Issue 1 (207), article 3


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2022, 1(207)

Yermakova I.I., DSc (Biology), Professor,
Leading Researcher of the Department of Complex Research of Information Technologies,
ORCID: 0000-0002-9417-1120

Nikolaienko A.Yu., PhD (Engineering),
Senior Researcher of the Department of Complex Research of Information Technologies,
ORCID: 0000-0002-2402-2947

Bogatonkova A.I., PhD (Engineering),
Senior Researcher of the Department of Complex Research of Information Technologies,
ORCID: 0000-0002-7536-5958

Tadeeva J.P., PhD (Engineering),
Senior Researcher of the Department of Complex Research of Information Technologies,
ORCID: 0000-0001-5418-2848

International Research and Training Center for
Information Technologies and Systems of the
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. Models of human thermoregulation are used for theoretical and experimental findings. Mathematical modeling of human physiological systems is one of the main methods for studying them in parallel with physiological researches in human body. For today, many mathematical models have been developed to predict human physiological responses, but most of them are related to special task.

The purpose of the paper is to develop multifunctional information system for modeling of human thermophysiological state that takes into account comprehensive assessment of impact of extreme conditions in humans. 

Results. The information system allows to research different tasks related to assessing the simultaneous impact on humans of various extreme conditions: cold and heat, wet and dry air, high winds, intense physical activity, immersion in cold water, waterproof protective clothing, long-wave and shortwave solar radiation, room temperature inhomogeneity and exposure to electromagnetic field.

Proposed information system enable us to make quantitative evaluations of impact of protective clothing on human thermophysiological state; human adaptation to intense physical activity at hot environment; overheating and dehydration in athletes during the marathon; safe time of hypothermia in cold water; human temperature comfort indoors during professional activity; electromagnetic radiation in the radio frequency ranges. 

Conclusions. The information system provides preliminary recommendations to physiological reserves of human, risks of deterioration of functional state (overheating, dehydration or hypothermia), safe stay time in extreme environment, temperature comfort in room during professional activities; effects of general, regional and local electromagnetic hyperthermia in humans of radio frequency ranges.

Keywords: model of human thermoregulation, information technology, physical activity, environmental conditions, protective clothing, temperature comfort, electromagnetic radiation.

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1. Enescu D. Models and Indicators to Assess Thermal Sensation Under Steady-State and Transient Conditions. Energies. 2019, Vol. 12, Iss. 5, No 841, pp. 143.

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3. Kots Ya. M. Sports physiology. Physical education and sport. Moscow, 1998, 240 p. (in Russian)

4. ISO 7726:1998. Ergonomics of the thermal environment – Instruments for measuring physical quantities. International Organisation for Standardisation. Geneva: ISO Standard. 1998, pp. 154.

5. Yermakova I., Nikolaienko A., Grigorian A. Dynamic model for evaluation of risk factors during work in hot environment. Journal of Physical Science and Application. USA: David Publishing Company. 2013, Vol. 3, No 4, pp. 238243.

6. Belding H.S., Hatch T.F. Index for evaluating heat stress in terms of resulting physiological strains. Heating, piping and air conditioning. 1955, Vol. 27, No 8, pp. 129136.

7. Sawka M.N., Cheuvront S.N., Kenefick R. Hypohydration and human performance: impact of environment and physiological mechanisms. Sports Medicine. 2015, Vol. 45, No 1, pp. 5160.

8. Hrytsenko V., Nikolaienko A., Solopchuk Y., Yermakova I., Regan M. Dynamics of Physiological Responses during Long Distance Run: Modelling. 2018 IEEE 38th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Kiev, Ukraine. April 2426, 2018, pp. 439442.

9. ISO 7730:2005. Ergonomics of the thermal environment – Analytical determination and interpretation of thermal comfort using calculation of the PMV and PPD indices and local thermal comfort criteria. Geneva: ISO Standard. 2005, pp. 152.

Received 21.02.2022

Issue 1 (207), article 2


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2022, 1(207)

Babak O.V., PhD (Engineering),
Senior Researcher of the Ecological Digital Systems Department
ORCID: 0000-0002-7451-3314

Surovtsev I.V., DSc (Engineering), Senior Researcher,
Head of the Ecological Digital Systems Department
ORCID: 0000-0003-1133-6207

International Research and Training Center for
Information Technologies and Systems of the
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. The principles of reduction theory in the form of methods for detecting hidden patterns in data, approaches to transforming coordinate systems and reducing the dimensionality of input information are widely used in identifying and classifying objects, finding abnormal trends in financial activities, technical systems for measuring physical and chemical parameters.

The purpose of the paper is to review the theoretical and practical results of the application of the theory of reduction in problems and data processing systems.

Methods. Methods for detecting hidden patterns in data, classification of objects using alpha procedure, cognitive modeling of environmental data, frequency-time digital filtering, conversion and modeling of multicomponent signals, measuring concentrations of chemicals in the environment and the content of greenhouse gases in the earth atmosphere, determining the loads on the axis of the car on the signal of dynamic weighing, estimating the consumption of pulverized coal to save coke and natural gas blast furnace.

Results. Principles of the theory of reduction, highly sensitive analytical system “Analyzer SCP” for measuring concentrations of 20 chemicals in drinking water, food and the environment using three new pulsed chronopotentiometry methods for electrochemical analysis, information technology “Atmospheric gases” for determining concentrations of 38 gases atmosphere, computer systems of dynamic weighing of the car for customs weight control of vehicles.

Conclusions. For a class of problems with monotonic integrated measurement data, it is necessary to transform the coordinate system, which allows us to consider a multicomponent signal as the sum of individual components. The use of reduction theory methods has made it possible to develop intelligent information technologies for environmental monitoring of biosphere objects, effective technical systems for measuring physical parameters, and detecting fraudulent transactions in the banking system.

Keywords: reduction theory, hidden patterns, object classifications, coordinate system transformations, frequency-time filtering, concentration determination.

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14. Method for measurement of flow rate of dust-coal fuel: patent 83106 Ukraine: IPC G01F 9/00, G01F 25/00, G05B 17/00. a200608431; claimed 27.07.2006; published 10.06.2008 (in Ukrainian).

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17. Surovtsev I.V., Galimov S.K., Tatarinov O.E. Information technology for determining the concentration of toxic elements in environmental objects. Kibernetika i vy!č!islitel’na!â! tehnika. 2018, No.1(191), pp. 5-33. (in Ukrainian).

18. System for axle-by-axle weighing on platform scales : patent 106013 Ukraine: IPC G01G 19/02, a201309799; claimed 06.08.2013; published 10.07.2014 (in Ukrainian).

19. Surovtsev I.V. New information technology for axial weighing of cars on platform scales. Control System and Computers. 2015, No 3, pp. 77-81 (in Russian).

20. Device for measuring the concentration of toxic elements: patent 107412, Ukraine: IPC (2006) G01N 27/48. a201306295; claimed 21.05.13; published 25.12.14 (in Ukrainian).

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24. Gritsenko V.I., Surovtsev I.V., Babak O.V. 5G wireless communication system. Cybernetics and Computer Engineering. 2019, No 3 (197), pp. 5-19. DOI: 10.15407/kvt197.03.005 (in Ukrainian).

25. Gritsenko V.I., Babak O.V., Surovtsev I.V. Peculiarities of interconnection 5G, 6G networks with big data, internet of things and artificial intelligence. Cybernetics and Computer Engineering. 2021, No 2 (204), pp. 5-19 (in Ukrainian).

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Received 8.02.2022

Issue 1 (207), article 1


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2022, 1(207)

Gritsenko V.I., Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine,
Honorary Director of International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0003-4813-6153

Tymofijeva N.K., DSc (Engineering), Senior Researcher,
Acting Head of Department of Complex Research of Information Technologies
ORCID: 0000-0002-0312-1153

International Research and Training Center for
Information Technologies and Systems of the
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. The literature for some classes of combinatorial optimization problems describes subclasses that have a certain structure of input data with a clear nature, for which there is a known method of analytical finding of a global solution without searching for options. These subclasses of problems are called solvable. They can be used to reduce unsolvable combinatorial optimization problems to solvable ones. 

The purpose of the paper is to identify the following main approaches for solving combinatorial optimization problems: a) methods and algorithms based on partial search of variants; b) methods and algorithms based on recognizing the structure of input information. The second approach includes work on finding subclasses of solvable problems and development of recognition algorithms according to these subclasses of the structure of input information. The problem is to identify subclasses for different classes of combinatorial optimization problems according to the structure of input data, for which according to the developed rules analytically find a global solution.

Methods. To select subclasses of solvable problems, we use the method of modeling input data by functions of a natural argument. To do this, the input data, which are given by finite sequences, are given by the functions of the natural argument, one of which is combinatorial. For various such functions, which are represented by linear, periodic, convex, the global values of the objective function are determined, both maximum and minimum. 

Results. Subclasses of solvable problems are distinguished for different classes of combinatorial optimization and artificial intelligence problems according to the structure of input data. Found global maximum and minimum for assignment problems, traveling salesman problem, placement of objects on a given surface. 

Conclusions. Using the method of modeling the structure of input data by means of natural argument functions allows to reduce some unsolvable problems of combinatorial optimization to solvable ones. For the latter, it is easy to find an argument (combinatorial configuration) for which the objective function acquires a global minimum and maximum, as well as to formulate the expression behind which is its value. In artificial intelligence problems, the subclasses of solvable problems are distinguished both on the basis of similarity and the structure of the input data. Using them allows to reduce unsolvable problems to solvable ones.

Keywords: subclasses of solvable problems, natural argument function, combinatorial optimization, similarity measures, objective function.

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1. Tymofijeva N.K. Theoretical-Numerical Methods Used to Solve Combinatorial Optimization Problems. Manuscript. The dissertation for Doctor’s Degree in Technical Sciences on Speciality 01.05.02 – Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Methods. V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, K., 2007, 374 p.

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9. Tymofijeva N.K. On some features of the definition of subclasses of solvable problems in the recognition and synthesis of speech signals. Reports of the XV International Conference on Automatic Control “Automation-2008”, Collection of scientific papers in three volumes. Vol. 2, Odessa, September 23 – 26, 2008, Odessa, ONMA, 2008, pp. 937-940.

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Received 16.02.2022

Issue 1 (207)


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25 Years of Experience of the International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems

Informatics and Information Technologies:

Gritsenko V.I., Tymofijeva N.K.
Finding Subclasses of Solvable Problems in Combinary Optimization and Artificial Intelligence by Structure of Input Information

Babak O.V., Surovtsev I.V.
Data Reduction as a Method of Intellectualization of Information Technologies

Yermakova I.I, Nikolaienko A.Yu., Bogatonkova A.I., Tadeeva Ju.P.
Multifunctional Information System for Modeling of Human Thermophysiological State in Extreme Environments

Intelligent Control and Systems:

Zhiteckii L.S.
Problems and Prospects for the Intellectualization of Automatic Control Systems

Medical and Biological Cybernetics:

Kovalenko O.S., Kozak L.M., Najafian Tumajani M., Romanyuk O.O.
Experience and Prospects of Creating Medical Information Systems and Information Technologies to Support Medical Care

Kiforenko S.I., Belov V.M., Hontar T.M.
The Hierarchy Principle as the Basis of Biological Systems Research

Vovk М.І., Kutsiak О.А.
Information Technologies for Muscle Functions Control. Retrospective Analysis and Development Prospects

Issue 4 (206), article 5


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2021, 4(206)

VOVK М.І., PhD (Biology), Senior Researcher,
Head of Bioelectrical Control & Medical Cybernetics Department
ORCID: 0000-0003-4584-9553, e-mail:;

KUTSIAK О.А., PhD (Engineering),
Senior Researcher of the Bioelectrical Control & Medical Cybernetics Department
ORCID: 0000-0003-2277-7411, e-mail:

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies
and Systems of the NAS of Ukraine and of MES of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Hlushkov av. Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. The consequences of stroke change seriously the quality of life. Especially motor activity suffers. Speech disorders occupy a significant place. The synthesis of effective technologies for restoration of limb movements, fine motor hand, that plays significant role in restoring the speech motor skills, is the urgent scientific and applied task.

Recently, the use of artificial intelligence in medicine has attracted attention. At the same time, mobile technologies are developing. It is considered that artificial intelligence in a smartphone will make the medicine of the future accessible for everybody.

The purpose of the paper is to develop the technology for movement restoration after a stroke that uses the artificial intelligence tool for increasing the effectiveness of rehabilitation process – specialized software module for mobile platforms to assist the user (physician) in the formation of personalized plans at different rehabilitation stages.

Results. The AI-technology for forming the personalized movement training plan to patient after a stroke is developed. This technology uses artificial intelligence tool – the software module for information assistance in forming the plan  “MovementRehabStroke 1.0 (MD)” that installed in  mobile platforms. This module provides the user with recommended movement training plan based on results of quantitative assessment of movements deficit is determined by software module “MovementTestStroke 1.1 (MD)” and patient general state. This plan may be corrected. The structural and functional model of user (physician) and software module “MovementRehabStroke 1.0 (MD)” interaction, and algorithm for forming the personalized movements rehabilitation plan – recommended and finally user-formed are given.

Conclusions. The usage of artificial intelligence tools reduces the physician error in diagnostic and treatment decisions, prevents complications, reduces the disability risks, improves the quality and widespread usage of medical and rehabilitation services for patients after stroke.

Keywords: stroke, AI-technology, personalized plan, movement training, rehabilitation, diagnostics, software module, structural and functional model, algorithm.

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11 Vovk M.I., Galyan Ye.B. Restoring of motor component of speech based on muscle movement control. Theoretical grounding. Cybernetics and Computer Engineering. 2012. No 167. pp.51-60. (in Russian).

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16 Vovk M.I., Kutsiak O.A. AI-Technology of Motor Functions Diagnostics after a Stroke. Cybernetics and Computer Engineering. 2021. No 2 (204). pp. 84-100.

17 Vovk M.I., Kutsyak O.A. Software module for personal diagnostics of motor functions after stroke. Cybernetics and Computer Engineering. 2019. No 4 (198). pp. 62-77.

18 Belova A., Shchepetova O. Scales, tests and questionnaires in medical rehabilitation. Moscow: Antidor, 2002. 440 p. (in Russian)

19 Smychek V., Ponomareva E. Craniocerebral trauma (clinic, treatment, examination, rehabilitation). Minsk: Research Institute of ME and R, 2010. 430 p. (in Russian)

20 Vovk M.I., Kutsyak O.A. Information technology for forming a personal movement rehabilitation plan after a stroke. Cybernetics and Computer Engineering. 2020. No 3 (201). pp. 87-99.

21 Vovk M.I. Information technology of movement control. Evolution of synthesis and development prospects. Cybernetics and Computer Engineering. 2018. No 4 (194). pp. 79-97. (in Ukrainian).

Received 15.09.2021

Issue 4 (206), article 4


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2021, 4(206)

Researcher, Medical Information Systems Department
ORCID: 0000-0002-4407-5990, e-mail:

KOZAK L.M., DSc (Biology), Senior Researcher,
Leading Researcher, Medical Information Systems Department
ORCID: 0000-0002-7412-3041, e-mail:

KOVALENKO O.S., DSc (Medicine), Professor,
Head of Medical Information Systems Department
ORCID: 0000-0001-6635-0124, e-mail:

Junior Researcher, Medical Information Systems Department
ORCID: 0000-0003-1760-2801, e-mail:

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies
and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. In the Big Data era, decision tree methods, machine learning, and neural networks, along with other Data Mining methods became an alternative to classical statistical methods as a more useful tool for analyzing large and inhomogeneous data. Neural Networks methods have emerged as a more accurate and effective technology in a wide range of medical problems such as diagnosis, prediction, treatment. 

The purpose of the paper is to identify the control parameters of the surgical intervention to optimize the EF ejection fraction after the surgery using a Data Mining method (neural network) models.

Results. The analysis of changes in hemodynamic parameters of children with severe heart defects due to surgery — implantation of conduit. Changes in these parameters after surgery were analyzed using analysis of variance for repeated measurements (RepANOVA). It was determined that after the surgery there was a significant, statistically significant decrease in 3 hemodynamic parameters (end diastolic index, aortic pressure gradient, and augmentation index). According to the cluster analysis, three groups of patients were identified, which were differed in all hemodynamic parameters and in the peculiarities of changes in the studied parameters after surgery. A model based on a neural network of the RBF type (with radial-based activation functions) was built using the Data Mining Automated Neural Networksmodule of the STATISTICA package. According to the developed models, the dependence of the emission fraction after the surgery on the control parameters — dopamine dose and conduit diameter was determined.

Conclusions. The use of predictive models of neural networks developed by the type of RBF network with radially symmetric functions in single-layer networks, allowed to analyze the effectiveness of surgical interventions in the case of congenital heart disease in infants and children. Taking into account the results of the developed predictive model of the dependence of the cardiac output fraction on the parameters of surgery (dose, conduit diameter) and factors such as age, weight, hemodynamic status, gives the surgeon essential information to achieve good results of a surgery.

Keywords: Data Mining classification models, predictive models, neural networks, surgical efficiency

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Received 01.09.2021

Issue 4 (206), article 3


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2021, 4(206)

VOLKOV O. Ye., PhD (Engineering),
Head of Intellectual Control Department
ORCID: 0000-0002-5418-6723, e-mail:

TARANUKHA V. Yu., PhD (Phys.-Math.),
Senior Researcher of Intellectual Control Department
ORCID: 0000-0002-9888-4144, e-mail:

LINDER Ya. M., PhD (Phys.-Math.),
Senior Researcher of Intellectual Control Department
ORCID: 0000-0003-1076-9211, e-mail:

KOMAR M.M., PhD (Engineering),
Senior Research of Intellectual Control Department
ORCID: 0000-0001-9194-2850, e-mail:

Researcher of Intellectual Control Department
ORCID: 0000-0003-3793-7801, e-mail:

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies
and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkova av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. The general principles of the technique of synthesis of reflective characteristics of complex surfaces for small wavelengths are considered in the article. The problem is set in the conditions of using sound waves and sonar. The calculated scattering characteristics are obtained using a facet model.

Purpose. The purpose of the research is to create a method of acoustic research and determination of spatial characteristics of objects of complex shape, which contains the developed facet model of the object and the model of the reflected signal. This method consists artificial models of objects and models of the reflected signal, with the further purpose of research and determination of spatial characteristics of objects, recognition of objects, etc. It is expected that based on the simulation of signals reflected from these models, it will be possible to classify objects. An important difference from most studies is a number of assumptions about what to do with the model and how to calculate the result, because, as a rule, the main element of such studies is the reflection surface only.

Results. For the purpose of this research simplified model of signal reflection from a surface area in space is considered. We established a correspondence between wave propagation in the space and change of the value of the function representing reflecting wave. At any given moment of time the total reflected signal is the sum of all reflected signals from all surfaces. The integral form was proposed for this purpose. The analytical formula intended for the integral was designed for one of the specific cases of reflection. There were numerical experiments performed to test such formula with regard of facet model of the ship. Resulting waveform looks in accordance to expectations.

Conclusion. In accordance with the task the paper demonstrates the method of constructing a model of objects and sound signals reflected from them, paper also considers the general principles of the method of synthesis of reflective characteristics of complex surfaces for small wavelengths. It is shown why and how exactly such a model is built and the presence of a significant difference in the signal characteristics for different angles is clearly demonstrated. The main advantage of this model is the ability to conduct experiments exclusively in digital form, without the need for expensive field experiments. Further research should continue in the direction of selecting or creating an optimal recognition system based on neural networks.

Keywords: facet model, remote sensing, underlying surface, sonar image.

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1 Anisimov A.V., Volkov O.Ye., Linder Ya.M. Method of acoustic direction finding of mobile objects with unmanned aerial wehicle. Collection of scientific works of the Military Institute of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University . 2019, (64), pp. 14-24. (in Ukrainian)

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Received 02.09.2021

Issue 4 (206), article 2


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2021, 4(206)

SUROVTSEV I.V.1, DSc (Engineering), Senior Researcher,
Head of the Ecological Digital Systems Department
ORCID: 0000-0003-1133-6207, e-mail:,

VELYKYI P.Y.1, PhD Student,
of the Ecological Digital Systems Department

Joint Research Unit 7504,

GALIMOVA V.M.3, PhD (Chemistry), Associate Professor,
Department of Analytical and Inorganic
Chemistry and Water Quality
ORCID: 0000-0001-9602-1006, e-mail:

1International Research and Training Center for
Information Technologies and Systems of the 
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine

2Strasbourg Institute of Material Physics and Chemistry,
Joint Research Unit 7504, 
National Center for Scientific Research – 
University of Strasbourg,
4 Rue Blaise Pascal, 67081 Strasbourg, France

3National University of Life
and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
17, bldg. № 2, Heroes of Defense str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine


Introduction. The use of the electrochemical analytical system “IHP Analyzer” allows the environmental monitoring the conditions of drinking water and water objects, assessing and predicting the risks of toxicants on human health and the environment.

The purpose of the paper is to propose information technology for rapid determining chemical elements concentrations and for assessing the risk of their impact on the biosphere.

Methods. Pulse methods of chronopotentiometry, chronoionometric method of direct potentiometry and methods of assessment of ecological risk of influence of chemicals on environment are used for measurement of concentrations.

Methods. Pulse chronopotentiometry methods, direct chronoionometric potentiometry methods and methods for assessing the risk of human health deterioration in the case of consumption of drinking water of different quality are used.

Results. Developed information technology that uses machine learning techniques, cloud technologies and intelligent models to study the mass of chemical elements additives. The application of IT allows the results of one measurement to quickly determine the elements concentrations  in the water objects by comparing signals and assess the impact risks of chemicals to human health when consuming contaminated drinking water.

Results. Developed information technology with machine learning, cloud technologies and the use of intelligent models of the mass of chemical element additives, that allows the results of one measurement to quickly determine the elements concentrations in the water objects by comparing signals and assess the impact risks of chemicals to human health when consuming contaminated drinking water.

Conclusions. Advanced analytical system “Analyzer SCP” allows you to quickly measure the concentration of 12 chemicals (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Se, I, K, Na, Ca, F, NO3, NH4) in water bodies on site and eight more toxic elements (Hg, As, Sn, Ni, Co, Mn, Cr, Fe) in the laboratory, which allowed to quickly and fully determine the environmental quality of drinking water and the environment. The use of ion-selective and measuring electrodes based on precious metals increases the environmental friendliness and speed of research. The application of risk assessment methodology for the chemical elements impact on humans and the environment allows to predict the consequences and occurrence of diseases with long-term consumption of contaminated drinking water or the possibility of using water bodies for irrigation and fish farming.

Keywords: concentration, ecological risk, ion-selective electrode, inversion chronopotentiometry, drinking water.

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Received 26.09.2021

Issue 4 (206), article 1


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2021, 4(206)

MOROZ O.H., PhD (Engineering),
Senior Researcher of Dept. for Information Technologies of Inductive Modeling
ORCID: 0000-0002-0356-8780, e-mail: о

STEPASHKO V.S., DSc (Engineering), Professor,
Head of Dept. for Information Technologies of Inductive Modeling
ORCID: 0000-0001-7882-3208, e-mail:

International Research and Training Centre for Information Technologies
and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry
of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. Deep neural networks are effective tools for solving actual tasks such as data mining, modeling, forecasting, pattern recognition, clustering, classification etc. They differ with respect to the architecture design, learning methods and so on. Most simple and widely used are deep feed-forward supervised NNs.

The purpose of the paper is to compare briefly main features of the deep feed-forward deterministic supervised networks with the Multilayered Iterative Algorithm of GMDH (MIA GMDH) and to formulate main ideas of constructing a new class of hybrid deep networks based on the MIA neural network.

Methods. Most usable deep feed-forward supervised neural networks have been studied: multilayered perceptron, convolutional NN and some its modifications, polynomial neural networks, genetic polynomial neural network etc.

Results. There was carried out a comparative analysis of main features of the MIA GMDH neural network with the characteristics of other deep deterministic supervised neural networks. The most promising approaches are identified to improve the performance of this network, particularly by hybridization with methods of computational intelligence. The main idea of building a new class of hybrid deep networks based on MIA GMDH is formulated.

Conclusions. MIA GMDH and its modifications are original representatives of the self-organizing networks potentially giving best results, especially for big data case. Hybridization of GMDH-based NNs with stochastic methods of computational intelligence is suggested to achieve a synergetic effect.

Keywords: multilayered iterative algorithm of GMDH (MIA GMDH), self-organizing neural network, neural network architecture, deep neural networks, feed-forward neural networks, supervised neural networks, deep learning.

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Received 03.08.2021

Issue 4 (206)


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Informatics and Information Technologies:

Moroz O.H., Stepashko V.S.
Comparative Features of MIA GMDH and Deep Feed-Forward Neural Networks

Surovtsev I.V., Velykyi P.Y., Hrytsaienko M., Galimova V.M.
Analitical system for environmental monitoring and risk assessing of drinking water consumption

Intelligent Control and Systems:

Volkov O.Ye., Taranukha V. Yu., Linder Ya.M., Komar M.M., Volosheniuk D.O.
Devising an Acoutic Method for Investigation of a Complex Form Object Parameters

Medical and Biological Cybernetics:

Kryvova O.A., Kozak L.M., Kovalenko O.S., Nenasheva L.V.
Prediction of Surgery Control Parameters in Cardiology to Optimize the Emission Fraction Values with the Help of Neural Networks

Vovk М.І., Kutsiak О.А
Mobile AI-technology for forming the personalized movements rehabilitation plan after a stroke