Karp algorithm are proposed. Examples of using these algorithms for removing gaps of lines and finding true correspondence of minutiae in fingerprint recognition are considered.
Conclusions. Proposed algorithms find maximum matching in input bipartite graph among all matchings having maximal cardinality in given subset of this graph edges. Using of proposed algorithms leads to increasing processing speed and reliability of fingerprint recognition.

Key words: maximum matching, bipartite graph, images

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Received 24.11.2017

Issue 1 (191), article 1


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2018, Issue 1 (191), pp.

Surovtsev I.V., Dr (Engineering), Senior Researcher
Department of ecological digital systems
e-mail: ,
Galimov S.K., Postgraduate Student
Department of ecological digital systems
Tatarinov O.E., Researcher
Department of ecological digital systems
International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies
and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
Acad. Glushkov av., 40, Kiev, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. Insufficient sensitivity of the existing systems of measuring low concentrations of chemical elements during the implementation of quality control of drinking water, food products and other natural objects, as well as the lack of necessary means for digital processing of weak signals of complex form, leads to the task of developing an effective information technology for determining the concentration of toxic elements.
The purpose of the article is to develop tools for information technology for determining the concentration of toxic elements. New methods of impulse inversion chronopotentiometry and ionometry to increase the sensitivity, reliability and functionality of the concentration measurement are used.
Methods. Transformation of data structure of the multi-component processes and new methods of a filtration and smoothing which are based on use of points of extremum and inflexion are applied at performance of digital processing of measurement signals. The transformation allows us to consider monotonically increasing signals of inversion as a linear sum of components, which are described by non symmetric functions of normal distribution. The received signal is simulated by solving the parametric identification problem in the class of one-dimensional regression models.
Results. The developed highly sensitive analytical system “Analyzer ICP” implements the created information technology. The system determines the mass concentration of 14 toxic elements (mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, tin, nickel, cobalt, iron, manganese, selenium, iodine and chromium) with a sensitivity of up to 0.05 μg/dm3 (50 ppt) and six chemical elements (potassium, sodium, calcium, fluorine, ammonium and nitrates) in the range of 103 μg/dm3 to 6·107 μg/dm3 using ion-selective electrodes.
Conclusion. Information technology has an universal character, created tools can be used to analyze signals of various physical natures, in which the values are monotonically increasing or decreasing.

Keywords: transformation of the data structure, impulse chronopotentiometry, modelling, digital processing, information technolog.

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49 Method for the determination of chrome in aqueous solutions: pat. 110893, Ukraine: IPC (2006) G01N 27/48, G01N 33/18, G01N 33/20, C01G 37/00. No a201412936; claimed 03.12.14; published 25.02.16, Bull. No 4. 4 p. (in Ukrainian).

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56 Kopilevich V.A., Surovtsev I.V., Galimova V.M., Cossack K.G. Measurement procedure of the mass concentration of mercury, arsenic, nickel and cobalt in water by the inverse chronopotentiometry method: MVV 081/36-0762-11. Kyiv: Nats. un-t biotekhn. i pryrodokorystuvannya, 2011. 23 p. (in Ukrainian).

57 Kopilevich V.A., Surovtsev I.V., Galimova V.M., Cossack K.G. Measurement procedure of the mass concentration of lead, copper, zinc, and cadmium in water by the method of inversion chronopotentiometry: MVV 081/36-0790-11. Kyiv: Nats. un-t biotekhn. i pryrodokorystuvannya, 2011. 21 p. (in Ukrainian).

58 Kopilevich V.A., Surovtsev I.V., Galimova V.M., Cossack K.G. Measurement procedure of the mass concentration of moving forms of heavy metals and toxic elements (Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Hg, As, Ni, Co) in soils by the inverse chronopotentiometry method: MVV 081/36-0833-12. Kyiv: Nats. un-t biotekhn. i pryrodokorystuvannya, 2012. 26 p. (in Ukrainian).

59 Kopilevich V.A., Surovtsev I.V., Galimova V.M., Cossack K.G. Measurement procedure of the mass concentration of toxic elements (Se, Mn, Cr, I, Fe) in water by the method of inversion chronopotentiometry: MVV 081/36-0935-14. Kyiv: Nats. un-t biotekhn. i pryrodokorystuvannya, 2014. 25p. (in Ukrainian).

60 Kopilevich V.A., Surovtsev I.V., Galimova V.M. Measurement procedure of the mass concentration of potassium, sodium and calcium in water by chronopotentiometric ionometry method: MVB 081/36-1012-2015. Kyiv: Nats. un-t biotekhn. i pryrodokorystuvannya, 2015. 16 p. (in Ukrainian).

Received 12.12.2017

Issue 1 (191)


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Informatics and Information Technologies:

Surovtsev I.V., Galimov S.K., Tatarinov O.E.
Information Technology for Determining the Concentration of Toxic Elements in Environmental Objects

Kyyko V.M.
Maximum Matching in Weighted Bipartite Graphs

Intellectual Control and Systems:

Gritsenko V.I., Volkov О.Y., Komar M.M., Bogachuk Y.P.
Intellectualization of Modern Systems of Automatic Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Medical and Biological Cybernetics:

Bachynskyy M.V., Yavorskyy B.I.
Informational Aspects of the Haptic Stimulation by the Light for Correction of the Human’ State

Kaplin I.V., Kochina M.L., Firsov A.G.
The Conception of Telemedicine System for Express Estimation of Intraocular Pressure’s Level

Issue 4 (190), article 5


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2017, Issue 4 (190), pp.

Kalnysh V.V.1, Dr (Biologi), Professor,
Head of laboratory of labor psychophysiology
Stasyshyn R.O.1, graduate student
Oliskevych M.O.2, Dr (Economics), Associate Professor,
Professor at the Dept of Mathematical Economics and Econometrics,
1SI «Institute for occupational health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine»
75, Saksagansky str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01033
2Faculty of Mechanics and MathematicsIvan Franko National University of Lviv,
1, Universytetska Str., Lviv, 79000, Ukraine


Introduction. There are a number of occupations in Ukraine, including electric power industry occupations, where people work in high-risk conditions. These conditions impose on the workers a significant amount of restrictions on their functions and professionally important qualities, which leads to the emergence of certain requirements in the process of professional selection and monitoring. One of the main requirements to the staff in potentially dangerous objects is the high level of readiness to work in difficult situations. This implies the presence of relevant professional qualities among the employees of these occupations, one of the most important is emotional stability, which closely links with the maintenance of work ability and attention in the conditions of responsible work accomplishing.
The purpose of the article is to develop an approach for quantifying the deviation from the “proper” level of emotional regulation and to identify on this basis the structure of the relevant reactions distribution for locksmiths of operational-outgoing brigades at electric power industry.
Methods. The survey of workers was conducted by means of SOPAS-8 method, which was adapted for a comprehensive study of the individual mental stability to the extreme activity factors impact. According to this method, eight factors of the mental state was identified: mental rest, feeling of satisfaction; strength and energy sensitivity; desire for action; impulsive reactivity; mental depression and exhaustion feeling; depressed mood; mental anxiety or indignation, stress; anxiety and fear feeling. Materials of psycho-physiological observations was analyzed using methods of variation statistics, multivariate analysis, regression binary models.
Results. A modeling concept based on the multi-factor regression probit model was developed. Developed approach allows to estimate the risk of a deterioration in the quality of emotional regulation for each individual employee based on information about the factors observed values for his emotional state regardless of age.
Conclusions. The statistically significant influence on the risk of an employee’s emotional state deterioration create the characteristics of strength and energy sensitivity, impulsive reactivity, mental depression and exhaustion feeling levels. Our investigation revealed that belonging to different age groups is not a significant factor to affect the risk of deterioration in the emotional regulation quality for electricians at operational-outgoing brigades.
Keywords: regression probit model, emotional state, electricians, high danger.

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Received 04.09.2017

Issue 4 (190), article 4


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2017, Issue 4 (190), pp.

Antomonov M.Y.1, D. Biol. Sci., Professor,
Chief Researcher, Laboratory of Epidemiological Research and Medical Informatics
Shevchenko A.A.2, Professor,
Head of Research Center of State University “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Ministry of Health of Ukraine”
Kulagin A.A.3, Ph.D (Med. Sci.),
Professor of the Department of Hygiene and Ecology
1O.M. Marzeev Institute for Public Health, NAMS of Ukraine,
Ukraine, 02660 Kyiv-94, Popudrenko Str.
2Research Center of State University “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of Ministry of Health of Ukraine”,
Ukraine, 49027, Dnipro, Vernadsky Str., 9
3Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Ukraine, 49027, Dnipro, Soborna Square, 4


Introduction. One of the most urgent problems of environmental health is soil contamination by oil and petroleum products (PP) and its impact on crop productivity and population health. The main task here is to determine the acceptable or safe concentrations of PP in the soil. However, at present time there is no unified approach of PP regulating in different countries. One possible solution of the problem is mathematical modeling of the results of experimental studies. With the help of mathematical models, it becomes possible not only to describe the investigated dependencies, but also to calculate safe levels of PP in the soil.
The purpose of the paper is to develop a methodology for constructing and using multifactor nonlinear regression models from data obtained in a real ecological and biological experiment.
Results. The article presents the results of an experimental study of the influence of one type of petroleum products — diesel fuel, when it enters the soil to germinate one of the most important crops — wheat. It is shown that the mathematical model describing the suppression of wheat growth should be a multifactorial function (“time — concentration — effect”), which has a nonlinear character. An algorithm for constructing multifactorial nonlinear regression models is proposed. On the basis of experimental data, an adequate multifactor nonlinear mathematical model was developed. This made it possible to calculate the threshold concentration of diesel fuel, which does not affect the growth of wheat.
Conclusion. On the basis of the proposed algorithm from experimental data an adequate multifactor nonlinear regression model was constructed. With the help of this model, the concentration of diesel fuel that does not cause a negative effect on the growth of wheat was calculated.
Keywords: petrolproducts, environmental contamination, threshold concentration, mathematical modeling, nonlinear multifactor regression models.

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Reseived 01.08.2017

Issue 4 (190), article 3


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2017, Issue 4 (190), pp.

Melnichuk S.V., Dr (Engineering),
Researcher of Dynamic Systems Control Ddepartment
Gubarev V.F., Professor,
Dr (Engineering), Professor,
Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine,
Head of Dynamic Systems Control Department
Salnikov N.N., (Engineering),
Senior Researcher of Dynamic Systems Control Department
Space Research Institute National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and State Space Agency of Ukraine
Acad. Glushkov av. 40, 4/1, 03680, Kyiv 187, Ukraine


Introduction. Autonomous rendezvous and docking is an important technological capability that enables various spacecraft missions. It requires the real-time relative pose estimation i.e. determination of the position and attitude of a target object relative to a chaser. The usage of techniques based on optical measurement has certain advantages at close range phases of docking.
The purpose of the paper is to create a computer vision system, that estimates position and attitude of the target relative to the chaser. To develop the design of a computer vision system and suited mathematical methods. To use a new learning-based method, which can be implemented for the real-time execution with limited computing power.
Methods. A non-standard approach to solving the problem was used. A combination of image processing techniques, machine learning, decision trees and piecewise linear
approximation of functions were used. The tool of informative features computed by images was essentially used.
Results. A two-stage algorithm, which involves training the computer vision system to recognize the attitude and position of the target in a changing lighting environment was developed. The calculation of the camera parameters was carried out to ensure a given accuracy of the solution of the problem.
Conclusion. It was shown that the informative features can be used to create a high-performance on-board system for estimating relative attitude and position. Implementation of the proposed algorithm allows to create a competitive device for docking in space.
Keywords: autonomous rendezvous, uncooperative pose estimation, model-based pose estimation, vision-based pose estimation, computer vision, decision tree, linear approximation, informative features, image processing, machine learning, identification, relative position and attitude estimation.

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Received 14.06.2017

Issue 4 (190), article 2


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2017, Issue 4 (190), pp.

Synytsya K.M., PhD (Engineering)
Deputy Director on Research
International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies
and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Acad. Glushkova av., 40, Kiev, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. E-learning models reflect various aspects of ICT application in education but they are not intended for reflecting long periods of time, multiple sources of information or dynamic control from the learner’s side. These and other features are important for lifelong learning modeling aimed at the use of individual’s data for raising efficiency of learning.
The purpose of the paper is to review e-learning models that describe a framework, abstract architecture or a reference model to identify potential prototype for lifelong e-learning model and to outline the requirements to its construction.
Results. The study reveals typical features of the e-learning models grouped according to the level of abstraction and connection to technology and pedagogy. It describes lifelong learning specifics and models that could be considered during the lifelong e-learning modeling, although none of the existing models could serve as a unique prototype. A set of requirements to lifelong e-learning model is suggested.
Conclusion. Lifelong e-learning model should be presented as a set of views that are relevant to actors in e-learning and reflect longevity, multiple sources, context of learning, management and learner’s control, collection and sharing the data about learning. The main purpose of it could be in identification of components, tools and processes that should be implemented for intelligent and efficient lifelong learning support
Keywords: e-learning, lifelong learning, e-learning framework, reference model, learner-centric model, requirements to e-learning model

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Reseived 17.09.2017

Issue 4 (190), article 1


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2017, Issue 4 (190), pp.

Grytsenko V.I., Corresponding Member of NASU of Ukraine,
Director of International research and training
center for Information technologies and systems
of the NASU and MESU
Onyshchenko I.M., PhD (Economics),
Senior Researcher of the Department of Economic and Social
Systems and Information Technologies
International research and training center for Information
technologies and systems of the NASU and MESU
40, Ave Glushkov, 03680, Kiev, Ukraine


Introduction. Fast growth of collected and stored data due to IT bumming caused a problem called “Big Data Problem”. Most of the new data are unstructured and this is the core reason why traditional relational data warehouse are so inefficient to deal with “Big Data”. Predicting and modeling based on “Big Data” also can be problematic because of high volume and velocity. To avoid some problems online learning algorithms can be successful for high-load systems.
The purpose of the article is to develop an approach to feature selection and modeling in case of “Big Data” with using online learning algorithm.
Method. Online learning algorithm for FTRL (Follow-The-Regularized-Leader) model with L1 and L2 regularization to select only important features was used.
Results. The approaches of modeling in cases of using batch and online learning algorithms are described on the example of online auction system. The online learning algorithm has very strong preferences in case of high load and high velocity. Mathematical background for modification of linear discriminator of FTL (Follow-The-Leader) model with adding regularization was described. L1 and L2 regularization allows us to select important features in real time. If the feature becomes useless, the regularization will set the corresponding coefficient equal to 0. But it does not remove the feature from training process and the coefficient can be restored with some value in case of its importance for model. The full process is prepared as a program in Python and can be used in practice.
The results may be applied for modeling and predicting in projects with high volume or velocity of data for example — social networks, online auctions, online gaming, recommendation systems and others.
The results may be applied for modeling and forcasting in projects with high volume or velocity of data, for example — social networks, online auctions, online gaming, recommendation systems and others .
Conclusions. FTRL model to work as online learning algorithm that allows to predict binary outcomes in high load “Big Data” systems was modified.
Getting into account that number of predictors can be enormous it takes much computing resources, time and make the process difficult. This feature selection problem was solved with using L1 regularization. The selection procedure was added to modified online learning FTRL model. L1 regularization to score the importance of predictors in real time was used.
A program that runs described mathematical algorithm was developed. Note that the algorithm effectively works with sparse matrices by analyzing incoming data and updating weights only for predictors that are presented. The algorithm has L1 and L2 regularization features that may be used for feature selection and avoid overfitting.
Keywords: information technologies in economics, economical and mathematical modeling, online learning algorithms, regularization, Big Data.

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Received 28.09.2017

Issue 4 (190)


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Informatics and Information Technologies:

Grytsenko V.I., Onyshchenko I.M.
Determining the Informativity of Parameters in a Prognostic Model for Evaluating the Probability of Product Selection in Case of Big Data

Synytsya K.M.
E-Learning Models Analysis for Lifelong Learning

Intellectual Control and Systems:

Melnichuk S.V., Gubarev V.F., Salnikov N.N.
Using Information Features in Computer Vision for 3d Pose Estimation in Space

Medical and Biological Cybernetics:

Antomonov M.Y., Shevchenko A.A., Kulagin A.A.
Algorithms of Multifactorial Regression Modeling in Ecological and Hygienic Studies

Kalnysh V.V., Stasyshyn R.O., Oliskevych M.O.
Model for Assessing the Guality of Emotional Regulation in Professional Activities of Employees when Dealing with High Danger

Issue 3 (189), article 5


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2017, Issue 3 (189), pp.

Shvets A.V.1, Dr (Medicine), Senior Researcher,
Head of Research Department of Special Medicine and Psychophysiology of Research Institute of Military Medicine of Ukrainian Military Medical Academy
Kich A.Y.2, PhD (Medicine),
Head of Military Medical Clinical Center of Occupational Pathology
1Research Institute of Military Medicine of Ukrainian Military Medical Academy,
04655, Ukraine, Kiev, Melnikova Str. 24
2Military Medical Clinical Center of Occupational Pathology of Servicemen
of Ukrainian Armed Forces, 08203, Ukraine, Kyiv region, Irpin. 11-line Str. 1.


Introduction. The psychological unpreparedness, non-coping fear with the responsibilities, feeling guilt to the dead, striving to survive in terms of destruction and deaths of others, extreme strain of duty, violations of food recreation and other harmful factors of duty undoubtedly reduce the human adaptive reserves and lead to non-constructive changes of behaviors and disadaptation syndrome that need their assessment for further rehabilitation treatment requirement.
The purpose of the study is to elaborate the decision support model for medical recovery assessment by estimation of functional state of wounded and sick persons during their treatment in hospital conditions to substantiate the necessity of a further rehabilitation.
Materials and methods. There were selected two groups of 25–45 ages’ men: I group — 30 persons that got mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) during the 2014–2015 years and had comorbid somatic pathology, the II group — 30 people who had only therapeutic pathology. The assessment of functional state (FS) was based on heart rate variability (HRV) and electroencephalography (EEG) data before and after their rehabilitation treatment.
Results. The features of patients recovering based on the study of EEG and HRV characteristics were significantly worse according to the functional state (FS) of individuals that had mTBI (only 23,3 % of positive dynamics) comparing with others (83,4 %;
p < 0,001). There were described structural features of three types of EEG phenomena, which occur in patients with mTBI. The analysis of interrelations of EEG and HRV data additionally confirms a slow recovery of FS of patients with mTBI. The physiological value of FS regulation was the highest among individuals that had mTBI.
Conclusions. The decision support model for assessment of human recovery potential by evaluation of functional state of wounded and sick persons allows quantitatively predict the need for further rehabilitation after the hospital treatment. It was shown that application of EEG and HRV hardware during rehabilitation of combatants in hospital conditions allows to evaluate a specific morphological defects and the degree of human rehabilitation potential.
Keywords: rehabilitation potential, participants in anti-terrorist operations, functional state, heart rate variability, electroencephalography

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Received 12.06.2017