Issue 3 (213), article 3


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 3(213)

Revunova E.G., DSc (Engineering),
Leading Researcher of Neural Information Processing Technologies Department,

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies
and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkova av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. Impact of the jamming leads to the high losses since it decreases effectiveness of radiolocation systems, anti-aircraft missile systems and communication systems. Strategies of forming and setting of the jamming are improving and the power of the jamming increases. In this regard, it is important to improve jamming cancellation systems.  

The task of the improvement for based on matrix calculations methods of the jamming cancellation is actual considering the breakthrough development of the computational methods which allows realization by digital circuit engineering. These include the most modern machine learning algorithms aimed at solving signal processing tasks.  

The requirement of the stable operation is important for the jamming cancellation systems under conditions of uncertainty. Other demand is an operation in the real time and a simple hardware implementation.  

The purpose of the paper is to increase the efficiency of the jamming cancellation in the antenna system (under conditions of uncertainty) based on the new randomized computation methods and their realization by the matrix-processor architecture.  

Results. The approach based on singular value decomposition and random projection is proposed. It provides effective jamming cancellation in the antenna systems under conditions of uncertainty that is, the sample has small length, there is an own noise of the measuring system, the input-output transformation matrix have undefined numerical rank and there is no prior information about useful signal 

Conclusions. The increase of the efficiency of the jamming cancellation includes the increase of the stability and jamming cancellation coefficient, and the reduction of the computational complexity.  

The increase of the jamming cancellation coefficient is provided by use of stable discrete ill-posed inverse problems solution methods of the signal recovery based on random projection and singular value decomposition. The decrease of the computational complexity is achieved by the realization of random projection and singular value decomposition as the processor array which make parallel computations.

Keywords: jamming, discrete ill-posed problem, antenna system singular value decomposition, random projection.
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Received 28.04.2023

Issue 3 (213), article 2


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 3(213)

Yermakova I.I.1, DSc (Biology), Professor
Leading Researcher of the Department of Complex Research
of Information Technologies,,

Nikolaienko A.Yu.2, PhD (Engineering),
Assistant of the Department of Software Systems and Technologies
of the Faculty of Information Technology,,

Hrytsaiuk O.V.1, PhD Student,
Junior Researcher of the Department of Complex Research of Information Technologies,,

Kravchenko P.M.1,
Senior Engineer of the Department of Complex Research of Information Technologies,,

Dorosh O.I.1,
Researcher of the Department of Complex Research of Information Technologies,,

1International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies
and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkova av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine

2Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
60, Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine


Introduction. Cold water is extreme environment for humans, which is attributed to the high thermal conductivity and heat capacity of water. People whose activities involve prolonged exposure to water with a temperature below 25 °C are at risk of hypothermia. The average temperature of the ocean’s surface waters fluctuates between 15 °C and 17 °C. Therefore, it’s important to inform all individuals who work, travel, engage in sports or relax by the sea, lakes or rivers in any region of the world about the risk of hypothermia. 

As of today, there are numerous mobile applications in the field of healthcare, but there is a lack of technology capable of preemptively alerting individuals to adverse conditions in water environments and providing appropriate recommendations. 

The purpose of the paper is to assess the safety of human presence in cold water using mobile technologies and mathematical models of human physiological systems.  

Results. An informational technology for predicting of human thermophysiological state in cold water has been developed with a client-server architecture. A key feature of this technology is the inclusion of modern mathematical models of human thermoregulation and heat exchange on server, which enable the consideration of environmental characteristics, physical activity, protective clothing, immersion level, and duration of human exposure to water.  

Conclusions. The proposed informational technology allows for the early detection of potential risks of hypothermia and provides recommendations for maintaining human health during cold water exposure. The utilization of the developed informational technology can prove valuable in the realm of healthcare for evaluating physiological reserves of the body and determining a safe duration for human presence in cold water.  

Keywords: informational technology, human thermoregulation model, risks of health, mobile applications, water environment, physical activity, protective clothing.
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Received 26.06.2023

Issue 3 (213), article 1


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 3(213)

Kyyko V.M., PhD (Engineering), Senior Researcher of the Pattern Recognition Department,,

Matsello V.V., PhD (Engineering), Head of the Pattern Recognition Department,,

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 40, Acad. Glushkova av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. Object tracking in video is one of the open problems in computer vision and has a wide range of practical applications. The main difficulties of this task are that the object in the process of tracking can significantly change its appearance due to changes in lighting conditions, size and orientation in space, as well as disappear from the field of view. Analysis of known algorithms shows that each of them does not fully ensure reliable tracking of objects under the above conditions. One approach to improving tracking reliability is to develop a means of using multiple algorithms that complement each other in their capabilities. 

The purpose of the paper is to develop an algorithm for long-term real-time tracking of objects in video based on the use of complementary features and algorithms to obtain more reliable tracking results in difficult conditions. 

The results. An algorithm for long-term real-time tracking of objects in video has been developed based on the combined use of two algorithms with complementary features and capabilities – the well-known KCF algorithm with HOG features of brightness gradients and the developed CH algorithm using HSV histogram features of color representations of the object and background. It is shown that the algorithm has wider possibilities for its use compared to KCF and CH filters. The developed algorithm was tested on video from the VOT (Visual Object Tracking) database. 

Conclusions. The developed algorithm ensures restoration of object localization after its disappearance from the field of view, as well as increasing the accuracy and reliability of localization in comparison with KCF and CH algorithms. Localization recovery is performed by searching for an object on an enlarged area of the image using KCF or another algorithm. The high-speed CH algorithm is used to preliminarily reduce the number of cells in the search area that can match the object and reduce its search time. Increasing the accuracy and reliability of localization is achieved by using a more informative criterion in the form of a weighted sum of the responses of two filters, as well as a more accurate definition of the rectangle bounding the object based on the segmentation of the color representation of the image.

Keywords: object tracking in video, KCF tracking algorithm, HOG features, histogram features of colors in the image.
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Received 23.06.2023

Issue 3 (213)


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Informatics and Information Technologies:

Kyyko V.M., Matsello V.V.
Real-Time Tracking of Objects in Video Based on Adaptive Histogram Features

Yermakova I.I., Nikolaienko A.Yu., Hrytsaiuk O.V., Kravchenko P.M., Dorosh O.I.
Information Technology for Predicting of Human Thermophysiological State in Cold Water

Intelligent Control and Systems:

Revunova E.G.
Randomized Matrix Calculations and Singular Value Decomposition for the Effective Jamming Cancellation in Radiolocation Systems

Medical and Biological Cybernetics:

Kozak L.M., Kovalenko O.S., Surovtsev I.V.
Basic Components of the Software Modules Construction for Obtaining, Storing and Exchanging Medical and Environmental Information

Kalnysh V.V.
Informational Approaches to the Analysis of the Influence of Psycho-Emotional Stress on the State of the Working Population and Military Personnel of Ukraine

Issue 2 (212), article 5


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 2(212)

FAINZILBERG L.S.1,2 DSc. (Engineering), Professor,
Chief researcher of Intelligent Automatic Systems Department1,
Professor of the Department of Biomedical Cybernetics2, 0000-0002-3092-0794,

Student Faculty of Biomedical Engineering,

1 International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies
and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kiyv, 03187, Ukraine

2 National Technical University of Ukraine
“Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
37, Peremogy av., Kiyv, 03056, Ukraine


Introduction. At the current stage of society’s development, an increasing number of people suffer from hearing loss. Hearing plays an important role in the combat fitness of the military. Hearing loss can be prevented by regular testing. But in field conditions, it is impossible to conduct an audiometric study based only on standard methods.

The purpose of this paper is the development of methods for hearing loss evaluation based on tonal threshold audiometry using the client-server system, which provides remote communication between a patient and a doctor.

Methods. To check the hearing ability, the results of the current audiogram are compared with the users personal norm. In case of deviation from the norm the doctor is notified. He uses this information system to adjust the treatment.

Results. Developed information technology provides the opportunity of remote monitoring of the hearing condition and correction of treatment. It is demonstrated that the determination of the patient’s personal norm can be carried out by calculating the median from the user’s audiograms obtained with a smartphone and head phones.

Conclusions. The information system, which ensures the implementation of the proposed procedures, can be used on a mid-range smartphone running the Android operating system.

Keywords: audiogram, population and personal hearing norms, client-server information technology.

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24 MWM Mustafa. High-Rated Hearing Test Android Mobile Applications: Are they Appropriate for Action?. Otolaryngology Open Access Journal. 2022. No 7.

25 Bright T., Pallawela T. Validated Smartphone-Based Apps for Ear and Hearing Assessments: A Review. JMIR Rehabilitation and assistive technologies. 2016. No 2.

26 Fainzilberg L.S. Generalized Approach to Building Computer’s Tools of Preventive Medicine for Home Using. International Scientific Technical Journal “Problems of Control and Informatics”. 2022. No 1. pp. 136-158.

27 Mazur G. Digital Multimeter Principles. American Technical Publishers. 2010. 182 p.

28 Wang, M., Ai, Y., Han, Y. et al. Extended high-frequency audiometry in healthy adults with different age groups. Journal of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surg. 2021. No 50.

29 Fainzilberg L., Kharchenko A. Determination of the Personal Hearing Standard in the Audiometer on a Smartphone. Proceedings of XI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Scientific Research: Achievements, Innovations and Development Prospects” (Berlin, April 24-26, 2022). Berlin, Germany: MDPC Publishing, 2022, pp. 33-39.

Received 03.04.2023

Issue 2 (212), article 4


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 2(212)

Research Area Manager,
ORCID 0000-0001-7433-786X,

Delivery Manager & Sustainability Expert,
ORCID 0000-0001-5059-4909,

Chief Technology Officer,
ORCID 0000-0002-5689-298X,

Senior Project Manager,
Researcher ID: 0000-0002-6167-3247,

1Zelus P.C.,
Tatoiou 92, 14452, Metamorfosi, Athens, GR

2AEGIS IT Research GmbH,
25 Humboldt Str. Braunschweig, 38106, Germany


Introduction: The recent scale-up of events caused after the Covid-19 pandemic and its subsequent healthcare crisis, highlights the digital forensics importance in a connected health ecosystem. It is therefore safe to assume that there is a growing interest in digital forensics and how they are applied within the existing healthcare ecosystem and under which concept, posing the main research question of the current study.

The purpose of the paper is to presente here focuses on defining and developing the necessary mechanisms to ensure the security and privacy of the data disseminated by existing research in both fields of digital health and cybersecurity. A cybernetics-inspired framework is structured based on existing practices and key gaps identified.

Results: Five electronic databases, namely Scopus, IEEEXplore, PubMed, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals and arXiV were identified as the main data sources. A State-of-the-Art analysis has been performed to realize the limits of the devices and the machines (including the systems and their elements involved) in the healthcare domain, when these break down so that the investigation will teach us something new that is nontrivial. A highly relevant dimension in our approach for a digital forensics driven connected health landscape is based on rigorous and comprehensive feedback take-off methods, which are seemingly lacking.

Conclusion: The main point of our study is to show that while there might seem an immense multiplicity, a unity can be formulated and vice versa: where something appears as a unit, an unbounded plurality of conditions might be enclosed within it. Moving into a connected health future should be built upon existing accidents so as to mark the upcoming changes that would affect such a system.

Keywords: digital forensics, connected health, cybernetic digital investigation framework, cybersecurity.

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Received 29.01.2023

Issue 2 (212), article 3


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 2(212)

ARALOVA N.I.1, DSc (Engineering), Senior Researcher,
Senior Researcher of Optimization of Controlled Processes Department,
ORCID 0000-0002-7246-2736,

RADZIEJOWSKI P.A.2, DSc (Biology), Professor
ORCID 0000-0001-8232-2705,

RADZIEJOWSKA M.P.3, DSc (Biology).,
Professor of Faculty of Management,
Department of Innovations
and Safety Management Systems
ORCID 0000-0002-9845-390X,

ARALOVA A.A.1, PhD (Mathematics)
Researcher of the Department of Methods for Discrete Optimization,
Mathematical Modelling and Analyses of Complex Systems
ORCID 0000-0001-7282-2036,

1 Institute of cybernetics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad.Glushkov av., 03187, Kyiv, Ukraine

2 Kazimiera Milanowska College of Education and Therapy , Poznan, Poland

3 Czestochowa University of Technology
19b, Armii Krajowej str., 42-200, Częstochowa, Poland


Introduction. One of the most important tasks of sports training in modern sports of the highest achievements is the ability to control the state of the athlete’s body in the process of training and competitive activities. The use of a systematic approach in the training of highly qualified athletes, the system-forming factor in which is sports performance, presupposes the use of various non-traditional methods of improving the adaptation of athletes to the ever-increasing training loads. The development of methods and means for increasing physical performance and, in particular, in the practice of high-performance sports, is one of the most important principles of modern sports medicine. One of these methods is interval hypoxic training.

The purpose of the paper is to reveal the effectiveness of the process of adaptation to hypoxic hypoxia during the training process in the middle mountains and during the course of normobaric interval hypoxic training as a means of controlling the training process for increasing work capacity and improving the state of the functional respiratory system.

Methods. A system approach was used to assess the functional state of the respiratory system, combining instrumental examination with the subsequent use of mathematical models of the oxygen regimes of the body, predicting the state of functional respiratory system on the mathematical model of the respiratory system with optimal control, aerobic performance and working capacity.

Results. The combination of separate conducting of the IHT course and the traditional planned training process plays a significant role in the management of the training process because increases the effectiveness of the constructive effect of hypoxia

Separate use of hypoxic hypoxia and load hypoxia significantly increases the functional state of the respiratory system, increases aerobic performance and performance of athletes in comparison with the simultaneous effects of hypoxic hypoxia and load hypoxia during the training process in mid-altitude mountains.

Keywords: functional respiratory system, intermittent  hypoxic training, athletes’ performance, the effectiveness of the adaptation process of athletes, mathematical model of the respiratory system with optimal control.

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Received 10.02.2023

Issue 2 (212), article 2


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 2(212)

Bondar S.O.,
Acting Head of Intelligent Control Department,

Shepetukha Yu.M., PhD (Engineering), Senior Researcher,
Leading Researcher of the Intelligent Control Department

International Research and Training Center for Information
Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Science
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
40, Acad. Glushkov ave., 03187, Kyiv, Ukraine


Introduction. Among the current tasks of digitization of built immovable infrastructure objects, the task of building digital models of external and internal parts of such objects, creating electronic passports of objects, SMART models of cities, etc. is highlighted. During the surveying of streets and objects to create digital models of cities and maintain a database of these objects, there is a need to use unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), but. not all types of aircraft are suitable for performing combined digitization tasks

The purpose of the paper is to justify of the type and model choice of an unmanned aerial vehicle as a means of creating digital models of the investigated infrastructure objects and the development of a method for combined control of the movement of such an apparatus to perform the tasks of obtaining visual data for the construction of digital 3D models of the investigated immovable infrastructure objects.

The results. In order to make a justified choice of the type of UAV as a tool for the implementation of digitalization tasks, an ontological model was built based on the defined technical and structural characteristics of various types of UAV. The analysis of the created ontological model made it possible to determine the hybrid type of UAV based on the largest number of relationships “type of UAV – task conditions” as links between technical characteristics and the possibility of flight modes with certain features of the digitalization tasks.

For the most common data collection tasks for the digitization of infrastructural objects, a method of combined UAV motion control has been developed, which combines the stages of sequential use of control of two hybrid UAV motion modes: helicopter and airplane, depending on the characteristics of the specific task.

Conclusions. The developed ontological model has a hierarchical nature and covers such structural elements as the type and subtype of an unmanned aerial vehicle, its technical and structural characteristics, possible flight modes and characteristics, types of digitization tasks, and relationships/connections between them. The analysis of the created ontological model and the results of simulations and test flights of the UAV made it possible to choose a hybrid type of UAV.

The developed method of combined UAV motion control is based on control models for the main channels, combines autonomous and operator control modes and provides for the sequential application of the capabilities of aircraft and helicopter flight modes, which provides the possibility of using different models of hybrid UAVs to perform the tasks of collecting visual data for construction digital models of immovable infrastructure objects.

Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle, ontological model, combined control method, models for main control channels, visual data, digital object models.

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Received 16.05.2023

Issue 2 (212), article 1


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 2(212)

BULGAKOVA O.S., Phd, Associate professor,
Associate professor of the Department of Applied Information Systems,
ORCID: 0000-0002-6587-8573,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
Bohdan Hawrylyshyn str. 24, Kyiv, 04116, Ukraine

MAKOVETSKYI M. Ye., MSc in Computer Science
of the Department of Applied Information Systems,
ORCID: 0009-0006-2169-8745,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
Bohdan Hawrylyshyn str. 24, Kyiv, 04116, Ukraine

ZOSIMOV V.V., DSc (Engineering), Associate professor.,
Professor of the Department of Applied Information Systems,
ORCID: 0000-0003-0824-4168,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
Bohdan Hawrylyshyn str. 24, Kyiv, 04116, Ukraine


Introduction. This paper presents the analyze of main consumer behavior models in modern e-commerce systems, such as electronic consumer decision process model, research online – purchase offline concept, also shown architectural solutions of e-commerce systems, including microservice architecture. Proposes the application of artificial intelligence (AI) based on large language models in e-commerce. The main functions of these models include text generation, acting as a 24/7 assistant, and analytics. Specifically, the user cases for store owners include the automatic generation of product descriptions, keywords, and categories, as well as analytics in areas such as customer feedback, user requests, searches, and shopping patterns.

The purpose of the paper is to consider the possibility of use intelligent agents such as chatbots in an e-commerce system to meet customer needs, increase sales and provide personalized information.

Results. The proposed approach demonstrate  that that AI models based on large language models can be applied to automate the generation of product descriptions, keywords, categories, and to gain insights into customer feedback, user requests, searches, and shopping patterns. In summary, this paper provides a comprehensive analysis of various consumer behavior models, architectural solutions, and the potential benefits of implementing AI-based solutions in the e-commerce industry.

Conclusions. The results of using intelligent agents in an e-commerce system include the ability to handle a large volume of customer queries simultaneously, provide support, and improve customer satisfaction and retention rates. The use of an intelligent agent in the sales process can also help to recommend products based on the customer’s preferences and browsing history, increasing the likelihood of a sale. The use of microservice architecture in a web application for an online store allows for independent scalability of components and the ability to build a system using different programming languages.

Keywords: e-trade, intelligent agents, consumer behavior model, e-commerce system.

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Received 27.02.2023

Issue 2 (212)


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Informatics and Information Technologies:

Bulgakova O.S., Makovetskyi M. Ye., Zosimov V.V.
Approach to the intelligent agents application in e-commerce systems

Bondar S.O., Shepetukha Y.M.
Choosing an Unmanned Aircraft for Implementation the Method of Combined Control of Its Movement with the Purpose to Create Digital Models of Infrastructure Objects

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