Issue 1 (215), article 1


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2024,1(215)

Volkov O.Ye., PhD (Engineering), Senior Researcher

Simakhin V.M., PhD Student,
Senior Researcher of the Research Laboratory of Unmanned Complexes and Systems,

International Research and Training Center for Information
Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. The development of unmanned aviation requires constant active implementation of new technologies and systems. Autonomous control and navigation are among the most relevant areas of development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Various approaches and tools are used to increase the level of intellectualization of UAV control, including are full-energy control systems.

The purpose of the paper is to develop a full-energy control algorithm for UAVs to enhance control intellectualization through dynamic regulation of the altitude and flight speed of the aircraft. 

Methods. Theory of intelligent control, automatic control, theory of UAV flight dynamics.

Results. To develop the algorithm for controlling the full energy of UAVs, the theoretical basis of full-energy control systems was considered, and the development of the concept of such modern systems was analyzed. On the basis of the general laws of aircraft control, a full-energy control algorithm for UAVs was synthesized, which operates in three modes: full energy control, altitude control, and flight speed control. 

Conclusions. The developed full-energy control algorithm covers the main necessary UAV control modes for performing flight tasks in a volatile environment. The use of such an algorithm in modern navigation and flight systems will increase the efficiency and intellectualize the UAV control process.

Keywords: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Control Algorithm, Full Energy Control, Navigation and Piloting Complex, TECS.

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1 Kevin R. Bruce. (NASA-CR-778285) NASA B737 Flight Test Results of the Total Energy Control System (Boeing Commercial Airplane Cc.). Seattle, Washington, 1987. 103 p.

2 Lambregts, Antonius A. TECS Generalized Airplane Control System Design – An Update. In Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control, 2013, pp. 503-534.

3 Lambregts, Antonius A., Flight envelope protection strategies for automatic and augmented manual control, in Proc. of the CEAS Conf. on Guidance, Navigation and Control. Delft, The Netherlands, 2013, pp. 1364-1383.

4 Jimenez, P., Lichota, P., Agudelo, D. and Rogowski, K. Experimental Validation of Total Energy Control System for UAVs. In Energies, 2019, Vol. 13, Number 1, 14. p.

5 Lai, Y.-C. and Ting, W. Design and Implementation of an Optimal Energy Control System for Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. In Applied Sciences, 2016, Vol. 6, Number 11, 369. p.

6 Volkov, O. Ye., Shepetukha, Y. M., Bogachuk, Y. P., Komar, M. M., & Volosheniuk, D. O. Experience in Development and Implementation of Intelligent Systems for Control of Dynamic Objects. In Control Systems and Computers, 2022, Issue 1 (297), pp. 64-81.[In Ukrainian]

7 Volkov, O., Komar, M., Rachkovskij, D., & Volosheniuk, D. Technology of Autonomous Take-Off and Landing for the Modern Flight and Navigation Complex of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. In Cybernetics and Systems Analysis. 2022, Vol. 58, Issue 6, pp. 882-888.[In Ukrainian]

Received 13.12.2023

Issue 1 (215)


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Informatics and Information Technologies:

Volkov O.Y., Simakhin V.M.
Algorithm for Controlling the Full Energy of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Dzhebrailov R.Y., Gospodarchuk O.Y.
Detection of Special Zones as a Basis for the Method of Topographic Affinity of Images

Komar M.M., Chepizhenko V.I., Bogachuk Yu.P., Soloviev M.V.
Development of the Multi Purpose Simulation Complex for Training of Unmanned Systems Operators

Volosheniuk D.O., Tymchyshyn R.M.
Intelligent Information Technology for Transport Infrastructure Monitoring

Shepetukha Y.M., Semenog R.V.
Sequential structuring Method for Building Dynamic Objects Management Systems

Issue 4 (214), article 5


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 4(214)

Kutsiak О.А.1, PhD (Engineering),
Acting Head of the Department of Bioelectrical Control
& Medical Cybernetics,

Vovk М.І.1, PhD (Biology), Senior Researcher,
Leading Researcher of the Department of Bioelectrical Control
& Medical Cybernetics,

Matsaienko A.M.2, PhD (Engineering),
Senior Lecturer,

1International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies
and Systems of the National Academy of Science
of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av. Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine

2Kruty Heroes Military Institute of Telecommunications
and Information Technology


Introduction. The conditions of wartime and post-war state call for priority requirements for development and utilisation of new information technologies for recovery/correction of motor functions. The major ones are personalisation, mobility, efficiency, ease of implementations both for in- and out-patients.

The purpose of the paper is to consider the theoretical and practical foundations of synthesis of the muscle activity recovery/correction technology for the performance of a motor task with the limbs using a digital-analog device of programmed myoelectric stimulation “MioAktyvSyntez-4”.

Results. The theoretical and practical foundations of synthesis of the information technology, which satisfies the main requirements – personalization, efficiency, mobility, ease of use both in clinical and non-clinical conditions, for recovery/correction of muscle activity to perform a motor task by limbs are developed. The technology is implemented by a new class of digital-analog multi-channel programmed stimulators – four-channel programmed electromyostimulator “MioAktyvSyntez-4”. The device is designed to perform a certain task by movements of limbs’, as well as fine motor skills of the hand to recover the oral speech.

The structural and functional model of the electromyostimulator “MioAktyvSyntez-4” is considered. The main functional units of the device are given and their implementation is determined: unit for selecting the stimulation channels and unit for synthesis of stimulation programs are digital, and the stimulation unit and user interface unit are analog. The use of programmable logic is chosen for processing the information in digital form. The basis of certain algorithm for selecting the stimulation channels for forming the stimulation programs – the truth tables are considered. The structural and functional scheme of the technical implementation of formation of limbs’ movements with the digital-analog device “MioAktyvSyntez-4” is considered.

Conclusion. Further research is aimed at retrofitting the “MioAktyvSyntez-4” type devices with modern interfaces, means of control and diagnostics in order to improve ease of utilisation and efficiency of personalised recovery/correction of the movement of the limbs. This is of paramount importance after military and civilian injuries, in adults and children, during the wartime and in post-war state.

Keywords: information technology, algorithm, programmed module, personalised control, muscle activity, programmable myostimulator, information processing, digital medical data, digital-analog implementation, motor task, motor model, operative adjustment

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1. Vovk M.I., Horbanov V.M., Ivanov V.V., Kutsiak O.A., Matsaienko A.M., Shevchenko A.B. Information technology for personalized control of the coordination of cyclical movements of the limbs. Control Systems and Computers. 2022, No 4, pp. 54-63.

2. Vovk, M.I., Halian, Ye.B., Kutsiak, O.A. Computer Software & Hardware Complex for Personal Oral Speech Restoration after a Stroke. Sci. innov. 2020, Vol. 16, № 1(91),

3. Patent. A method of treating speech disorders / М.І. Vovk, Ye.B. Halian, О.М. Pidopryhora (Ukraine); № 111388; publshed 25.04.2016, Bulletin no 18 (in Ukrainian).

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9. Trout M.A. et al. A portable, programmable, multichannel stimulator with high compliance voltage for noninvasive neural stimulation of motor and sensory nerves in humans. Sci Rep. 2023. Vol. 13.

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11. Ferrante S. et al. A Personalized Multi-Channel FES Controller Based on Muscle Synergies to Support Gait Rehabilitation after Stroke. Front. Neurosci. 2016. Vol. 10.

12. Schick T. et al. Efficacy of Four-Channel Functional Electrical Stimulation on Moderate Arm Paresis in Subacute Stroke Patients-Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial. Healthcare. 2022. Vol 10(4).

13. Subir Kumar Sarkar et al. Foundation of Digital Electronics and Logic Design. CRC Press, 2014. 372 p. URL: (access date: 01.09.2023).

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15. Harris D., Harris S.L. Digital Design and Computer Architecture. ‎ARM Edition, 2016. 720 p.

16. Hackworth J.R., Hackworth F.D. Programmable Logic Controllers: Programming Methods and Applications. URL: racunari/Programmable%20Logic%20Controllers%20Programming%20Methods.pdf (access date: 01.09.2023).

17. Wassell I.J. Digital Electronics. Part I – Combinational and Sequential Logic. URL: (access date: 01.09.2023).

Received 04.09.2023

Issue 4 (214), article 4


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 4(214)

Aralova N.I.1, DSc (Engineering), Senior Researcher,
Senior Researcher of the Department of Optimization of Controlled Processes,,

Radziejowski P.A.2, DSc (Biology), Professor,
Professor of the Educational Studies Department,

Radziejowska M.P.3, DSc (Biology), Professor,
Professor of the Management Faculty, Department of Innovations
and Safety Management Systems,

Aralova A.A.1, PhD (Mathematics)
Researcher of the Department of Methods for Discrete Optimization,
Mathematical Modelling and Analyses of Complex Systems,

1V.M.Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., 03187, Kyiv, Ukraine

2Kazimiera Milanowska College of Education and Therapy,
22,Grabowa str., 61-473, Poznań, Poland

3Czestochowa University of Technology
19b, Armii Krajowej str., 42-200, Częstochowa, Poland


Introduction. The NATO Medical Doctrine and the Military Medical Doctrine of Ukraine emphasize the need to apply scientific approaches to health care, physical training, and supporting special operations. Of course, the extreme conditions of professional activity require the personnel to have appropriate training and the ability to adapt. Professional selection and training should be, on the one hand, scientifically based and objective, and on the other hand, using an individual approach, should be as effective as possible. Currently, this is impossible without the use of information technologies.

The purpose of the paper is to develop intelligent technology on the basis of mathematical models of the body’s functional systems, to support decision-making regarding the optimization of physical training of military personnel

Methods. Mathematical modeling methods, numerical optimization methods

Results. An intelligent technology has been developed to support decision-making regarding the optimization of the physical training of military personnel, which includes a complex of mathematical, algorithmic and software for assessing the current state and forecasting the functional state of military personnel. Mathematical support includes mathematical models of regulation of oxygen regimes of the human body, transport and mass exchange of respiratory gases in the human body, functional self-organization of the respiratory system and blood circulation, heat exchange in the human body, immune response, and the interaction and mutual influence of these systems. If there is a suitable array of personal data, it can be used for individual planning of physical training of personnel.

Keywords: optimizing the physical training of servicemen, functional respiratory system, extreme conditions of professional military activity, adaptation of the body of a serviceman.

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Received 28.08.2023

Issue 4 (214), article 3


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 4(214)

Melnychenko A.S., PhD Student,
the Pattern Recognition Department

Vodolazskyi Ye. V. , PhD Engineering,
Senior Researcher, the Pattern Recognition Department

International Research and Training Center for Information
Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Science
of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
40, Acad. Glushkov av., 03187, Kyiv, Ukraine


Introduction. Restoration of damaged images is a long lasting problem that currently does not have a generalized solution. Many methods which are being used nowadays are damage type specific, which means that for each case of damaged image an algorithm must be picked by a human. A state of the art generative algorithms, which may handle many of the damage types, still lack the precision and require huge training datasets. Thus an algorithm that is able to handle most common damage types and does not demand lots of time and computational power is still in need.

The purpose of the paper is to research the current state of the art algorithms that solve texture missing part generation problem as well as to propose a new method, which might provide both precision and ease of use for solving said problem for most of the damage types using the same approach.

Methods. Research and analytics are used for processing found literature on the topic to substantiate the main approaches and best practices for the solution of the texture missing parts generation problem. As for purposed method, Gibbs sampling is used as a means of generating missing pixels of the image. Some additional algorithms, which might be used to generate probabilistic distribution for sampler and the means of getting the pixel value from the sampling process, are mentioned in the article itself.

Results. State of the art approaches for solving texture missing parts generation are analyzed and compared. Main groups of generative, texture reparation, gradient filling and combined methods are described and compared. New method for generating missing parts of the texture based on statistical analysis of the scene images is proposed. The generation of the pixel values in said method is based on Gibbs sampling. The first results of purposed method with patch based probabilistic distribution generation are shown.

Conclusions. The proposed Gibbs sampling based method is able to provide results, which are comparable with those generated by other modern methods. As a future work, it is planned to develop new more sophisticated and precise patches matching algorithms as well as to research other methods of both generating probability distribution and gathering pixel value from the sampling process.

Keywords: Gibbs sampling, texture restoration, image restoration, patches matching

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Received 03.10.2023

Issue 4 (214), article 2


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 4(214)

Popov I.V., PhD Student,
Junior Researcher of the Intelligent Control Department,

Lakhtyr D.A., PhD Student,
Juniour Researcher of the Intelligent Control Department,,

International Research and Training Center for Information
Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Science
of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
40, Acad. Glushkov av., 03187, Kyiv, Ukraine


Introduction. The construction industry actively uses new technologies and tools, in particular, the technologies of intellectualization of management of data collection, using various types of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The development of these technologies is not an exception, on the contrary, it is actively used, both as part of the building information modeling system as well as without full integration into similar information complexes. To improve the effectiveness of quality control and monitoring, methods of using drones of various types to collect data for creating BIM models have been created. 3D models of buildings are created with the help of drones using active LIDAR (Light Identification, Detection and Ranging) sensors, which require the use of surface reconstruction algorithms from point clouds. The article provides an attempt to research algorithms, combinations of algorithms, and approaches to their combination when applied to intelligent systems based on UAVs.

The purpose of the paper is to investigate surface reconstruction algorithms from a cloud of points obtained using methods of laser terrain scanning and analysis of visual data obtained from an unmanned aerial vehicle and to determine the conditions for their effective combined use for building information modeling technology and approaches to their combination when applied by intelligent systems based on UAVs.

Justification of the criteria for choosing combinations of algorithms and assessment of the perspective of their further research and improvement for tasks related to the features of the use of various types of unmanned aerial vehicles as a means of creating multidimensional models of building and infrastructure objects.

The results. Algorithms for the reconstruction of surfaces from a cloud of points obtained using the methods of laser terrain scanning and analysis of visual data obtained from an unmanned aerial vehicle were studied. The conditions for their effective combined use for building information modeling technology and approaches to their combination when applied to intelligent systems based on UAVs were defined.

The criteria for selecting combinations of algorithms were substantiated and the prospects of their further research and improvement were assessed for tasks related to the specifics of using various types of unmanned aerial vehicles as a means of creating multidimensional models of building and infrastructure objects.

Conclusions. The use of a single surface reconstruction algorithm to create multidimensional BIM simulation models cannot be considered optimal. The conducted review shows that for the optimal solution of this problem, it is necessary to continue research in this direction. This will avoid excessive demands on the computing power of BIM systems when modeling a geometric shape while preserving properties and details with minimal data loss.

Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle, building information modeling, LIDAR, surface reconstruction, visual data, digital object models.

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15 Dobrina Boltcheva, Bruno Lévy. Simple and Scalable Surface Reconstruction. (Research Report) LORIA – Université de Lorraine; INRIA Nancy. 2016

Received 14.09.2023

Issue 4 (214), article 1


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 4(214)

Gladun A.Y.1, PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor,
Leading Researcher of the Department of Complex Research 
of Information Technologies and Systems,,

Rogushina J.V.2, PhD (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor,
Senior Researcher of the Automated Information Systems Department,,

Pryima S.M.3, DSc (Pedagogy), Professor,
Professor of the Computer Science Department,,

1International Research and Training Center for Information
Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine

2Institute of Software Systems of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine

3Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University,
66, Zhukovskogo street, Zaporizhzhia, 72312, Ukraine


Introduction.  The paper examines the issue of reusing ontological knowledge in semantic analytical and informational web-oriented systems and analyzes the problems that arise in the process of searching for and exporting such knowledge from external ontologies. It proposes to create a repository of complex information objects, which should expand the functionality of services provided by ontology repositories, and provide opportunities to search for elements of such ontologies at the content level, taking into account the semantics of the relationships between them. The work states the basic requirements for such a repository, analyzes the technologies that can be used to replenish it, and offers some examples of areas of its practical use. The proposed approach consideres on a practical example of the creation of a semantic directory for finding educational materials, which is oriented towards functioning in an open web environment and exporting information from external sources. The prototype of the system is implemented on the basis of the semantic extension of wiki technology, and the elements of the structure of complex information objects processed in the system are obtained from relevant external ontologies.

The purpose of the paper is to develop algorithms and methods of using formalized ontological knowledge of the subject area for the creation of applied semantically oriented information and analytical systems, to export knowledge from external ontologies, to create a repository of complex information objects with extended functionality of services.

The results. Development of the concept of a repository of complex information objects for applied systems of artificial intelligence, which provides a search for instances of various ontological classes connected by certain types of semantic relations. Improvement of existing functionalities of ontology repositories due to export of knowledge about the structure of CIO from external sources of knowledge and semantically marked documents. The developed algorithms and methods of creating repositories of complex information objects make it possible to analyze complex collections of different classes of information objects, interconnected by relationships, restrictions and rules for semantic analytical and informational web-oriented systems. The basic requirements for the repository are formed and the method of its replenishment is presented. The obtained results make it possible to create original intelligent information systems for artificial intelligence in the field of big data processing, cyber security, competence analysis when creating professional groups for the implementation of an innovative project, human resources management, finance and business, for companies that work with dynamically changing content of documents (jurisprudence , standardization, state authorities), national security, defense and military spheres.

Conclusions.  The proposed original approach, algorithms and method for improving the repository of complex information objects, expanding its functionality and ensuring its replenishment due to the export of knowledge from external sources (Wikipedia, encyclopedias, dictionaries, repositories of scientific publications, directories) and semantically marked documents and tracking dynamic changes occurring in these sources and documents. A prototype of the semantic web-oriented system “e-Textbook” is created, which ensures the selection of relevant textbooks for teachers and students of educational institutions for work programs of educational disciplines. The application of ontologies and data in the “e-Textbook” system based on the semantic analysis of metadata and the determination of the semantic similarity of structural data models (ontologies, data) and the formation of a ranked set of related ontologies to solve the tasks.

Keywords: wiki, knowledge-oriented information resource, ontology, formal ontology model, intelligent information system, ontology repository, complex information object.

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Received 30.08.2023

Issue 4 (214)


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Informatics and Information Technologies:

Gladun A.Ya., Rogushina J.V., Pryima S.M.
Complex Information Objects Repository as a Component of the Semantic Analitic-Information Web-Oriented Systems Development

Popov I.V., Lakhtyr D.A.
Algorithms and Methods for Surface Recunstruction of Freeform Shape Infrastructure Objects for Building Information Modelling

Melnychenko A.S., Vodolazskyi Ye. V.
Texture Missing Parts Generation Based on Image Statistical Analysis

Intelligent Control and Systems:

Aralova N.I., Radziejowski P.A., Radziejowska M.P., Aralova A.A.
Itelligent Decision-Making Support Technologies Regarding the Optimization of the Physical Training of Military Servicemen

Medical and Biological Cybernetics:

Kutsiak O.A., Vovk M.I., Matsaienko A.M.
Information Technology for Efficient Recovery/Correction of Muscle Activities for Motor Task Performance

Information Notices. Prominent Scientists of Ukraine:

V.I. Grytsenko: The foundation and development of information technologies

Issue 3 (213), article 5


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 3(213)

Kalnysh V.V., DSc (Biology), Professor,
Professor of the Department of Aviation, Marine Medicine and Psychophysiology,

Ukrainian Military Medical Academy
45/1,b 33, Knyaz Ostrozki st., Kyiv, 01011, Ukraine


Introduction. The increased psycho-emotional stress significantly affects the working capacity of the population and the fighting capacity of military personnel, which indirectly affects the level of well-being of the entire population of Ukraine. Therefore, assessing the psycho-emotional stress on the working population and comparing it with indicators in other countries of the world will contribute to the development of adequate measures to reduce it. 

The purpose of the paper is to identify the prerequisites for the formation of stress reactions in the working population and military personnel in the event of hostilities escalation in our country, using informational approaches to the analysis of the psycho-emotional stress impact on the condition of the working population and military personnel of Ukraine. 

The results. The analysis of data from publicly available information sources made it possible to show that a significant degree of the psycho-emotional state of military personnel is formed on the basis of a high background level of stress load of the working population, which had a significant impact in the last decade. This was objectively reflected in the natural reduction of the country’s population, significant distortion of the structure of its traumatism and became the cause of informational and material transformations in the population. It was established that the index of population stress (IPS) used in the analysis, which assesses the asymmetry of deaths of persons of different sexes in their life activities, naturally increased during the period of intensive socio-economic transformations in Ukraine. The analysis of IPS dynamics showed that the working population can be divided into a separate group, where the socio-economic status influence on psycho-emotional stress in the population can be monitored to a greater extent. It is shown that IPS levels are unevenly distributed in different countries of the world. Among these countries, Ukraine is characterized by a high asymmetry in the mortality ratio of men and women. Based on the theory of sex’s asymmetry V.A. Geodakyan explained some mechanisms of balancing the mortality of men and women of working age. Approaches to the development of timely administrative state decisions by implementing monitoring of the psycho-emotional stress of the working population are proposed. 

Conclusions. The used index of population stress makes it possible to monitor the dynamics of the psycho-emotional stress transformation of the working population and, indirectly, of military personnel. Ukraine belongs to the countries with a “high” level of the population stress index, which indicates the existence of ultra-intensive transformations in the livelihood of its citizens. Organizational measures that will contribute to the development of adequate management solutions to normalize the psycho-emotional stress level of the working population and military personnel are proposed.

Keywords: information approaches, population stress index, psycho-emotional stress, structure of traumatism, socio-psychological processes, working population, military person.
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1. Newport F. Americans’ Confidence in Institutions Edges Up. Gallup. 2017. June 26. URL:

2. Paterson P. Measuring Military Professionalism in Partner Nations: Guidance for Security Assistance Officials Journal of Military Ethics, 2019, 18.2, pp. 145-163.

3. Raudeliūnienė J., Tuncikienė Ž., Petrusevicius R. Competency assessment of professional military service in lithuanian armed forces. Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues. 2013, V. 3(1), pp. 61-71.

4. Kalnysh V., Nahorna A. Psychoemotional strain and phenomenon of “men and women mortality ratio” in the age aspect. J. of ecology and health. 2011, no 5, pp. 230-236.

5. Dicker D., Nguyen G., Abate D., Abate K.H., Abay S.M., Abbafati C., Abbasi N., Abbastabar H., Abd-Allah F., Abdela J., Abdelalim A. Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality and life expectancy, 1950-2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. The Lancet, 2018, 392(10159), pp. 1684-1735.

6. Statistical yearbook of Ukraine for 2019. Under the editorship I.E. Werner. K.: State Statistics Service. 2020, 463 p. (in Ukrainian).

7. Nagorna A.M., Kalnysh V.V., Radionov M.O., Kononova I.G. Industrial injuries in Ukraine: epidemiological analysis and challenges of time. Environment and health. No.: 2 (107), 2023, pp. 4-15(in Ukrainian).

8. Human Development Indices and Indicators. 2018. Statistical Update.

9. Kotsan I. Ya., Lozhkin G. V., Mushkevich M. I. Psychology of human health. Lutsk: RVV – Vega. Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University, 2011, 430 p. (in Ukrainian)/

10. 10.Kalnysh V., Nahorna A. Psychoemotional strain and phenomenon of “men and women mortality ratio” in the age aspect. J. of ecology and health. 2011, no 5, p. 230-236.

11. Geodakyan V. A. Sexual dimorphism. In: Evolution and morphogenesis. (Mlikovsky J., Novak V. J. A., eds.), Academia, Praha, 1985, p. 467-477.

12. Vigen Geodakian Two Sexes. Why? The Evolutionary Theory of Sex. Wilmington, 2012, 246 p.

Received 06.06.2023

Issue 3 (213), article 4


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 3(213)

Kozak L.M., DSc (Biology), Senior Researcher,
Leading Researcher, Medical Information Systems Department,

Kovalenko O.S., DSc (Medicine), Professor,
Head of Medical Information Systems Department,

Surovtsev I.V., DSc (Engineering), Senior Researcher,
Head of the Ecological Monitoring Digital Systems Department,

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies
and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkova av., Kyiv, 03187, Ukraine


Introduction. Currently, the exchange of medical information between healthcare facilities, data repositories, various mobile devices operating in a mobile medicine or telemedicine environment and patients is becoming increasingly important. 

Digital transformation in healthcare includes the use of electronic health records (EHR) in practical medicine, the information technologies creation for processing complex medical information using artificial intelligence, the telemedicine systems construction and the development of medical devices, software modules and mobile applications that completely change of the interaction between medical care providers, and the way of decisions regarding physicians` plans for diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and disease prevention. 

Currently, in order to increase the effectiveness of preventive measures against a wide range of diseases, there is an urgent need to develop environmental control systems and devices built using modern wireless technologies, cloud services and mobile communication systems. 

The purpose of the paper is to analyze the main requirements and components of information flows for obtaining and exchanging digital medical and environmental data and implement them in information and software modules for obtaining, saving and exchanging this information for further analysis. 

The results. Today, all health information operations directly depend on the level of interoperability in the healthcare industry, that is, the ability of different information systems, devices and applications to access, exchange, integrate and share data in a coordinated way to ensure timely and seamless information exchange and optimize the process of providing medical care. 

To ensure the appropriate level of interoperability, a set of characteristics has been formed for each subject/object of interaction, consistent with its role function in the process of medical data exchange. An adaptive architecture of the digital medicine ecosystem has been developed, which enables the integration of data exchange tasks between participants using web services. 

According to the target function, several groups of information flows are identified, which are implemented during the interaction of the main participants in the provision of medical care: patient — physician, patient — health facilities, physician — physician. Based on taking into account the role and ways of transferring personal medical information between participants, an algorithm for the exchange of personal medical data was created. 

The selected basic characteristics of the digital medical data exchange process and the requirements for the structure and functions of the information and software tools supporting this process are implemented in the information and software modules for saving and exchanging clinical information. 

Conclusions. Software modules should implement one of the main functions of the digital medicine ecosystem and environmental monitoring — obtaining, storing and exchanging digital medical data that circulates between ecosystem participants. The main feature of such exchange and storage is the implementation of the principles of interoperability, which makes it possible to quickly and efficiently perform similar functions. and environmental monitoring — receiving, saving 

The developed information and software modules of various purposes implement the methodology of activities in the digital medicine ecosystem with various software applications to create a unified information environment with the placement of a database on the health status of patients on any storage, in particular, cloud storage.

Keywords: digital medicine ecosystems, electronic medical records, disease risks, determination of concentrations of toxic chemicals, interoperability, information flows, data analysis methods, information and software modules, measurement sensors. 
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Received 29.04.2023