Issue 2 (204), article 5


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2021, 2(204)

VOVK M.I., PhD (Biology), Senior Researcher,
Head of Bioelectrical Control & Medical Cybernetics Department

KUTSIAK O.A., PhD (Engineering),
Senior Researcher of Bioelectrical Control & Medical Cybernetics Department

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS of Ukraine and of MES of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av. Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. Diagnostics of motor functions plays an important role in the motor functions restoration after stroke. Synthesis of effective technologies for personalized assessment of motor functions disorders at different rehabilitation stages is an urgent scientific and applied task.

The purpose of the paper is to develop information technology for diagnostics of motor functions deficit after stroke, that uses artificial intelligence tools to increase the effectiveness of the diagnostic process.

Results. The theoretical and practical foundations to synthesize AI-technology for personal diagnostics of motor functions deficit, and the assessment of their restoration as a result of rehabilitation measures after stroke have been developed. For informational assistance to the physician in the diagnostic process, artificial intelligence is used. A new class of mobile digital medicine tools – the specialized software modules for motor functions diagnostics “MovementTestStroke 1.1 (PC)” installed in the PC-structure, and “MovementTestStroke 1.1 (MD)” installed in mobile platforms running under Android operation system have been developed. Software implementation — Visual Studio 2019, C# programming language. Structural and functional models of user – software modules interaction, algorithms for motor function deficit diagnostics, and UML-diagrams of these modules are presented.

Functional features of the technology: an expanded range of evidence criteria for personalized quantitative assessment of limb movements deficit, storage in the Database and display on the interface the results of deficit assessment, as well as the deficit dynamics during the rehabilitation course in a convenient form (tables, graphs) make it possible to reduce the physician’s error, prevent complications, identify the disorders specifics, compare the rehabilitation effectiveness of the upper and lower limbs, their distal and proximal parts, including fine motor skills of the hand, restoration of which helps to restore speech in motor or motor and sensory aphasia.

Conclusions. The usage of artificial intelligence tools to diagnose motor deficit will increase the diagnostic effectiveness, and, as a consequence, rehabilitation services for patients after stroke.

Keywords: diagnostics, motor functions, stroke, personal quantitative assessment, criteria, technology, artificial intelligence, software module, structural-functional model, algorithm, activity diagram.

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3. Gritsenko V.I., Vovk M.I. Trenar – Innovative Technology of Restoration of Movements. Science and Business – the basis of economic development: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Forum. Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk, 2012, pp. 204-206. (in Russian)

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Received 01.04.2021

Issue 2 (204), article 4


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2021, 2(204)

FAINZILBERG L.S.1, DSc. (Engineering), Professor,
Chief Researcher of the Department of Automatic Systems
ORCID: 0000-0002-3092-0794

SOLOVEY S.R.2, Student Faculty of Biomedical Engineering,

1International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkova av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine,

2The National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
37, Peremohy av., Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine


Introduction. In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to start treatment promptly in case of a threat of developing viral pneumonia in a patient. The solution to this problem requires the creation of new means for detecting respiratory disorders with a minimum probability of “missing the target”. At the same time, it is equally important to minimize visits to medical institutions by healthy patients because of the danger of their contact with possible carriers of coronavirus infections, that is, to minimize the likelihood of a «false alarm».

Purpose of the article is to develop a method that allows a patient to signal at home about the advisability of contacting a medical institution for an in-depth examination of the respiratory system, and to assess the possibility of implementing this method on a smartphone using a built-in microphone.

Methods. A distinctive feature of the proposed approach lies in the construction of a personalized standard of normal respiratory respiration for a particular patient based on self-learning from a finite sample of observations at home and in comparison, based on original computational algorithms of phonospirograms of sound signals of the following observations with the standard.

Results. A prototype of information technology has been developed that will provide home alarms about possible respiratory disorders, requiring consultation with a doctor and the need for an in-depth medical examination.

It is shown that the construction of a personalized standard of normal breathing can be carried out based on the use of a set of original computational procedures for a finite sample of realizations, independently registered by the user using a microphone built into a smartphone. The algorithm for constructing a standard is based on digital processing of a matrix of paired distances between phonospirograms of the final training sample of observations.

Findings. A software application that provides the implementation of the proposed computational procedures can be implemented on a smartphone of average performance running the Android operating system.

Keywords: respiratory noises, intelligent IT, computational procedures, smartphone.

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Received 02.03.2021

Issue 2 (204), article 3


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2021, 2(204)

SHEPETUKHA Y.M., PhD (Engineering), Senior Researcher,
Leading Researcher of the Intelligent Control Department
ORCID: 0000-0002-6256-5248

Head of the Intelligent Control Department
ORCID: 0000-0002-5418-6723

Senior Researcher of Intelligent Control Department
ORCID: 0000-0002-0119-0964

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of NAS of Ukraine and MES of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. Scientific-technical level of any country in a modern world is mainly determined by a current state and development rate of informational technologies. At the same time, the main avenue of information technologies’ improvement is their intellectualization. Due to intellectualization, it became possible to create advanced systems with principally novel functional capabilities, in particular, high-speed computer systems able to autonomous actions in a complex and dynamic environment. Control means for complex objects and processes play an important role in the operation of autonomous systems. Therefore, the study of theoretical as well as applied issues of such systems’ construction is an important scientific and engineering problem.

The purpose of the paper is to examine both current state and development prospects of a new direction in the area of intelligent information technologies – the elaboration of autonomous control systems for complex objects and processes in a dynamic environment; to formulate a well-grounded approach for the increase in intellectualization level of decision processes in such systems.

Methods. The development of autonomous control systems, as well as the increase in decision making processes’ intellectualization level in such systems, is based on the usage of the following conceptual, theoretical and methodological instruments: the theory of informational technologies’ intellectualization, the methodology of intelligent control, the theoretical fundamentals of artificial intelligence systems’ construction, decision making methods, the methodology of image-based reasoning, methods for simulation of image-based comprehension of environment.

Results. An approach for the consistent usage of methods of artificial intelligence, decision making and intelligent control aimed at the development of autonomous means for the control of complex objects and processes has been examined. Appropriateness of creation of the systems profiled for operations in designated problem domains has been grounded. Both specific features and components of the framework for decision making in intelligent control systems have been determined. Both necessity of the creation of intelligent environment and important role of sensor networks have been stressed. Methodology for the construction of informational images, which represent the most important components of a current situation, has been proposed. Examples of the usage of informational images for performing both dynamic and evolutional re-planning have been considered.

Conclusions. A reasonable way for the development of intelligent control systems is the one that provides a consistent usage of different types of models. Image-based representation of a current situation’s essential interconnections is an efficient instrument for the intellectualization at different stages of decision making processes – alternative generation, understanding of inconsistencies among different data sources, execution of choice procedure, evaluation of results. The application of artificial intelligence elements for decision making in autonomous systems is especially well-grounded in cases of time shortage as well as availability of a great number of existing alternatives.

Keywords: intellectualization of information technologies, intelligent control, decision making, autonomy, artificial intelligence, image, uncertainty, adaptation.

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1. Mertoguno J.S. Human decision making model for autonomic cyber systems. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. 2014, Vol. 23, N. 6. URL: S0218213014600239. – Title from the screen.

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3. Bradshaw J.M., Hoffman R.R., Johnson M., Woods D.D. The seven deadly myths of “autonomous systems”. IEEE Intelligent Systems. 2013, Vol. 28, N. 3, pp. 54-61.

4. Groumpos P.P. Complex systems and intelligent control: issues and challenges. IFAC Proceedings Volumes. 2001, Vol. 34, N.8, pp. 29-36. URL: – Title from the screen.

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6. Schubert J., Brynielsson J., Nilsson M., Svenmarck P. Artificial intelligence for decision support in command and control systems. Proceedings of the 23rd International Command and Control Research & Technology Symposium “Multi-Domain C2”, Pensacola, FL, USA, 2018. URL: – Title from the screen.

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9. Petitti A., Di Paola D. A network of stationary sensors and mobile robots for distributed ambient intelligence. IEEE Intelligent Systems. 2016,Vol. 31. N.6, pp. 28-34.

Received 04.04.2021

Issue 2 (204), article 2


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2021, 2(204)

CHABANIUK V.S.1,2, PhD (Phys.-Math.),
Senior Researcher of the Cartography Department, Institute of Geography,
Director of “Intelligence systems-GEO” LLC,
ORCID: 0000-0002-4731-7895

Head of Production of “Intelligence systems-GEO” LLC,
ORCID: 0000-0002-4927-4200

Junior Researcher of the Cartography Department, Institute of Geography,
ORCID: 0000-0001-5164-6272

1Institute of Geography, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
44, Volodymyrska str., 01054, Kyiv, Ukraine

2“Intelligence systems-GEO” LLC,
6/44, Mykilsko-Slobidska str., 02002, Kyiv, Ukraine


Introduction. The revolutionary changes in information technology of the last two decades allow the construction of electronic atlases (EA), the capabilities of which are fundamentally richer than the capabilities of “classic” EA. This is achieved through the use of the systemic properties of the new generation of EA, which are therefore named systemic. Systemic EA remain the simplest and most effective spatial information models of territorial systems allowing applying them for the decision of many practical problems.

The purpose of the paper is to formulate the need for systemic EA and describe methods for studying their systemic properties. These methods will be used to find and describe critical systemic properties without which EA cannot be systemic.The methods are founded on Relational Cartography and Model-Based Engineering.

Results. The evolution of “classic” EA is considered: from paper atlases and their images to analytical atlases. It is shown that on the imaginary border of classic and nonclassic EA there are already new generation EA — systemic EA. Both the theory and practice of such systemic EA have many unresolved problems. Some of them are described in the article. The authors believe that many problems can be solved by implementing the critical systemic properties of EA. Two methods are used to study the problems and to prove the results: Conceptual frameworks and Solutions frameworks. Both the methods themselves and the possibility of their application to find the critical systemic properties of the new generation of EA are described.

Conclusions. The main problems of electronic atlases of the new generation are described and their solution is offered by a method of Conceptual frameworks and a method of Solutions framework.

Keywords: systemic electronic atlas, Conceptual framework, Solutions framework, critical system property.

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22. Reyes Maria del Carmen. Cybercartography from a Modelling Perspective, pp. 63-99. In: Taylor D.R. Fraser (Ed.). Cybercartography: Theory and Practice (Modern Cartography Series 4).- Elsevier, 2005. -574 p.

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Received 22.03.2021

Issue 2 (204), article 1


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2021, 2(204)

GRITSENKO V.I., Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine,
Director of International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0003-4813-6153

BABAK O.V., PhD (Engineering), Senior Researcher,
Ecological Digital Systems Department
ORCID: 0000-0002-7451-3314

SUROVTSEV I.V., DSc (Engineering), Senior Researcher,
Head of the Ecological Digital Systems Department
ORCID: 0000-0003-1133-6207

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. The 5G, 6G mobile technologies, which are actively developing in the world, and the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data (BD), artificial intelligence (AI) are closely intertwined. It is important to understand the features of the relationship to effectively use them in new intelligent information technologies.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the most important features of the relationship, which are viewed on the basis of experience in implementing 5G and 6G technologies.

Results. the Internet of Things, industrial (IIoT), the Internet in total (IoE) use 5G, 6G technologies, as well as cloud, fog and boundary computing for high-speed communication with devices. Machine learning (ML), Date Mining, neural networks and simulation are used to analyze BD. AI algorithms are an integral part of all technologies, they allow you to intelligently connect and control 5G / 6G + IoT + BD + AI.

Conclusions. 5G and 6G high-speed networks, Internet of Things technology, cloud computing, big data analysis and artificial intelligence are necessary conditions for the further development of the digital economy.

Keywords: communication networks, big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence.

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Received 20.03.2021