Issue 2 (188), article 6

Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2017, Issue 2 (188), pp.


May 23, 2017 the 80th anniversary of Vladimir Ilyich Gritsenko, known scientist in computer science, information technologies and its applications in economics, industrial and technological field, biological and medical cybernetics, computer technology training, director of the International Scientific and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems. He is an initiator of development of a new class of high technologies — intelligent information technologies. Gritsenko V.I. is a member of a number of leading international and state councils of Ukraine on informatics, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the Council of UNESCO Intergovernmental Programme on the information and communications, heads the UNESCO Chair “New Information Technologies in Education for All”, the chief editor of the scientific journals “Control Systems and Machines” and “Cybernetics”.

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Issue 2 (188), article 5


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2017, Issue 2 (188), pp.

Rudenko А.V.1, Professor, Corresponding member NAS of Ukraine,
First deputy of director
Nastenko I.А.1,2, Doctor (in Biology), PhD (in Technics),
Head of the Department of Information technologies and mathematical modeling
of physiological processes, Head of the Department of Biomedical Cybernetics
Zhurba O.А.1, Cardiovascular surgeon
Nosovets О.K.2, (in Technics),
Senior lecturer of the Department of Biomedical Cybernetics
Shardukova Y.V.1, Researcher at the Department of Information technology
and mathematical modeling of physiological processes
Lasoryshinets V.V.1, Professor, (in Medicine), Director
1 National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», 37, Pobedi st., Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine
2 Government Facility “M.M. Amosov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, 6, Amosov st., Kyiv, 03110, Ukraine


Introduction. The planned beating heart coronary aortic bypass grafting operations (BH CABG) prepares with and without parallel perfusion circulatory support. In second case the necessity of emergent use of circulatory support can appear. In these situations, the frequency of postoperative complications in circulatory system increases.

The decision about the planned use of circulatory support makes with analysis of big number of clinical data. This causes necessity to create the computer decision support systems to minimize the risk of emergent use of parallel perfusion.

The purpose of the article is to analyse statistically the risk factors for BH CABG operations on a working heart with the aim to minimize the risk of circulatory support emergent use.

Clinical material. 972 patients which undergone the BH CABG without circulatory support, 178 patients with planned use of circulatory support and 90 patients with emergent use of circulatory support. The 67 clinical parameters with package IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0 were analyzed.

Methods. The algorithm of binary logistic regression (BLR) for decision support systems development were used.

Results and discussion. The association between clinical values in groups without circulatory support, their planned and emergent use as well as their odds ratios and confidence intervals were analyzed. Then BLR algorithm to build the models for estimation of probability of planned and emergent use of circulatory support was used. The strategies of compulsory and stepwise inclusion of parameters were applied. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the models obtained for learning and examination samples. The best models were chosen were calculated.

Conclusions. The created predictive models have a high sensitivity, specificity and accuracy, and can reduce the influence of subjective factors on medical decisions making regarding the use of the artificial circulatory support during off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery. Analysis of the variables included in the model, can contribute to a better understanding of the structure of existing pathogenic factors. The additional estimation the risk of cardiopulmonary bypass emergent use can reduce the likelihood of such situations occurrence.

Keywords: the beating heart coronary aortic bypass grafting, circulatory support with cardiopulmonary bypass, predicting algorithms.

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1 Mykheev A.A., Klyuzhev V.M., Karpun N.A. Surgery on coronary arteries on a working heart without artificial circulation in IHD patients. M.: Medicine, 2001. 43 p. (in Russian).

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Recieved 03.04.2017

Issue 2 (188), article 4


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2017, Issue 2 (188), pp.

Grygoryan R.D., Dr (in biology),
Chief of Department of human systems modeling and reliability
Aksenova T.V., Junior-researcher
Degoda A.G., Senior-researcher, PhD (in math.)
Institute of software systems of National Аcademy of Sciences of Ukraine,
40, Acad.Glushkov ave., corp.5, Kiev, 052187, Ukraine


Introduction. Human organism is a too complex system to be empirically examined and comprehended: there is no method for simultaneously measuring or integrally analyzing of billions of multi-scale life variables. Experts need models and information technologies that causally incorporate cell-scale and organism-scale biophysical and physiological data.

The purpose of the article is to describe a specialized simulator (SS) providing users of additional information concerning scenarios and multi-level mechanisms of energy optimization in the human organism.

Results. Multi-scale mechanisms providing cell energy balance (CEB) are in the basis of SS. At cell-level, providers of CEB form a battery of autonomous mechanisms (BAM). Under energy lack (EL), BAM increases the rate of ATP synthesis using local opportunities. If EL remains, extracellular providers of aerobic synthesis of ATP enlarge current potentials of the EL-cell. The SS provides simulation scenarios increasing the lung ventilation, the erythropoiesis, blood concentrations of carbohydrates, and of other nutrients for biogenesis of mitochondria. The role of the cardiovascular system is in regulating of blood incomes to EL-cells.

Conclusion. The SS is a novel informational technology of dual goals. Explaining the function of mechanisms-providers of CEB, the SS also can be used by applied physiologists and physicians for the planning of optimal scenarios for physical empowering of healthy people.

Keywords: mathematical models, mitochondria, glucose, integrative physiology, medicine.

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1 Skulachev V.A.,Bogachev A.V., Kasparinsky F.O. Principles of Bioenergetics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. 436 p.

2 Michiels C. Physiological and Pathological Responses to Hypoxia. Am J Pathol. 2004. No164. P. 1875–1882.

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6 Grygoryan R.D. The Energy Basis of Reversible Adaptation. N.Y.: Nova Science, 2012. 252 p.

7 Grygoryan R.D., Lyabakh K.G. Arterial pressure: a comprehension. Kyiv: ISS of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 2015. 458 p. (In Russian).

8 Grygoryan R.D. The “floating” arterial pressure paradigm: a concept of physiological supersystems. Dusseldorf: Palmarium Academic Publishing. 2016. 417 p. (In Russian).

9 Grygoryan R.D., Deriev I.I., Aksionova T.V. A software simulator of aerobe cell’s responses to energy imbalance. Problems in programming. 2014. No 1. P. 90–98. (In Russian).

10 Grygoryan R.D., Aksionova T.V., Markevich R.A. A software simulator of pancreas. Problems in programming. 2013. No 1. P. 100–106. (In Russian).

11 Grygoryan R.D., Aksionova T.V., Degoda A.G. Modeling of mechanisms and hemodynamic effects of heart hypertrophy. Cybernetics and computer engineering. 2016. Issue.184. P. 72–83. (In Russian).

12 Grygoryan R.D., Aksionova T.V. Modeling of organism-scale mechanisms fighting against energy shortage in cells. Bulletin of University “Ukraine”. Series: Informatics, computers, and cybernetics. 2016. P. 91–99. (In Russian).

13 Aksionova T.V. A software technology providing simulations of mathematical models of physiological systems. Problems in programming. 2012. No1. P. 110–120. (In Russian).

14 Chada S.R., Hollenbeck P.J. Nerve growth factor signaling regulates motility and docking of axonal mitochondria. Curr. Biol. 2004. V.14. P. 1272–1276.

15 Ramamurthy S., Ronnett G. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and energy-sensing in the brain. Neurobiol. 2012. 21, No 2. P. 52–60.

Recieved 15.03.2017

Issue 2 (188), article 3


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2017, Issue 2 (188), pp.

Aralova N.I., senior researcher of department of optimization of controlled processes
Institute of cybernetics of National Academy of Science of Ukraine,
Acad. Glushkov ave., 40, Kiev, 03680 GSP, Ukraine


Introduction. Under conditions of the physical exertion and human presence on the altitude, the oxygen deficiency in tissues occurs. For a theoretical study of the role of various mechanisms in the regulation of the respiratory system, the use of the mathematical model for the transport of respiratory gases in the body was proposed.

Purpose. Researches of the role of hypoxia, hypercapnia and hypometabolism in external and internal disturbances, based on the mathematical model of the respiratory system.

Results. On the mathematical model of respiratory gas transport in the dynamics of the respiratory cycle, as control parameters, pulmonary ventilation, minute blood volume and local blood flow, as well as self-regulation mechanisms — respiratory muscles, cardiac muscle and smooth muscle vessels — were used. It resolved the conflict situation that arises between the managers and the executive tissues in the fight for oxygen. An analysis of the results of numerical experiments in simulating hypoxia and hypoxic hypoxia and their comparison with experimental data was made.

Conclusion. The proposed approach can be useful in assessing the role of hypoxia, hypercapnia and hypometabolism in the disturbances of the internal and external environment in the process of human vital activity under extreme conditions and leads to the formulation of new tasks in the physiology of sports, work and leisure.

Keywords: Mathematical model of respiratory gas transport, load hypoxia, hypoxic hypoxia, regulation of the respiratory system, disturbing effects, oxygen deficiency.

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  1. Polinkevich K.B., Onopchuk Yu.N. Conflict situations of regulating ofthe basic function of the body’s breathing and mathematical models for their resolution. Cyberne
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Recieved 29.03.2017

Issue 2 (188), article 2


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2017, Issue 2 (188), pp.

Khorozov O.A., Ph.D (Phys-Math), Leading Researcher
Institute of Telecommunications and Global Information Space of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Chokolovskiy ave., 13, Kiev 04186, Ukraine


Introduction. The telemonitoring system of patient’s vital signs for primary diagnosis and detection of abnormal values biophysical indicators is described. Expert estimates inherent in fuzzy logic rules are compared with the measured values of the vital signs for disease risk counting. The system is implemented at the Arduino with code for fuzzy logic controller. The structure of distributed management of the warning system is represented.

The purpose of the article is to develop an expert system based on fuzzy logic rules to calculate the risk level of the patient and use feedback control in decision-making.

Method. Expert estimates inherent in fuzzy logic rules are compared with the measured values of the vital signs for disease risk estimation.

Results. Expert system was considered for determination of patient’s health risk level. The fuzzy logic rules was formed for determination of belonging variables to risk groups and used for reflect the input to the decision making process. The application detects anomalous values of monitoring data, generates a medical report and sends it to the server for decision-making. The system includes monitors vital signs of the patients, warning services based on Fuzzy Logic techniques with the objective of reducing the risk from the slow provision of health care. The architecture of the integrated mHealth platform with functional models was proposed.

Conclusions. Telemedicine system was designed for primary diagnosis and monitoring of patients on the basis of fuzzy logic. The method based on expert knowledge, which are incorporated in the rules of fuzzy logic to compare the values of the input parameters of patients and disease risk prediction was used. The technique is common in detecting abnormal values biophysical indicators for disease risk assessment.

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  1. S.Dutta, A.Maeder, J.Basilakis, Using Fuzzy Logic for Decision Support in Vital Signs Monitoring Jjint Workshop Proceedings, 26th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013, p. 29–33.
  2. M. Mayilvaganan, K. Rajeswari, Risk Factor Analysis to Patient Based on Fuzzy Logic Control System. International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science. 2014. Vol. 2. Issue 5. P. 185–190.
  3. M.K. Choudhury, N. Baruah, A Fuzzy Logic Based Expert System for Denermination of Health Risk Level of Patient. International Journal of research in Engineering and Technology. 2015. Vol. 4. Issue 5. P.261–267.
  4. A.Povoroznjuk, E.Kharchenko, The use of fuzzy logic in computer systems medical diagnostics. Vestnik National Technical University. 2015. № 33. P. 125–133.
  5. Aj O. Alves URL:
  6. S. Sriparasa. JavaScript and JSON Essentials, 2013. URL:

Recieved 09.03.2017

Issue 2 (188), article 1


Kibern. vyčisl. teh., 2017, Issue 2 (188), pp.

Grytsenko V.I., Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Director
International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS of Ukraine and of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
av. Acad. Glushkova, 40, Kiev, 03680, Ukraine

Rachkovskij D.A., Doctor of Engineering, Leading Researcher,
Dept. of Neural Information Processing Technologies,
International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the NAS of Ukraine and of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
av. Acad. Glushkova, 40, Kiev, 03680, Ukraine

Frolov A.A., Doctor of Biology, Professor,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science FEI,
Technical University of Ostrava, 17 listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic

Gayler R., PhD,
Independent Researcher,
Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Kleyko D., PhD post graduated,
Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering,
Lulea University of Technology, 971 87 Lulea, Sweden

Osipov E., PhD, Professor,
Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering,
Lulea University of Technology, 971 87 Lulea, Sweden


Introduction. Neural network models of autoassociative, distributed memory allow storage and retrieval of many items (vectors) where the number of stored items can exceed the vector dimension (the number of neurons in the network). This opens the possibility of a sublinear time search (in the number of stored items) for approximate nearest neighbors among vectors of high dimension.

The purpose of the paper is to review models of autoassociative, distributed memory that can be naturally implemented by neural networks (mainly with local learning rules and iterative dynamics based on information locally available to neurons).

Scope. The survey is focused mainly on the networks of Hopfield, Willshaw, and Potts, that have connections between pairs of neurons and operate on sparse binary vectors. We discuss not only autoassociative memory, but also the generalization properties of these networks. We also consider neural networks with higher-order connections, and networks with a bipartite graph structure for non-binary data with linear constraints.

Conclusions. In conclusion we discuss the relations to similarity search, advantages and drawbacks of these techniques, and topics for further research. An interesting and still not completely resolved question is whether neural autoassociative memories can search for approximate nearest neighbors faster than other index structures for similarity search, in particular for the case of very high dimensional vectors.

Keywords: distributed associative memory, sparse binary vector, Hopfield network, Willshaw memory, Potts model, nearest neighbor, similarity search

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Recieved 15.04.2017