Issue 1 (195), article 5


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2018, Issue 1 (195), pp.

Kaplin I.V.1, ophthalmologist of the Kyiv Center for Eye Therapy and Microsurgery, PhD student of the Ophthalmology Department

Kochina M.L.2, DSc. (Biology), Professor,
Head of the Medical and Biological Basics of Sports and Physical Rehabilitation Department,

Demin Yu.A.1, DSc. (Medicine), Professor,
Head of Ophthalmology Department,

Firsov A.G.3, PhD (Technics), Chief Designer

1 Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education,
58, Amosova str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61000

2 Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University
10, 68-Desantniv str., Mykolaiv, Ukraine, 54000

1, Aviation str., ap.7, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166


Introduction. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), glaucoma accounts for 4–5% of the total ocular pathology, making it one of the most common eye diseases in the world. The first sign of the disease is a constant or periodic increase in intraocular pressure, which leads to the development of visual field defects, optic nerve atrophy, and dystrophic changes in eye tissues. Detection of glaucoma and ocular hypertension is done by measuring the intraocular pressure, which is the standard procedure for diagnosis of the condition of eyes in all patients over 40 years of age. Patients with a diagnosis of “glaucoma” should constantly measure the intraocular pressure, which is necessary to control the effectiveness of treatment, its correction and evaluation of the effectiveness of drugs.
The purpose of the article is to develop the system for assessing the intraocular pressure level using the interference pictures parameters observed on the eye cornea in the polarized light.
Results. The proposed system of two-level classification of the intraocular pressure level, which contains a pair of complementary fuzzy models, formalized in the form of logical rules and sets of numerical parameters of functions (membership and conclusion), and additional decisive rules that consist of a regression equation and a classification criterion.
Such a hybrid system adequately reflects the general communication of adjusted interference picture parameters with a measured value of intraocular pressure by classical Goldman tonometry, which allowed offering it to practical use as a basis for intraocular pressure express assessment.
Conclusion. Using the developed software module evaluation of intraocular pressure, based on the proposed concept of express assessment of intraocular pressure, integrates fuzzy models and decisive rules allowing to improve the results of glaucoma treatment at early detection of high level of intraocular pressure.

Keywords: intraocular pressure, central eye cornea thickness, interference pictures, express assessment.

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Received 03.12.2018

Issue 1 (191), article 5


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2018, Issue 1 (191), pp.

Kaplin I.V.1, Ophthalmologist of the Kyiv Center of Therapy and Microsurgery of Eye,
Postgraduate student of department of ophthalmology
Kochina M.L.2, Dr (Biology), Professor,
Head of Department of Medical and Biological Bases of Sport
and Physical Rehabilitation
Firsov A.G.3, PhD (Engineering),
Main Designer of LLC “ASTER-IT”
1Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education,
Аmosov st, 58, Kharkiv, 61000, Ukraine
2 Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University,
68 Marines st., 10, Mykolay, 54003, Ukraine
3 Limit Liability Company “ASTER-IT”,
Aviation st., 1, ap. 7, Kharkov, 61166, Ukraine


Introduction. One of the reasons for the unfavorable outcome of glaucoma is an incorrect evaluation of the eye hydrodynamics data obtained by measuring intraocular pressure. That is why the development of new non-invasive methods of intraocular pressure studying is an urgent task. The cornea is optically anisotropic due to the effects of direct extraocular muscles and intraocular pressure on it, as well as the structure and properties of corneal collagen. When an eye cornea is illuminated by polarized light, we can observe an interference pattern which reflects the distribution of internal stresses in it. The parameters of interference patterns depend on the level of intraocular pressure.
The purpose of the article is to develop the telemedicine system’s conception for express estimation of intraocular pressure level with the use of interference pictures that are observed on glaucoma patients’ cornea in polarized light.
Results. The method for determining the interference parameters is performed in several stages in accordance with the developed algorithm. First, after receiving a color picture of interference pattern, its brightness is normalized and converted to monochrome. At the second stage, the cornea borders are fixed by means of two mode indicators, after which the contour is automatically applied to the image. At the third stage, the isochromatic contour is labeled using an adjustable ring pointer, which allows defining the isochrome width middle and standardizing the studies. After marking out the contour of the isochrome using splines, the isochrome itself is modeled. At the fourth stage, there is an automated calculation of the pixels forming the isochrome and filling the inner part.
Conclusions. To assess the level of intraocular pressure using interference patterns, it is necessary to determine their parameters, which can be performed in a semi-automated mode. The developed method provides a resolving power of at least 0.55 mm/pixel (3 times better than the known one) and reduces the research time by 11–15 times. It is not labor-intensive and can be implemented in the central regional hospital.

Keywords: telemedical system, polarized light, interference patterns, isochromes, parametrization.

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Received 30.11.2017

Issue 185, article 6


KVT, 2016, Issue 185, pp.60-76

UDC 617.751-057-07


Evtushenko A.S.1, Kozak L.M.2, Kochina M.L.3

1Kharkiv Municipal Clinical Hospital №14 named by Prof. L.L. Girshman, Kharkiv, Ukraine

2International Reasearch and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of National Academy of Science and Ministry of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

3Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine , ,

Introduction. PC operators’ work is connected to necessity of information large amounts perception from PC display. Such activities require of high attention concentration and particular responsibility for production goals. Arduous visual work of PC operators on close distance results in high psychoemotional stress and exerts an impact on functional state. Severe visual asthenopias in PC operators may be observed on the background of normal values of visual system’s functional indexes that require of such states causes determination for prophylaxis measures development.

The purpose of the article is to evaluate the impact of the visual work at close distance on the structure of relationships between visual system’s indexes and functional state’s indexes.

Methods. 41 PC operators took part in the study. The average age of study subjects was (29,6 ± 4,0) y.o. The functional indexes of visual system were measured in all PC operators before and after visual work. The indexes of functional state were also measured by self-assessment using developed questionnaire. The obtained results processing was performed using descriptive statistics methods, cluster and factor analysis.

Results. On the background of performed research using clustering and factor analysis it was found that younger PC operators with higher visual functions the visual work on close distance results in state similar to spasm of accommodation. The recovery after night rest was worse than in PC operators with low visual functions. Older PC operators have higher quality of recovery after night rest. It may be determined by development of visual fatigue as the result of visual work . The recovery after night rest in case of visual fatigue is better than in case of accommodation spasm.

Conclusion. Visual work on close distance results in configuration change of connection between indexes of visual system that support visual perception. The peculiarities of these changes depend on visual system’s indexes. The results of PC operators functional state’s self-assessment using the questionnaire developed by us had shown that in PC operators with low functional possibilities the common and visual complaints rate was certainly lower than in operators with high functional possibilities.

Keywords: factor models, visual system, functional state, PC operator work.

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Received 20.05.16

Issue 183, article 6

Gorban Andrey E., PhD (Medicine), Director of Ukrainian Centre of Scientific Medical Information and Patent-Licence Provision of Ministry of Health of Ukraine, av. Moskovska, 19, Kiev, 04655,

Kochina Marina L., Dr of Biology, Prof., Professor of Clinical Informatics and Information Technologies Department of Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Korchagincev st., 58, Kharkov, 61176,

FORECASTING MODEL OF INNOVATIVE EFFICIENCY OF RESEARCH WORK IN THE HEALTH CARE. Kibernetika i vyčislitel’naâ tehnika, 2016, issue 183, pp. 79-91

Introduction. When planning research work (research) predicting the effectiveness of its innovative performance, which is crucial in determining the prospects of its funding is of great importance.

The purpose of the article is to give scientific substantiation and development of forecasting model of innovative efficiency of research.

Methods. Scoring system developed by the scientific research results and products, the scale of expert assessments were used. To construct forecasting model of fuzzy logic was used.

Results. The usage of fuzzy logic revealed informative indicators for predicting of the innovative effectiveness of research, which include peer reviews: the novelty of the research, the expected medical effect of the introduction of the results, level of methodical and material base of research, qualification of basic performers. The usage of the model of expert estimates forecast the effectiveness of research at the planning stage.

Conclusion. The usage of this method of scoring the results of research and forecasting model of its effectiveness can be the basis for a decision on the financing of the work at the planning stage and allow us to determine the rating of scientific staff at its completion.

Keywords: forecasting model, fuzzy logic, innovation efficiency, the research work.

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