Issue 3 (197), article 4
Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2019, 3(197), pp.
Bondarenko M.A., PhD (Phys and Math),
Assistant Professor, the Department of Medical and Biological
Physics and Medical Informatics
Knigavko V.G., DSc (Biology), Professor,
Head of the Department of Medical and Biological
Physics and Medical Informatics
Zaytseva O.V., DSc (Biology), Professor,
the Department of Medical and Biological Physics and Medical Informatics
Rukin A.S., PhD (Phys and Math),
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Medical and Biological Physics and Medical Informatics
Kharkiv National Medical University
4, Nauky av., Kharkiv, 61022, Ukraine
Introduction. In radiotherapy, the degree of oxygenation of tumors is of vital importance. Tumors with greater oxygenation are much more responsive to radiation therapy than tumors with significant hypoxia: well-oxygenated tumors react 2.5…3 times better. Mathematical modeling of DNA damage of irradiated cells at different degrees of their oxygenation is of current interest.
The purpose of the article is to develop a mathematical model of DNA damage in irradiated cells at different degrees of their oxygenation; to study the dependence of the number of radiation damages of DNA per unit volume of the irradiated medium on the radiation dose and the concentration of oxygen in the medium; to estimate the cell cycle duration depending on the oxygen concentration.
Results. A mathematical model of oxygen effect in cells in the case of irradiation
by X-rays or gamma-radiation is proposed. On the basis of this model, the dependence of the number of radiation DNA damages in the unit volume of the irradiated medium on the radiation dose and the concentration of oxygen in the medium is obtained. Triple damage to DNA molecules is determined by primary radiation damage and attacks of two radicals of oxygen on the DNA molecule.
The effect of potentially lethal lesions (PLL) on survival of cells under irradiation conditions is studied. The phenomenon of increasing the survival of tumor cells in their irradiation under hypoxia conditions is also due to the phenomenon of potentially lethal lesions. The optimal indicator of the severity of the PLL effect is the cell cycle duration. Thus, the task of modeling PLL was reduced to creation of a mathematical model that allows estimating the value of that indicator depending on the oxygen concentration.
Conclusions. The mathematical model created in the article allows estimating the number of radiation DNA damages in the unit volume of the irradiated medium on the radiation dose and the concentration of oxygen in the medium. The dependence of the cell cycle duration on the oxygen concentration was obtained.
Keywords: radiobiology, mathematical modeling, oxygen effect, oxygen enhancement ratio, DNA damage.
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Received 29.03.2019