Issue 4 (202), article 3


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2020, 4(202)

ODARCHENKO R.S., DSc. (Engineering), Associate professor,
Lead Researcher of the Intelligent Control Department,
e-mail: ORCID: 0000-0002-7130-1375

Head of the Intelligent Control Department
e-mail: ORCID: 0000-0002-5418-6723

SIMAKHIN V.M., PhD student,
Junior Researcher of the Intelligent Control Department
e-mail: ORCID: 0000-0003-4497-0925

SEMENOG R.V., PhD student,
Junior Researcher of the Intelligent Control Department
e-mail: ORCID: 0000-0002-6714-0644

Senior Researcher of the Intelligent Control Department,
e-mail: ORCID: 0000-0001-6619-2277

International Research and Training Center for Information Technology and Systems of NAS and MES of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. The increasing number of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the airspace, as well as the imperfection of the regulatory framework for the regulation of their activities, poses numerous challenges to regulators. This work proposes the development of intelligent technologies and soft-/hardware systems combined with state of the art 5G cellular networks for solving problems of UAV registration and monitoring.

The purpose of the paper is to analyze the state of the UAV market and related legislation in the world and Ukraine; to develop the technology for intelligent control of UAV monitoring using cellular networks; to prepare guidelines for the implementation and application of the system.

Methods. The methods of data transmission in 5G networks and construction of global distributed IoT networks for the implementation of monitoring technology, methods of data analysis and detection of anomalies for the study of events occurring in the UAV network were used.

Results. The technology of intelligent monitoring of UAVs with the use of a modern 5G cellular network was developed. The use of the fifth generation network provides high data transfer speeds with ultra-low latency and meets all the necessary security requirements. The technology of intelligent control of UAV monitoring consists of separate methods, which are executed in the monitoring center, data processing center and in the supervisory control and data acquisition system. The use of cellular base stations for primary data processing and filtering speeds up the events processing in the UAV network.

Conclusions. The results of the work can be used by civil aviation regulators for monitoring the usage of airspace by unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as for prevention of casualties and emergencies.

Keywords: information technology, monitoring system, registration system, unmanned aerial vehicle, 5G network.

Methods. The methods based on the theory of matricies are utilized.

Results. The pseudoinverse model-based control leading to static output feedback is proposed to reject unmeasured disturbances. The optimality and robustness properties of such controller are established. Numerical examples and simulation results are presented to support theoretical study.

Conclusion. The paper shed some light on the existence of the pseudoinverse static output feedback controllers which can either be optimal (in the absence of any uncertainty) or be robust stable against parameter uncertainties dealing with the linear multivariable first-order discrete-time system in a hard case when its gain matrix is nonsquare (in contrast to the known results).

Keywords: discrete time, feedback control methods, pseudoinversion, multivariable control systems, robustness.

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Received 10.09.2020

Issue 4 (202), article 2


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2020, 4(202)

I.V. SUROVTSEV1, DSc (Engineering), Senior Researcher,
Head of the Ecological Digital Systems Department

P.Y. VELYKYI1, PhD Student
Ecological Digital Systems Department

V.M. GALIMOVA2, PhD (Chemistry), Associate Professor,
Senior Lecturer,
Analytical and Inorganic
Chemistry and Water Quality Department

Veterinary Faculty

1International Research and Training Center of Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS of Ukraine and MES of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine
2National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of  Ukraine,
17, str. Heroes of Defense, 17, bldg. № 2, of. 18, Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine


Introduction. The use of ionometric methods of chemical analysis allows to quickly determine the safety of drinking water and the concentration of electrolytes of body fluids in research in digital medicine.

The purpose of the paper is to develop an algorithm for processing data measuring alkali and alkaline earth metal concentrations by a new electrochemical method of chronoionometry, based on the use of the principles of direct potentiometry and ion-selective electrodes on the inversion chronopotentiometry device.

Methods. According to the algorithm, the potentials are read in time at a speed of 4 KHz, a constant potential value is determined and a chronopotentiogram is plotted to control stability. According to the linear dependence of the potential difference on the logarithm of the mass of the additives, the mass of the element is found in the sample solution and the values of the element concentrations are determined by the electrode characteristic.

Results. The method of chronoionometry was developed and testing was performed on the device of stripping chronopotentiometry “Analyzer SCP” for determining the concentrations of potassium, sodium and calcium in model aqueous solutions. Analytical system “Analyzer SCP” includes five electrochemical research methods: the method of stripping chronopotentiometry (SCP); pulse method SCP (PSCP); differential pulse method SCP (DPSCP); oxidative pulse method SCP (OPSCP); chronoionometric method (CHI). The algorithm for processing concentration measurement data by chronoionometry makes it possible to select specific potential measurements and not take into account unstable values. Measurements are performed by the method of multiple standard additives to ensure controllability of the analysis results.

Conclusions. The proposed method of chronoionometry improves the clarity and control of the stability of potential measurements, allows to choose specific values of additives when calculating concentrations, which increase the reliability and accuracy of measuring concentrations of chemical elements, expands the functionality of the device for stripping chronopotentiometry and makes it more versatile.

Keywords: ionometry method, concentration, ion-selective electrodes, stripping chronopotentiometry, drinking water quality, digital medicine.

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Received 07.09.2020

Issue 4 (202), article 1


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2020, 4(202)

Anisimov A.V., DSc (Phys & Math),
corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics

Zavadskyi I.O., DSc (Phys & Math),
Associate Professor of the Mathematical Informatics Department

Chudakov T.S., student

Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics
of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
2d, Glushkov av. 03022, Kyiv, Ukraine


Introduction. The efficiency of modern archivers is approaching to the theoretical limit. Even small compression ratio improvements for some specific data types, by less than 1%, is assumed to be essential when the reasonable time complexity is maintained. This research is actual since a new data encoding method is developed, which gives the possibility to achieve rather more significant improvement of the compression ratio when it comes to English or German texts archiving.

The purpose of the paper is to solve the problem of non-monotonicity of a multi-delimiter code dictionary and investigate the possibility of use the multi-delimiter encoding on the preprocessing stage of natural language texts archiving.

Results. The concept of the reverse multi-delimiter code is introduced. The monotonic encoding as well as the decoding mapping from the set of natural numbers to the set of reverse multi-delimiter code codewords is built. The efficiency of applying the reverse multi-delimiter codes to natural language text compression is investigated together with the method of dictionary optimization. The provided experiments show that the reverse multi-delimiter encoding of English and German texts on the preprocessing stage and applying the proposed dictionary optimization method allows us to improve the marginal compression efficiency of the most powerful archivers in the maximal compression mode by about 1–3%.

Conclusions. The reverse multi-delimiter codes can be considered as an efficient tool when it comes to compression of natural language texts. As a standalone solution, these codes are robust, provide the possibility to fast decode and search the data in a compressed file. As a tool for natural language text preprocessing for subsequent archiving, the reverse multi-delimiter codes together with the method of dictionary optimization allow us to improve the compression rate of the best up-to-date known archivers.

Keywords: compression, archiving, archiver, compression code, multi-delimiter code, reverse multi-delimiter code, dictionary optimization, natural language text.

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Received 10.09.2020

Issue 4 (202)


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Informatics and Information Technologies:

Anisimov A.V., Zavadskyi I.O., Chudakov T.S.
Application of Multi-Delimiter Codes to Natural Language Text Archiving

Surovtsev I.V., Velykyi P.Y., Galimova V.M., Sarkisova M.V.
Ionometric Method for Determination of Concentrations of Microelements in Research of Digital Medicine

Intelligent Control and Systems:

Odarchenko R.S., Volkov O.Y., Simakhin V.M., Gospodarchuk O.Y.
Technology of Intelligent Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Monitoring in the Airspace Using 5G Cellular Networks

Medical and Biological Cybernetics:

Antomonov M.Y.
Imitation of Compensator and Adaptive Processes іn Biosystems

Lyabakh K.G., Dukhnovska K.K.
Information Technology for Studying the Oxygen Regime of Muscle Cell

Issue 3 (201), article 5


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2020, 3(201)

VOVK М.І., PhD (Biology), Senior Researcher,
Head of Bioelectrical Control & Medical Cybernetics Department

KUTSIAK О.А., PhD (Engineering),
Senior Researcher of the Bioelectrical Control & Medical Cybernetics Department

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies
and Systems of the NAS of Ukraine and of MES of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Hlushkov av. Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. Stroke ranks second in the list of major causes of death and is the leading cause of disability in Ukraine. Synthesis of innovative technologies that help to movement restoration after stroke is an urgent scientific and practical task.

The purpose of the article is to synthesize the information technology for forming a personal movement rehabilitation plan after a stroke on the basis of quantitative assessment of movement deficit according to the evidence criteria.

Results. The technology for information support for forming a movement training personal plan to restore movements after a stroke has been developed. This technology is implemented by the specialized software module “MovementRehabStroke 1.0” for information and consulting support to the physician in determining the plan: movements, programs, movements training duration based on electromyostimulation and / or biofeedback.

The structural and functional model of the operator (physician) and software module “MovementRehabStroke 1.0” interaction has been developed. This module consists of a graphical interface and basic information modules: Database, Module “MovementTestStroke 1.1” for quantitative assessment of movement deficit and Module for forming the personal movement training plan. The interface provides the interactive mode of work with information modules for operator.

An algorithm has been developed for the operation of specialized software module “MovementRehabStroke 1.0” in researching on the formation of a personal training plan for patient movements based on indicators of quantitative assessment of movement deficit, which is provided by the information module “MovementTestStroke 1.1” and information received from a personal electronic medical record (EMR) of the patient: indicators of neurological status, concomitant diseases etc.

Conclusions. The obtained results will contribute to the creation of a new class of mobile means of digital medicine — mobile applications installed in the structure of the smartphones for movements assessment after a stroke, forming the personal rehabilitation plan, and assessment of rehabilitation results.

Keywords: information technology, digital medicine, software modules, stroke, movements, diagnostics, rehabilitation, personal plan, structural and functional model, algorithm, electrical stimulation, biofeedback.

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1. Truelsen T. Stroke incidence and prevalence in Europe: a review of available data. Eur. J. Neurol. 2006, No 13, pp. 581-598. Doi: 10.1111/j.1468-1331.2006.01138.x

2. Vovk M.I., Kutsiak O.A., Lauta A.D., Ovcharenko M.A. Information Support of Researches on the Dynamics of Movement Restoration After the Stroke. Cybernetics and Computer Engineering. 2017, No 3 (189), pp. 61-78. (in Ukrainian)

3. Vovk M.I., Kutsyak O.A. Software module for personal diagnostics of motor functions after stroke. Cybernetics and Computer Engineering. 2019, No 4 (198), pp. 62-77.

4. Certificate of registration the copyright “Computer program “Diagnostics of deficit of general limb movement, fine motor hand, walking form by the technique for quantitative assessment of movements deficit in patients after a stroke “MovementTestStroke 1.0 (PC)” / M.I. Vovk, O.A. Kutsiak (Ukraine); No. 98161; published dated 16.06.2020 [in Ukrainian].

5. Belova A., Shchepetova O. Scales, tests and questionnaires in medical rehabilitation. Moscow: Antidor, 2002, 440 p. (in Russian)

6. Smychek V., Ponomareva E. Craniocerebral trauma (clinic, treatment, examination, rehabilitation). Minsk: Research Institute of ME and R, 2010, 430 p. (in Russian)

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8. Vovk, M.I., Halian, Ye.B., Kutsiak, O.A. Computer Software & Hardware Complex for Personal Oral Speech Restoration after a Stroke. Sci. innov. 2020, Vol. 16, No 1(91), pp. 54-68. URL:

9. Cramer S.C. A functional mri study of subjects recovered from hemiparetic stroke. Stroke. 1997, No 28, pp. 2518-2527. Doi: 10.1161/01.STR.28.12.2518

Received 05.05.2020

Issue 3 (201), article 4


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2020, 3(201)

KIFORENKO S.I.1, DSc (Biology),
Leading Researcher of the Application Mathematical and Technical
Methods in Biology and Medicine Department

VASYLIEV I.Yu.2, PhD (Mathematics),
Senior Researcher of the Mechanics and Mathematics Department

ORLENKO V.L.3, PhD (Medicine), Senior Researcher,
Head of Scientific-advisory Department of Ambulatory
and Preventive Care for Patients with Endocrine Pathology Department

IVASKIVA K.Yu.3, PhD (Medicine),
Senior Researcher of the Scientific-advisory Department of Ambulatory
and Preventive Care for Patients with Endocrine Pathology

OBELETS T.A.1, PhD student,
Junior Researcher of the Application Mathematical and Technical
Methods in Biology and Medicine Department

1 International Research and Training Centre for Information Technologies
and Systems of the NAS and MES of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine

2 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
4e, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03127, Ukraine

3 State Institution “V.P. Komisarenko Institute of Endocrinology
and Metabolism of NAMS of Ukraine”,
69, Vyshgorodska str. Kyiv, 04114, Ukraine


Introduction. Diabetes mellitus, a common chronic disease, requires lifelong treatment and, like any chronic disease, requires regular monitoring and self-control at home. Revolutionary changes in glycemic control in diabetic therapy have occurred thanks to the development of sensors for continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), which can, almost continuously, measure the concentration of glucose in the subcutaneous tissue. The most common barriers to CGM use are related to high device costs and lack of insurance coverage for their purchase, alleged sensor inaccuracy, anxiety, which is associated with dislike of wearing the device. Thus, sensors are good but expensive, not affordable for everybody and could be uncomfortable. Therefore, the constant search for alternative solutions remains an important challenge.

The purpose of the article is to show the possibility of using hierarchical modeling technology to develop and study glycemic profile prediction algorithm as, to some extent, alternative to continuous monitoring sensors in a context of limited irregular measurements.

Results. The program-algorithmic structure for realization of the concept of hierarchical simulation is developed. The possibility of conducting research on models of varying complexity is shown. An algorithm for insulin-glucose tolerance test was synthesized. A procedure for predicting the daily glycemic profile by analytical formulas has been developed, which provides an opportunity to assess the trend of glycemic dynamics as an addition to the irregular glucose measurements with a glucometer. A simulation study, the result of which is the visualization of glycemic profile in a context of expected food intake schedule and compensating insulin doses obtained by the analytical algorithm, was conducted.

Conclusions. The proposed hierarchical modeling technology, based on the use of mathematical models of varying complexity, allows to conduct a complex of simulation studies to correct glycemia in diabetes at the preclinical and pre-ambulatory stages. During the simulation of forecasting procedure, configuration discrepancies of the glycemic profile obtained from different models were detected, but they are within the margin of error and reproduce the main trend in the dynamics of glycemia during meals and insulin injections. The calculated bolus doses of insulin are almost identical to those used by insulin-dependent patients. The simplicity of calculations using analytical formulas can be a prerequisite for the implementation of the algorithm in a special-purpose portable autonomous devices or in applications for Android OS.

Keywords: hierarchical simulation, glycemic control system, identification algorithms control forecasting, simulation preclinical trials.

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Received 03.03.2020

Issue 3 (201), article 3


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2020, 3(201)

Head of the Intelligent Control Department
email: ORCID: 0000-0002-5418-6723

PAVLOVA S.V., DSc. (Engineering),
Senior Researcher, Associate Professor
Chief Researcher of the Intelligent Control Department
email: ORCID: 0000-0003-4012-9821

SIMAKHIN V.M., PhD student
Junior Researcher of the Intelligent Control Department
email: ORCID: 0000-0003-4497-0925

SEMENOG R.V. S., PhD student
Junior Researcher of the Intelligent Control Department
email: ORCID: 0000-0002-6714-0644

International Research and Training Center for Information Technology
and Systems of NAS and MES of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. Aircraft flight simulation has many solved and open tasks. The development of modern aviation is impossible without high-quality modeling tools, and every new proposed development must be thoroughly tested. Real-time aircraft conflict prevention is one of the key tasks in aviation, and therefore requires solutions and tools for modeling and testing.

The purpose of the article is to provide brief information on identifying and resolving aircraft conflict situations methods, to develop a software package for modeling dynamic conflict situations in real-time.

Methods. Software development of complex is based on the statistical and simulation computer modeling, computational geometry and mathematical analysis methods. The theory of automatic control, navigation and intelligent control methods are used to identify and resolve conflict situations.

Results. The developed modeling complex allows evaluating the quantitative indicators of aircraft simulation in the generated space and examination the features of conflict situations resolution. Modeling of movement, interaction and maneuvering of the aircraft is carried out. In conflict resolution, the experimental system was more efficient than the current TCAS II system.

Testing the developed modeling complex, detecting and resolving conflict situations algorithms was performed using typical research scenarios, ranging from simple conflicts between two aircraft to extremely complex, involving a significant number of aircrafts in a single conflict. The main indicators for the optimal resolution of conflicts are the number and length of maneuvers to avoid a conflict situation with different airspace congestion, with different types of conflict situations associated with violations of the separation rules.

Conclusions. The proposed complex can be used to research the interaction of numerous aircrafts in a dynamic environment, the development and testing of conflict situations resolving methods. The modular structure of the complex allows performing simulations of other elements, such as data transmission systems.

Keywords: information technology, aviation, computer simulation, conflict situation, aircraft, TCAS system.

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9. Pavlova, S. and Volkov, O. “Modeling invariant method dynamic resolution of conflicts of aircrafts”: Cybernetics And Systems Analysis: Scientific journal: scientific article. – New York, 2017. Iss. 4. pp. 584-589.

Received 20.05.2020

Issue 3 (201), article 2


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2020, 3(201)

ZHITECKII L.S.1, PhD (Engineering),
Acting Head of the Intelligent Automatic Systems Department

AZARSKOV V.N.2, DSc. (Engineering), Professor,
Head of the Aerospace Control Systems Department,

SUSHCHENKO O.A.2, DSc. (Engineering), Professor,
Professor of the Aerospace Control Systems Department,

YANOVSKY F.J.2, DSc. (Engineering), Professor,
Head of the Department of Electronics, Robotics,
Monitoring and IoT Technologies

Senior Lecturer at the Higher and Applied Mathematics Department

1 International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies
and Systems of the NAS of Ukraine
and MES of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine
2 National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
1, Lubomyra Husara av., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine
3 National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»
24, Pershotravnevyj av., Poltava, 36011, Ukraine


Introduction. The paper deals with nonzero set-point regulating the first-order linear discrete-time multivariable system. The case where the number of outputs exceeds the number of control inputs is considered. It is assumed that arbitrary but bounded unmeasurable disturbances are present. The assumption that the elements of the matricies arising in the system equation are unknown. However, their bounds are assumed to be known a priori. From practical point of view, it is important to design a simple controller similar to reduced-order or static output feedback (SOF) controllers. A difficulty associated with this problem is in establishing the existence of SOF control to be able to cope with a given system. The three different problems concerning the optimality, ultimate boundedness and robustness features are stated and solved.

The purpose of the paper is to answer the question: is there the SOF control based on the pseudoinverse concept to stabilize some first-order multivariable system with nonsquare gain matrix?

Methods. The methods based on the theory of matricies are utilized.

Results. The pseudoinverse model-based control leading to static output feedback is proposed to reject unmeasured disturbances. The optimality and robustness properties of such controller are established. Numerical examples and simulation results are presented to support theoretical study.

Conclusion. The paper shed some light on the existence of the pseudoinverse static output feedback controllers which can either be optimal (in the absence of any uncertainty) or be robust stable against parameter uncertainties dealing with the linear multivariable first-order discrete-time system in a hard case when its gain matrix is nonsquare (in contrast to the known results).

Keywords: discrete time, feedback control methods, pseudoinversion, multivariable control systems, robustness.

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Received 10.03.2020

Issue 3 (201), article 1


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2020, 3(201)

CHABANIUK V.S.,1,2 PhD (Phys.&Math.),
Senior Researcher of the Cartography Department,
Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Director of “Intelligence Systems-GEO” LLC,

POLYVACH K.A.1, PhD (Geography),
Leading Researcher of the Cartography Department, Institute of Geography

1 Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
44, Volodymyrsk str., 01030, Kyiv, Ukraine
2“Intelligence systems-GEO” LLC,
6/44, Mikilsko-Slobidska Str., 02002, Kyiv, Ukraine.


Introduction. The issue of the “geographic information system” (GIS) definition is important both for the theory and practice of creating modern GIS of large territories. An analysis of modern studies has shown that most of the currently publicly available GIS definitions don’t meet the needs of modern territorial GIS.

The purpose of the article is to prove the claim that for the management of territories in modern conditions should be used not GIS in the “narrow” sense, but GIS of the new generation, in particular GIS in the “broader” (extended) sense, for example Atlas Geoinformation Systems (AGIS), which correspond to a predetermined structure – Conceptual framework of Atlas Systems of Relational Cartography.

Results. The term Atlas Geoinformation System is defined as GIS of large territories of a new generation. The concept of Atlas Geoinformation System (AGIS) is described. An example of AGIS of a certain class is given. We believe that it is important and useful for practitioners to use the results of this article in the creation of GIS of large territories. Theorists will get a better understanding of the field of geoinformatics research of the next generation, which would satisfy the requirements of modern times.

Conclusions. Inductive and/or deductive inferences on the fairness of main critical properties in modern GIS of large territories are given. In the absence of one of the properties, we can say that there is a corresponding critical disadvantage of the GIS project of a large territory. The criticality is that in the absence of an appropriate property, the GIS project is likely to fail.

Keywords: Atlas geoinformation system, territory management, Conceptual framework, Solutions frameworks, critical property.

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49. Chabaniuk V., Dyshlyk O., Sieber Rene, Schulz Thomas. Towards similarity of electronic atlases: An empirical study. Ukrainian Geographical Journal. 2017, No 2, pp. 46-53.

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Received 10.03.2020

Issue 3 (201)


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Informatics and Information Technologies:

Chabaniuk V.S., Polyvach K.A
Critical Properties of Modern Geographic Information Systems for Territorial Management

Intelligent Control and Systems:

Zhiteckii L.S., Azarskov V.N., Sushchenko O.A., Yanovsky F.J., Solovchuk K.Y.
Control of a Nonsquare Multivariable System Using Pseudoinverse Model-Based Static Output Feedback

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Complex for Modeling Aircraft’ Dynamic Conflict Situations in Real-Time

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Hierarchical Simulation. Algorithm for Prediction of Glycemic Profile for Diabetes

Vovk M.I., Kutsiak O.A.
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