Issue 1 (199), article 1


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2020, 1(199)

KYYKO V.M., PhD (Engineering),
Senior Researcher of Pattern Recognition Department
International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. A State-of-the-Art of license plate (LP) recognition from images is observed. Despite the fact that License Plate Recognition (LPR) is often regarded as a solved task, country-specific systems are mostly designed that limits their application. Pay attention to the increasing mobility, effective LPR systems must handle multistyle LP including multinational ones that have different fonts and syntax. Another bottleneck of LPR is that accuracy of recognition at varying environmental conditions as well as of low resolution or degraded LP usually is rather low.

The purpose of the paper is to develop algorithms for multistyle single line LP learning and recognition from images as well as for comparatively low resolution LP processing.

Methods. Randomized Hough transform is used for detecting horizontal frame lines and subsequent LP localization in image. Structural feature matching approach is used for
character recognition. Correction of recognition results is based on calculation of modified Levenstein distance (MGED) between LP description and templates.

Results. New algorithms for multinational license plate learning and recognition from images are proposed. Localization of LP in images is based on LP frame detection using a randomized Hough transform to detect horizontal contour frame line segments. Recognition of segmented characters inside LP is based on searching key points in skeletonized character images and matching these points with etalons. Correction of recognition LP output is carried out by matching and defining MGED between LP input description and templates. Online active learning for recognition of new LP symbols and templates is also proposed. Results of testing developed algorithms and software are described.

Conclusions. Algorithms for multistyle LP localization and recognition from images are proposed. Control and correction of recognition results is based on calculation of MGED between input LP description and templates which are more general in comparison conventional text lines. As future work, it is planned to increase accuracy by learning feature etalon weights, as well as to consider other LP types for recognition and to test developed means on more representative date samples.

Keywords: license plate localization and recognition, key points matching, Levenstein distance.

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Received 11.11.2019

Issue 1 (199)


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Informatics and Information Technologies:

Kyyko V.M.
Matching Based Multistyle License Plate Recognition

Biloshytska O.K., Nastenko Ie.A., Pavlov V.A.
The Use of Complexity and Variability Characteristics for the Analysis of Complex Dynamic Systems

Intelligent Control and Systems:

Mishchenko M.D., Gubarev V.F.
Methods of Model Predictive Control for Discrete Multi-Variable Systems with Input

Medical and Biological Cybernetics:

Gritsenko V.I., Fainzilberg L.S.
Current State and Prospects for the Development of Digital Medicine

Azarkhov O.Yu., Chernyshova T.A.
Application of Information Technology for Determination Circulating Tumor Cells to Diagnostics of Malignant Tumor Diseases

Issue 4 (198), article 5


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2019, 4(198)

KOVALENKO A.S.1, DSc (Medicine), Professor,
Head of the Medical Information Systems Department

MISHCHENKO R.F., PhD (Medicine),

KOZAK L.M., DSc (Biology), Senior Researcher,
Leading Researcher of the Medical Information Systems Department.

1International Research and Training Centre for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine

2Khmelnytsky Regional Hospital,
1, Pilotska st., Khmelnytskyi, 29000, Ukraine


Introduction. The reform of the medical sector in Ukraine has given impetus to the development of eHealth and, as a consequence, the creation of medical registers systems and specialized medical information systems to support the operation of primary health care etc. One of the strategic directions of the health care system is to find and choose effective methods of managing the quality of care.

The purpose of the paper is to analyze the conditions and opportunities for transformation of the clinical decision support system using standard Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) structures to ensure health care quality control.

Results. The current level of medical information systems development requires the application of the international standard FHIR, which are applied for the exchange of data between different systems of electronic medical records and between different components of the same electronic medical record (EMR) system, for standardization of interoperability.

Uninterrupted improvement model, known as the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), which consists of four components — planning, executing, testing and improving own process, is considered. The characteristics of the FHIR standard are analyzed and ways of transforming the clinical decision support system based on this standard are identified. The concept of an abstract data node, ensuring terminological compliance, implementation of the Workflow data model, and other functions and tasks of the clinical decision support system are described.

Conclusions. One of the important areas of eHealth development is to implement the information systems for care quality managing based on modern information medical standards. Creation and implementation of effective methods for monitoring (identifying) diagnostic and treatment quality in hospital will foster optimization and increase of their activity efficiency.

The use of the FHIR framework in the creation of information support system for evaluating the care quality enables to improve the data exchange quality and their processing for decision-making.

Keywords: eHealth, FHIR structures, clinical decision support system, health care quality control.

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21 Zhemchugov A.M., Zhemchugov M.K. PDCA Deming cycle. Modern development. Problems of economy and management. 2016. no. 2 (54). P.3-28. (in Russian)

Received 21.08.2019

Issue 4 (198), article 4


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2019, 4(198)

VOVK М.І., PhD (Biology), Senior Researcher,
Head of Bioelectrical Control & Medical Cybernetics Department

KUTSYAK О.А., PhD (Engineering),
Senior Researcher of Bioelectrical Control & Medical Cybernetics Department

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. Diagnostics of motor functions after stroke plays an important role in the formation of a rehabilitation program. The results of the preliminary clinical trials of our proposed technique for quantitative assessment of motor functions deficit during studying the dynamics of movement restoring based on bio-informational technology of motor control TRENAR® confirmed the advisability of using this technique to create a new algorithmic and software tools for personal diagnostics of motor functions.

The purpose of the paper is to develop a specialized module for the personal diagnostics of motor functions in patients after stroke, which software implements the determination of the degree of motor functions disorders and the results of their recovery using the technique for quantitative assessment of motor functions deficit.

Results. The structural and functional model of the software module for personal diagnostics of motor functions and the effectiveness of their recovery as a result of rehabilitation measures in patients after stroke has been developed.

An algorithm for diagnostic the motor functions disorder degree of the affected limbs in patients after stroke and the activity diagram of software module using Unified Modeling Language (UML) are presented. The software module “Movement Test Stroke” has been made in Visual Studio 2013 software environment. The programming language is C#. The module is installed in the PC structure. Diagnostic benefits: the ability to obtain an integrated quantitative assessment of the motor functions deficit of the upper and lower limb at the level of separate joints, hand or walking according to relevant evidential criteria, and assessment of muscle hyper- or hypotone at different stages of rehabilitation. The advantage of diagnostics is that the motor func functions disorder degree is performed relative to the patient’s own healthy limbs, the motor functions of which characterize the individual norm of disorders absence.

Conclusions. The quantitative assessment of motor function deficit by evidential criteria, which is provided by the software module “Movement Test Stroke” is the basis to synthesize the digital health mobile means for information and advisory assistance to the physician in creating and making adjustments to personal plan for recovery the motor functions affected by pathology at different stages of stroke rehabilitation.

Keywords: software module, structural and functional model, diagnostics, algorithm, motor functions, personal quantitative assessment, stroke.

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1 Action Plan for Stroke in Europe 2018-2030 / Bo Norrving et al. European Stroke Journal. 2018. Vol. 3(4). P. 309-336.

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4 Vovk M.I., Kutsiak O.A., Lauta A.D., Ovcharenko M.A. Information Support of Researches on the Dynamics of Movement Restoration After the Stroke. Kibernetika i vycislitelnaa tehnika. 2017. No 3 (189). P. 61-78. (in Ukrainian).

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Received 07.08.2019

Issue 4 (198), article 3


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2019, 4(198)

CHIKRII G.Ts., DSc. (Phys-Math), Senior Researcher
Leading Researcher of the Economical Cybernetics Department

V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. There exists a wide range of mechanical, economical and biological processes evolving in condition of conflict and uncertainty, which can be described by various kind dynamic systems, depending on the process nature. This paper deals with the dynamic games of pursuit, described by a system of general form, encompassing a wide range of the functional-differential systems. The deciding factor in study of dynamic games is availability of information on current state of the process. In real systems information, as a rule, arrives with delay in time. Also, there are a number of problems for which Pontryagin’s condition, reflecting an advantage of the pursuer over the evader in control resources, does not hold. Establishment of close relation between its time-stretching generalization and the effect of variable information delay offers much promise for solving above mentioned problems.

The purpose of the paper is, to establish sufficient conditions for termination of the games on the basis of effect of information delay, for which Pontryagin’s condition does not hold, to specify these conditions for the case of integro-differential dynamics, and to illustrate the obtained result with the model example.

Methods. For investigation of the dynamic game of pursuit we apply the scheme of Pontryagin’s First Direct Method providing bringing of the trajectory of conflict-controlled process to the cylindrical terminal set at a finite moment of time. In so doing, construction of the pursuer’s control is accomplished on the basis of the Filippov-Castaing theorem on measurable choice insures realization of the process of pursuit in the class of stroboscopic strategies by Hajek. To deduce solution of the conflict-controlled integro-differentional system in the form of Cauchy formula, the method of successive approximation is used.

Results. It is shown that the dynamic game of pursuit with separated control blocks of the players and variable delay of information is equivalent to certain perfect information game. Based on this fact, the principle of time stretching is developed to study the games with complete information for which classic Pontryagin’s condition, lying at the heart of all direct methods of pursuit, does not hold. The time-stretching modification of this condition, proposed in the paper, makes it feasible to obtain sufficient conditions for bringing the game trajectory to the terminal set at a finite moment of time. In so doing, the control of pursuer, providing achievement of the game goal, is constructed. These conditions are specified for the integro-diffential game of pursuit. By way of illustration, an example of integro-differential game of pursuit is analyzed in detail. It is found that the time stretching function provides fulfillment of generalized Pontryagin’s condition. Simple relationships between dynamics parameters and control resources of the players are deduced that provide capture of the evader by the pursuer, under arbitrary initial states of the players.

Conclusion. Thus, in the paper an efficient tool is developed for analysis of conflict situation, for example, interception of a mobile target by controlled object in condition of conflict counteraction. Situation is analyzed, when the pursuing object lacks conventional advantage in control resources over the evading counterpart, that is, the classic Pontryagin’s condition does not hold. Suggested approach makes it feasible to realize the process of pursuit with the help of appropriate Krasovskii’ counter-controls.

Keywords: dynamic game, time-variable information delay, Pontryagin’s condition, Aumann’s integral, principle of time stretching, Minkowski’ difference, integro-differential game.

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Received 04.09.2019

Issue 4 (198), article 2


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2019, 4(198)

Junior Researcher of the Department of Information Technologies for Inductive Modeling

SAVCHENKO Ye.A., PhD (Engineering),
Senior Researcher of the Department of Information Technologies for Inductive Modeling

STEPASHKO V.S., DSc (Engineering), Professor,
Head of the Department of Information Technologies for Inductive Modeling

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies
and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. To ensure the high-quality manufacture of foundry products, advanced computer technologies are required which would contain not only a database of metals and alloys but also information on defect formation processes and methods for producing castings of a given quality. Software development requires detailed analysis not only of existing advanced technologies, but also the needs of the customer, compliance with all stages of the technological process, determination of the production profile.

The purpose of the paper is to analyze existing approaches and tools used in the foundry support industry to develop a computer technology containing a database of Ukrainian standards and specifications and providing guidance on the tasks involved in the casting process. To construct such technology for supporting the foundry making in the casting process, it is necessary to identify the advantages and disadvantages of existing facilities, assess the feasibility of using these tools in the domestic production and formulate requirements for computer technology developed in accordance with specifics of the Ukrainian foundries and oriented to work with the domestic base of metals and alloys.

Results. The analysis of modern software for computer modeling of processes in the field of formation of metals and alloys is carried out. It is planned to use the results of the analysis when creating a computer technology for modeling thermal processes in the field of foundry production focused on the Ukrainian industry to simplify the casting process. This will increase the production volume and reduce the appearance of defects in casting products during the technological process to make them more competitive. The block diagram of the computer technology of information support for decision-making in the foundry process is given. The main blocks of this system and the tasks they will solve are described.

Conclusions. An analysis of modern software for computer simulation of processes in the field of metal molding and the methods which are the basis of software products is executed. The results of the analysis are used when creating the computer technology of simulation of the thermal processes in the field of foundry, which will be oriented on Ukrainian industries, simplify the process of the casting obtaining. This will result in an increase of the production volume and reduce the appearance of defects in casting products during technological process to make them more competitive.

Keywords: casting, foundry production, computer technology, information support of decisions, group method of data handling (GMDH).

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21 Tokova O.V. The task of the computer technology construction for thermal processes modeling of foundry production. Upr. sist. mas. 2018. 4 (276). P. 84-95. (In Ukranian)

Received 27.09.2019

Issue 4 (198), article 1


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2019, 4(198)

PEROVA I.G., PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering Department,

BODYANSKIY Ye.V., DSc (Engineering), Professor
Professor of Artificial Intelligence Department

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics,
14, Nauky av., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine.


Introduction. Data mining approaches in medical diagnostics tasks have a number of special properties that do not allow the use of such approaches in a classical form. That’s why adaptive neuro-fuzzy systems for online medical data stream processing tasks and its learning algorithms have been developed. Proposed systems can process medical data streams in three modes: supervised learning, unsupervised learning and active learning.

The purpose of the paper is to develop approach, based on adaptive neuro-fuzzy systems to solve the tasks of medical data stream mining in online-mode.

Methods. The methods of computational intelligence are used for medical data stream processing and, first of all, artificial neural networks, neuro-fuzzy systems, neo-fuzzy systems, their supervised, unsupervised and active learning approaches, gradient methods of optimization, methods of evolving system.

Results. As a result, approbation of the developed approach in supervised learning mode using multidimensional neo-fuzzy neuron on medical data of patients with urological disease was investigated. Percentage of errors in system testing using all feature space is 11.11 %, using the most informative features the error rate becomes 6.4 %. Also multidimensional neo-fuzzy neuron was used for diagnostic of the pharmacoresistant form of epilepsy, percentage of errors in system testing is 5.82 %. Approval of the developed approach in the mode of active training and association on the data of patients with pulmonary diseases was performed. For all approbation results performance criterion was calculated, its values are suitable for the tasks of medical diagnostics in data stream mode.

Conclusions. The proposed neuro-fuzzy approaches allow obtaining additional information about patients’ diagnosis in conditions of limited a priori information about patient.

Keywords: adaptive system, neuro-fuzzy system, medical data mining, medical data stream.

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Received 10.07.2019

Issue 4 (198)


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Informatics and Information Technologies:

Online Medical Data Stream Mining Based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Approaches

Construction of a
Computer Technology for Information Support of Decisions in the Foundry Production Process

Intelligent Control and Systems:

Principle of Time Stretching in Game Dynamic Problems

Medical and Biological Cybernetics:

Software Module for Personal Diagnostics of Motor Functions After Stroke

Transformation of Clinical Decision Support Systems into FHIR Structures to Ensure Quality of Medical Care

Issue 3 (197), article 6


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2019, 3(197), pp.

Kiforenko S.I.1, DSc (Biology), Senior Researcher,
Leading Researcher of the Department of Mathematical and Technical
Methods Application in Biology and Medicine

Hontar T.M.1, PhD (Biology), Senior Researcher,
Senior Researcher of the Department of Mathematical and Technical
Methods Application in Biology and Medicine

Orlenko V.L.2, PhD (Medicine), Senior Researcher,
Head of the Department of Scientific-Advisory Department of Ambulatory and Preventive Care
for Patients with Endocrine Pathology

Ivaskiva K.Y.2, PhD (Medicine),
Senior Researcher of the Department of Scientific-Advisory Department of Ambulatory and Preventive Care
for Patients with Endocrine Pathology

Obelets T. A.1,
Junior Researcher of the Department of Mathematical and Technical
Methods Application in Biology and Medicine

1International Research and Training Centre for Information Technologies
and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine

2State Institution “V.P. Komisarenko Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism of NAMS of Ukraine”,
69, Vyshgorodska st., Kyiv, 04114, Ukraine


Introduction. Modern Diabetes mellitus is dangerous, chronic endocrine disease that originates from the disorder of metabolism, connected primarily with violation of carbohydrate exchange. Providing the necessity of independent self-control of health status of diabetes patients is the urgent problem of present time. The use of information technologies and mobile medicine facilitates enhancing of efficiency of self-control of health status by the patient.

The purpose of the work is to develop a combined information technology to enhance the efficiency of glycemic self-control in case of diabetes at different stages of treatment.

Results. We offer the algorithm of determination of the state of glycaemia regulation system based on the analysis of test results of glucose tolerance and the extended classification scale of glycaemia control (norm, violated tolerance (non-obvious diabetes, latent form), risk zone) that enhances the split ability of standardized methodology and enables timely measures of prophylactic actions to prevent real violations in glycaemia control system. An algorithm is implemented into software for desktops, tablets and mobiles under Android OS.

The developed information technology of decision-making support to choose an adequate mode of activity and meals for patients with diabetes helps to calculate the misbalance between energy gained by chosen menu (by the set of foods and dishes) and energy spent at the different types of the pre-arranged activity (physical, intellectual etc.).

Conclusions. Introduction of the designed algorithm in mobile devices is aimed to facilitate the availability of early diagnostics of violations in carbohydrate regulation system that may assist to reduce risks of emergence of obvious forms of diabetes mellitus. The use in the designed technology the principle of the external combined adjustment, that unites positive features of adjustment by disturbance with adjustment with feedback provides the possibility to enhance efficiency of self-control of the health status for the patient. The technology is implemented for desktops, tablets and mobiles on Android OS and enables access to information for the user with different degree of violation in carbohydrate exchange adjustment — at the state of preambulatory help and during the treatment.

Keywords: information technology, diabetes mellitus, self-control of patient’s health, management principles, M-medicine mobile media: information technology, self-monitoring of patient’s health, management principles, mobile applications.

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Received 19.06.2019

Issue 3 (197), article 5


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2019, 3(197), pp.

Aralova N.I., PhD (Engineering), Senior Researcher,
Senior Researcher of the Department of Controlled Processes Optimization

Aralova A.A., PhD (Phys and Math),
Researcher of the Department of Methods for Discrete Optimization,
Mathematical Modelling and Analyses of Complex Systems

Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
40, Acad.Glushkov av., 03187, Kyiv, Ukraine


Introduction. Modern human life imposes more stringent requirements for ability to adapt to increasingly complex conditions, such as unfavorable environmental conditions, potential danger, increased responsibility, extreme physical exertion and their combined effect. This leads to a decrease in exercise tolerance, unfavorable changes in hemodynamic parameters, and disorders in the functional activity of other body organs and tissues. The decisive role in the adaptation of the organism to physical and psycho-emotional stress belongs to the oxygen transport system. However, at present, the possibilities of instrumental methods are rather limited, moreover, they can only characterize the state of the body at the current moment, and not predict its reserve capabilities in case of disturbances in the internal and external environment, in the process of recovery and rehabilitation. Partially, this gap can be filled by mathematical models of the functional respiratory system, which allow to imitate disturbances of the internal and external environment of an organism in the dynamics of the respiratory cycle and, thus, predict possible controlling actions of the organs of self-regulation of the organism when adapting to these disturbances.

The purpose of the article is to build a mathematical model of a functional respiration system that simulates resolving a conflict situation between executive and managing bodies of self-regulation in the conflict for oxygen, which allows predicting the parameters of self-organization of the respiratory system under internal and external disturbances.

Results. A mathematical model of mass transfer and mass transfer of respiratory gases in the human body is presented in the form of a system of non-linear differential equations, which is a controlled dynamic system, the state of which is determined at each time point by oxygen and carbon dioxide stresses in each structural link of the respiratory system (alveoli, blood and tissues). The control (self-regulation) of the condition under permanent or at a given time interval of the current disturbance (high functional activity of certain groups of tissues) is carried out by the self-regulation organs — respiratory muscles that form the necessary level of ventilation to compensate for the resulting hypoxic states, cardiac muscle providing the minute blood volume, and smooth muscles, vessels, vasodilation and vasocostriction which contributes to the distribution of systemic blood flow through the organs and tissues. There are also passive mechanisms of self-regulation: the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, myoglobin in skeletal and cardiac muscles, their ability to oxygenate, the concentration of buffer bases in the blood etc. It is assumed that the decision on the choice of the values of compensating influences is made by the decision center based on the information activity and degree of oxygen deficiency, excessive accumulation of carbon dioxide in all tissue regions of the body, is transmitted to the executive bodies of self-regulation, increases their functional activity, which ensures the implementation of the main function of respiration.

Conclusion The per-set mathematical model of the FRS allows the researcher to analyze the oxygen and carbon dioxide regimes of body in dynamics at various levels of functional load and under various environmental conditions; to form such regimes of the external respiration system, which contribute to an increase in the oxygen supply in the body and thereby increase the resource of the cardiac muscle during the regulation of hypoxic states that occur when the combined effects of hypobaric hypoxia and hypermetabolic hypoxia; predict the state of the body during various physical efforts and evaluate the effectiveness of the preparation process; plan and distribute heavy loads, taking into account the functionality of the individual and depending on the prevailing situations. The work presents the results of numerical experiments with a model for simulating internal (physical activity) and external (hypoxic hypoxia) disturbances on the human body.

Keywords: conflict-controlled processes, a functional system of respiration, functional self-organization of the respiratory system, adaptation to stress.

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Received 20.05.2019