Issue 3 (213), article 5


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 3(213)

Kalnysh V.V., DSc (Biology), Professor,
Professor of the Department of Aviation, Marine Medicine and Psychophysiology,

Ukrainian Military Medical Academy
45/1,b 33, Knyaz Ostrozki st., Kyiv, 01011, Ukraine


Introduction. The increased psycho-emotional stress significantly affects the working capacity of the population and the fighting capacity of military personnel, which indirectly affects the level of well-being of the entire population of Ukraine. Therefore, assessing the psycho-emotional stress on the working population and comparing it with indicators in other countries of the world will contribute to the development of adequate measures to reduce it. 

The purpose of the paper is to identify the prerequisites for the formation of stress reactions in the working population and military personnel in the event of hostilities escalation in our country, using informational approaches to the analysis of the psycho-emotional stress impact on the condition of the working population and military personnel of Ukraine. 

The results. The analysis of data from publicly available information sources made it possible to show that a significant degree of the psycho-emotional state of military personnel is formed on the basis of a high background level of stress load of the working population, which had a significant impact in the last decade. This was objectively reflected in the natural reduction of the country’s population, significant distortion of the structure of its traumatism and became the cause of informational and material transformations in the population. It was established that the index of population stress (IPS) used in the analysis, which assesses the asymmetry of deaths of persons of different sexes in their life activities, naturally increased during the period of intensive socio-economic transformations in Ukraine. The analysis of IPS dynamics showed that the working population can be divided into a separate group, where the socio-economic status influence on psycho-emotional stress in the population can be monitored to a greater extent. It is shown that IPS levels are unevenly distributed in different countries of the world. Among these countries, Ukraine is characterized by a high asymmetry in the mortality ratio of men and women. Based on the theory of sex’s asymmetry V.A. Geodakyan explained some mechanisms of balancing the mortality of men and women of working age. Approaches to the development of timely administrative state decisions by implementing monitoring of the psycho-emotional stress of the working population are proposed. 

Conclusions. The used index of population stress makes it possible to monitor the dynamics of the psycho-emotional stress transformation of the working population and, indirectly, of military personnel. Ukraine belongs to the countries with a “high” level of the population stress index, which indicates the existence of ultra-intensive transformations in the livelihood of its citizens. Organizational measures that will contribute to the development of adequate management solutions to normalize the psycho-emotional stress level of the working population and military personnel are proposed.

Keywords: information approaches, population stress index, psycho-emotional stress, structure of traumatism, socio-psychological processes, working population, military person.
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Received 06.06.2023

Issue 3 (213), article 4


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 3(213)

Kozak L.M., DSc (Biology), Senior Researcher,
Leading Researcher, Medical Information Systems Department,

Kovalenko O.S., DSc (Medicine), Professor,
Head of Medical Information Systems Department,

Surovtsev I.V., DSc (Engineering), Senior Researcher,
Head of the Ecological Monitoring Digital Systems Department,

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies
and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkova av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. Currently, the exchange of medical information between healthcare facilities, data repositories, various mobile devices operating in a mobile medicine or telemedicine environment and patients is becoming increasingly important. 

Digital transformation in healthcare includes the use of electronic health records (EHR) in practical medicine, the information technologies creation for processing complex medical information using artificial intelligence, the telemedicine systems construction and the development of medical devices, software modules and mobile applications that completely change of the interaction between medical care providers, and the way of decisions regarding physicians` plans for diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and disease prevention. 

Currently, in order to increase the effectiveness of preventive measures against a wide range of diseases, there is an urgent need to develop environmental control systems and devices built using modern wireless technologies, cloud services and mobile communication systems. 

The purpose of the paper is to analyze the main requirements and components of information flows for obtaining and exchanging digital medical and environmental data and implement them in information and software modules for obtaining, saving and exchanging this information for further analysis. 

The results. Today, all health information operations directly depend on the level of interoperability in the healthcare industry, that is, the ability of different information systems, devices and applications to access, exchange, integrate and share data in a coordinated way to ensure timely and seamless information exchange and optimize the process of providing medical care. 

To ensure the appropriate level of interoperability, a set of characteristics has been formed for each subject/object of interaction, consistent with its role function in the process of medical data exchange. An adaptive architecture of the digital medicine ecosystem has been developed, which enables the integration of data exchange tasks between participants using web services. 

According to the target function, several groups of information flows are identified, which are implemented during the interaction of the main participants in the provision of medical care: patient — physician, patient — health facilities, physician — physician. Based on taking into account the role and ways of transferring personal medical information between participants, an algorithm for the exchange of personal medical data was created. 

The selected basic characteristics of the digital medical data exchange process and the requirements for the structure and functions of the information and software tools supporting this process are implemented in the information and software modules for saving and exchanging clinical information. 

Conclusions. Software modules should implement one of the main functions of the digital medicine ecosystem and environmental monitoring — obtaining, storing and exchanging digital medical data that circulates between ecosystem participants. The main feature of such exchange and storage is the implementation of the principles of interoperability, which makes it possible to quickly and efficiently perform similar functions. and environmental monitoring — receiving, saving 

The developed information and software modules of various purposes implement the methodology of activities in the digital medicine ecosystem with various software applications to create a unified information environment with the placement of a database on the health status of patients on any storage, in particular, cloud storage.

Keywords: digital medicine ecosystems, electronic medical records, disease risks, determination of concentrations of toxic chemicals, interoperability, information flows, data analysis methods, information and software modules, measurement sensors. 
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Received 29.04.2023

Issue 3 (213), article 3


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 3(213)

Revunova E.G., DSc (Engineering),
Leading Researcher of Neural Information Processing Technologies Department,

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies
and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkova av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. Impact of the jamming leads to the high losses since it decreases effectiveness of radiolocation systems, anti-aircraft missile systems and communication systems. Strategies of forming and setting of the jamming are improving and the power of the jamming increases. In this regard, it is important to improve jamming cancellation systems.  

The task of the improvement for based on matrix calculations methods of the jamming cancellation is actual considering the breakthrough development of the computational methods which allows realization by digital circuit engineering. These include the most modern machine learning algorithms aimed at solving signal processing tasks.  

The requirement of the stable operation is important for the jamming cancellation systems under conditions of uncertainty. Other demand is an operation in the real time and a simple hardware implementation.  

The purpose of the paper is to increase the efficiency of the jamming cancellation in the antenna system (under conditions of uncertainty) based on the new randomized computation methods and their realization by the matrix-processor architecture.  

Results. The approach based on singular value decomposition and random projection is proposed. It provides effective jamming cancellation in the antenna systems under conditions of uncertainty that is, the sample has small length, there is an own noise of the measuring system, the input-output transformation matrix have undefined numerical rank and there is no prior information about useful signal 

Conclusions. The increase of the efficiency of the jamming cancellation includes the increase of the stability and jamming cancellation coefficient, and the reduction of the computational complexity.  

The increase of the jamming cancellation coefficient is provided by use of stable discrete ill-posed inverse problems solution methods of the signal recovery based on random projection and singular value decomposition. The decrease of the computational complexity is achieved by the realization of random projection and singular value decomposition as the processor array which make parallel computations.

Keywords: jamming, discrete ill-posed problem, antenna system singular value decomposition, random projection.
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Received 28.04.2023

Issue 3 (213), article 2


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 3(213)

Yermakova I.I.1, DSc (Biology), Professor
Leading Researcher of the Department of Complex Research
of Information Technologies,,

Nikolaienko A.Yu.2, PhD (Engineering),
Assistant of the Department of Software Systems and Technologies
of the Faculty of Information Technology,,

Hrytsaiuk O.V.1, PhD Student,
Junior Researcher of the Department of Complex Research of Information Technologies,,

Kravchenko P.M.1,
Senior Engineer of the Department of Complex Research of Information Technologies,,

Dorosh O.I.1,
Researcher of the Department of Complex Research of Information Technologies,,

1International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies
and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkova av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine

2Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
60, Volodymyrska str., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine


Introduction. Cold water is extreme environment for humans, which is attributed to the high thermal conductivity and heat capacity of water. People whose activities involve prolonged exposure to water with a temperature below 25 °C are at risk of hypothermia. The average temperature of the ocean’s surface waters fluctuates between 15 °C and 17 °C. Therefore, it’s important to inform all individuals who work, travel, engage in sports or relax by the sea, lakes or rivers in any region of the world about the risk of hypothermia. 

As of today, there are numerous mobile applications in the field of healthcare, but there is a lack of technology capable of preemptively alerting individuals to adverse conditions in water environments and providing appropriate recommendations. 

The purpose of the paper is to assess the safety of human presence in cold water using mobile technologies and mathematical models of human physiological systems.  

Results. An informational technology for predicting of human thermophysiological state in cold water has been developed with a client-server architecture. A key feature of this technology is the inclusion of modern mathematical models of human thermoregulation and heat exchange on server, which enable the consideration of environmental characteristics, physical activity, protective clothing, immersion level, and duration of human exposure to water.  

Conclusions. The proposed informational technology allows for the early detection of potential risks of hypothermia and provides recommendations for maintaining human health during cold water exposure. The utilization of the developed informational technology can prove valuable in the realm of healthcare for evaluating physiological reserves of the body and determining a safe duration for human presence in cold water.  

Keywords: informational technology, human thermoregulation model, risks of health, mobile applications, water environment, physical activity, protective clothing.
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1 Yermakova I., Montgomery L. Predictive Simulation of Physiological Responses for Swimmers in Cold Water. 2018 IEEE 38th International scientific conference electronics and nanotechnology (ELNANO). Kyiv, April 24-26. 2018. P. 292-297.

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18 Yermakova I.I., Nikolaienko A.Yu., Bogatonkova A.I., Tadeeva J.P. Multifunctional Information System for Modeling of Human Thermophysiological State in Extreme Environments. Cybernetics and Computer Engineering. Kyiv. 2022. No 1 (207). C. 32-45. (in Ukrainian).

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20 Rostomily K.A., Jones D.M., Pautz C.M., Ito D.W., Buono M.J. Haemoconcentration, not decreased blood temperature, increases blood viscosity during cold water immersion. Diving Hyperb Med. 2020. Vol. 50(1). P. 24-27.

Received 26.06.2023

Issue 3 (213), article 1


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 3(213)

Kyyko V.M., PhD (Engineering), Senior Researcher of the Pattern Recognition Department,,

Matsello V.V., PhD (Engineering), Head of the Pattern Recognition Department,,

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 40, Acad. Glushkova av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. Object tracking in video is one of the open problems in computer vision and has a wide range of practical applications. The main difficulties of this task are that the object in the process of tracking can significantly change its appearance due to changes in lighting conditions, size and orientation in space, as well as disappear from the field of view. Analysis of known algorithms shows that each of them does not fully ensure reliable tracking of objects under the above conditions. One approach to improving tracking reliability is to develop a means of using multiple algorithms that complement each other in their capabilities. 

The purpose of the paper is to develop an algorithm for long-term real-time tracking of objects in video based on the use of complementary features and algorithms to obtain more reliable tracking results in difficult conditions. 

The results. An algorithm for long-term real-time tracking of objects in video has been developed based on the combined use of two algorithms with complementary features and capabilities – the well-known KCF algorithm with HOG features of brightness gradients and the developed CH algorithm using HSV histogram features of color representations of the object and background. It is shown that the algorithm has wider possibilities for its use compared to KCF and CH filters. The developed algorithm was tested on video from the VOT (Visual Object Tracking) database. 

Conclusions. The developed algorithm ensures restoration of object localization after its disappearance from the field of view, as well as increasing the accuracy and reliability of localization in comparison with KCF and CH algorithms. Localization recovery is performed by searching for an object on an enlarged area of the image using KCF or another algorithm. The high-speed CH algorithm is used to preliminarily reduce the number of cells in the search area that can match the object and reduce its search time. Increasing the accuracy and reliability of localization is achieved by using a more informative criterion in the form of a weighted sum of the responses of two filters, as well as a more accurate definition of the rectangle bounding the object based on the segmentation of the color representation of the image.

Keywords: object tracking in video, KCF tracking algorithm, HOG features, histogram features of colors in the image.
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Received 23.06.2023